MTG: Creatures

>MTG: Creatures
>Yugioh: Monsters
>Hearthstone: Minions

which game did it best?




Minions is the best term, feels less restrictive.

What is the best general term for "one and done" cards? Should minions that do something once on cast be just minions, or a dual type?





Hearthstone is an RNG fucking Fiesta and the devs haven't actively changed cards often since the damn beta, but it's nomenclature is very good and USUALLY intuitive.

ETB effects are Battlecries, enters graveyard/dies effects are Deathrattles, triggered effects have a little lightning bolt symbol that lights up when condition is met and then effect occurs. Divine shield is a fun mechanic.

why doesn't MTG have keywords for ETB/dies yet?

Too many key words. They are trying to use as much casual lingo as possible.

They still have issues with the "attacks" trigger and "attacking" state.

also, etb!=on cast, and dies!=leaves the board, so you'd need 4 keywords for those

etb is much more common than cast, having 1 keyword just for etb would be enough

Every other card game
>man, let me tell you about the game I just played. He played this card, and then I played this card, and there was an interaction.

>man, yogg summoned a piloted shredder and summoned something towtally wacky when he killed it and then something even WACKYUR happened huehuehue.

Pic related, it's magic's metaphor for hearthstone. Scrambleverse is funny the first time you play it, then the novelty of letting the game play itself for a few minutes gets old.

Less restrictive than "creatures"? Minions imply slavery, and slavery is more restrictive than summoning mana constructs.

>When ~ shindlebops
>"What the fuck is shindlebops? "
>It's the word for "Enters the battlefield"
>"why not just say, 'Enters the battlefield'?"

At least Magic has a good middle ground between idiotic grammar and YGO s problem of every card must have self-contained explaination. When I started playing Hearthstone, i was confused for about an hour trying to figure what shit meant.

>sent to their deaths for a literal game
>not a minion

I don't understand what you're saying.

It's okay, you're just retarded.

I'm a fan of "Units" even if it does come off video gamey.

What game does this besides cardfight?

Probably creature, though minions is pretty close

Out of those three, minions is the best in my opinion. Literally anything could be a minion, from a giant dragon to a foot soldier to a sentient insect.

Hearthstone but it's an RNG fuckfest that just gets worse and worse with every expansion so it's not like it matters

Un'Goro is like a million times better than the last two expansions though. Every class has at least one viable deck, usually more, and the braindead aggro decks are only 'okay' rather than a steamroll.

what are you on about
it's literally quest vs aggro at the moment

also druid and priest are completely shit
so are warlocks other than zoo

He can't understand HS
He is sub 70 IQ

haha what the fuck

there's literally only 1 good quest deck (warrior)

everything else is a good mix of aggro/midrange/control

Druid has a tier 2 aggro deck

>there's literally only 1 good quest deck (warrior)
what on fucking earth am I reading

does 5/5 spam quest rogue not exist in your little world?

But I heard rogue quest is 1 star :(

I would say creatures is the best term, but then English is not my native language. And "minions" sound like my language word for "cute".

and Dr.Boom is unplayable

rogue quest is hot garbage only good at the start of the expansion for shitting on unrefined decks. I know because I crafted it day 1 and got to rank 3 before the sheer amount of pirate warriors, egg druids, taunt warriors, and aggro pallies overwhelmed me. Any deck that 100% hard loses to aggro decks it not a good deck.

This is an article full of retarded hearthstone players.
You want a Pay to win TCG ? WICH FURTHERMORE IS RULLED BY RNG-goddess?


But for casual play hearthstone is far worse than cancer man...

MTG >> HS.

To answer the actual subject
Creatures did the best.
Why ?
Let's see the three def:
>Creature :
used to refer to a life form that is unusual or imaginary
any imaginary frightening creature, especially one that is large and strange
>Minion also slave:
a person who is not important and who has to do what another person of higher rank orders them to do.

Mtg did great for their game, so as yugioh, I mean you don't always have big fat monsters but even fairies can be frightfull in the hands of a pro.

BUT HS ???
Sincerely, stop playing HS, except if you are a slave to blizzard.....................

Priest is perfectly fine. Even dragon priest is fine.

In my games my minions always die so I can live on. I send them to their deaths every turn I deem it valuable and care little for their life unless they are killing my opponent.

Seems like slavery to me.

You don't cherish any of your card ? all your crea arn't sandbags to takes hit for you, except walls.
But got damit walls arn't living.

...what can't be a creature in Magic that would be a Minion? Dragons? Elves? Insects?

>Aquarian Age: Breaks

Minions and Monsters can be types of creatures but not vice versa.

Altough I prefer Summoner War's "Unit" since it's and even broader category.

What restrictions do creatures have compared to minions?

you seem mad

Shadowverse - lolis

creatures strongly implies non-human things. Calling a human a creature is just odd

Not really humans are called creatures all the time.
>Beautiful creatures
>Creature of habit
>Creature comforts

Codex does it.

creatures can be used to refer to anything, but the connotation is particularly for nonhumans. Dictionary first definition is "an animal, especially a nonhuman"

And creatures doesn't refer to constructs or spirits really. It is a somewhat narrow term.

Morde is best waifu.