So I want to build a world in which an old industrial town gets transported to a lost contineant where dinosaurs and...

So I want to build a world in which an old industrial town gets transported to a lost contineant where dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts live but I have several questions I'm hoping you guys can answer.

1, what would the best system to run this by? GURPS? or something else

2. What creatures outside of the obvious T-rex, woolly Mammoths should be included

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GURPS is good for a mashup game. Especially "Guns vs Dino's". Hit up the general thread for tips

After the players and their community depopulate the local herbivore herds and such, make sure they're encountering more desperate Hunter species after. This also conveniently allows you to scale up encounter power level from docile herbivores up to voracious carnivores.

And don't worry about by the book dino species encounters. Give em mammoths. And sabre cats. And T-Rexes. And velociraptors! Versimilitude will be based upon FUN not HISTORY


I plan on it. Like I said it's a lost world where creatures from the Devonian to the 10,000 still live.

And I take a look at the Gurps thread

1. GURPS is fine

2. Use some lesser known species to help mix things up. Stomatosuchus is good choice, Yutyrannus is a mini Tyrannosaurus which has loads of potential

Another thing to keep in mind, despite what JP says, T-Rex had some the best eyesight of any animals that has ever existed, that alone has loads of potential.

How do they know how good its eyesight was?

GDW came out with a Cadillacs and Dinosaurs RPG back in 1990. Maybe it's in the PDF threads.

Binocular vision, and how it's skull is perfectly suited for it allowing for seeing in great distances, not to mention it's relatively comparable to modern birds of prey.

Lets stop there before feather autism starts up

I'll take a look

just gonna drop this here, might be semi-related

It was also the first thing that came to my mind.

Scale autism you mean, but I agree stopping it here

What should some objectives of the party be?

Budding industrial towns need a source for timber, ore, food and water. Farmland cleared of stuff, sources of regular chemicals for making powder, lye, etc. Basic base building stuff. Which means constantly encountering the surroundings and wildlife.

Things might devolve quickly to Spears and arrows if powder isn't rationed. And get ready for folks to setup still and make hooch, within the day of being transported.

I was thinking of a more modern town industrial town.

>I was thinking of a more modern town industrial town.

Which would be in even worse straits. A modern industrial town would require far more specialized imports than a Victorian one.

Right like I was thinking that one of the first missions the party could do is to find and secure the gas in the town

speaking of eyes

If you want some ideas for creatures, I highly recommend the Destroyermen series. Pretty much that idea - WW1/2 tech dumped into a world where no extinction event took place, and stuff kept evolving up until 1942.

