The BBEG has devised a completely retarded economic system to ruin all the surrounding nations

>The BBEG has devised a completely retarded economic system to ruin all the surrounding nations

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The good guys are distinguished by having a moderate version of the retarded economic system.

But the only thing that saves the good guys are the parts they got from a completely opposite economic system,and the nations that are adopting more of the BBEG's system are beign invaded by orcs

>The BBEG has devised a completely retarded economic system to ruin all the surrounding nations

The PC's reject communism and slay Lenin?

Fun fact: they knew perfectly well that would've been the result.



>The BBEG has devised a completely retarded economic system to ruin all the surrounding nations

The PC's help get republicans elected, and things slowly go back to normal.

The PCs trigger sensetive tumblerinas

>tfw when it's a grimdark setting and elections can't change the deep establishment

Okay, where am I looking at?

Aral Sea, or what remains of it.

Before Communism/after Communism

>/pol/ has been put in charge of spelling

is your BBEG Robert Mugabe?

More like before Communism/under Capitalism

Rhodesians never die...

*Tips fedora*

>communist countries destroy the enviroment in pursuit of industrial wealth
>eastern europe is still ruined from communist policy
>china is fucked with smog and desertfication

N-no, only capitalism is bad!

That's a cowboy hat you nonce.

>eastern europe ruined

Ok i concede china and aral sea points but what the hell is ruined in nature in eastern europe? Thats one of the few places left in europe with untouched wilds and beautiful lakes. God knows you arent finding that in Great Shitstain or France.

You do know that if they stopped draining the rivers that flow into the Aral sea it would fill back up right? And that they don't because farmers have come to rely on the water?

Chernobyl fallout?

>What are the Scottish Highlands?
Don't make shit up.

If we're talking exclusively about manmade enviromental disasters you will find them happening in the most diverse government systems

The Atlantic Jungle was ravaged under colonialism, monarchism, republicanism and dictatorship

It was only in the last 30 years that the government started to care about it.

But Scotland is disgusting and filled with Scots.

Are they, truly?


t. Nova Scotian

Sadly yes, we are a foul and miserable race but we are however blessed with a beautiful country and people are considerably better away from Glasgow.

They dumped waste all over the place and used coal plants and worse energy sources that polluted the place. No enviromental protection either. Only untouched forests in eastern europe are situated at the borders where commies built walls. The Soviet Union was essentially Isengard that pillaged nature to produce tools of war to fight Nato.
Western Europe was decent protection of the enviroment while Eastern Europe shits all over the place, they produce all the waste that pollutes the baltic sea dince they just dump their industrial waste in the water.

Is it a surprise that a political ideology that doesn't value human life or liberty also gives zero fucks about nature?

I want to go full Treebeard on all the stinking industrial commies (then the decadent west for their consumerism).

The nature of Scots is extremely useful in keeping Scotland a pristine and beautiful country.
If they didn't exist then everyone would want to live there.

My point was to lecture communist idiots that their beloved ideology was a blight on nature and not free of blame.



Forests are drastically overestimated desu

Also China has been suffering natural disasters since they know themselves as Chinese.

The Yellow River, China's Nile, is also known as "The Scourge of the Han" is known to wipe millions of people whenever it floods.

I can't speak for the first one in the list, but i know for certain that one of the main reasons the second flood happaned was thanks to years of deforestation by the Qing Empire

Governments of basically any kind can't into environmentalism.

Nah, Scots are alright. Some of the urban areas can be pretty scabby but the islands and Highlands certainly aren't.

Same goes for Wales, the West Country, Cumbria, more. Don't listen to some random fatass in a MAGA cap typing over stolen wi-fi from his trailer.

What does Trump and Trump supporters have to do with hating Scots?

Obviously, because when you have to weigh crippling poverty, hunger and the threat of war against some trees, the trees suddenly stop looking so important

>Republicans are good guys

>republicans aren't good guys

Even China doesn't like the chinese.
Though I feel like this explains why they're so adamant about keeping tibet. It's not (only) because they want as much land as they can, but because they're afraid their enemies will just melt the ice up there a bit extra and end up killing millions of chinamen

The Japanese shogunate actually made policy to stop deforestation and that's why Japan is so heavily forested today.

Republicans are not the good guys, they do not have your best interests in mind. Of course neither do the Democrats. No major political party can be described as good.

Unless the trees are made of valuable wood or grow fruit. Then they're important trees

The West did this too.

Go to bed Jill Stein

I don't doubt that Republicans are only trying to do the right thing and act in the best interests of Americans, but I find many of their opinions on social issues to be morally repugnant, downright unacceptable even. Sure they should be allowed to hold such opinions and base their social lives around them, that's fine. That's what freedom is. The problem is they're always trying to make their backwards immoral opinions into laws and infringe the freedoms of others.

True, but most forests aren't made up of one tree specially tropical forests, and it's usually more profitable to clear up the forest and plant only that valuable tree.

The west genocided the buffalos. We - i mean the Buffalo are majestic creatures that should not have been hunted out! Also they do not have delicious meat.

The dems ain't exactly free of guilt either. Though they DID decide to skip the whole "Due proccess of law" thing and jump straight to what's essentially mob rule.

See thats the thing, in their eyes (and in the eyes of their supporters) its the Democrats that hold morally repugnant views, and are trying to constantly hammer them into law and force them onto people.

What opinion you hold depends on what your sense and values of morals are. Maybe you think abortion is murder? Then you would think all democrats are morally bankrupt.

Vice-versa you think that gay mairrage should be a right in every state. Hence you think republicans are heinous bigots. Etc etc.

Anarcho--Capitalism is the best system. Society should be built upon voluntary, mutually beneficial transactions between consenting individuals, and legislation should be determined by regional consensus. Authoritarianism, Corporatism, and Socialism are a blight on society and actively stifle human nature. Prove me wrong.

Your post violates the NAP.

>The OP forgets that the arrival of capitalism in 1990 drained the lake for cotton after reversing the Soviet damage.

It would probably be much easier to just split up again, but this time peacefully. If we could agree as a country that we have irreconcilable differences and just go our seperate ways everyone would be a lot happier.

Aye but the point is that communism does not value humans or nature, only industry.

You shouldn't, they are both market-based economies.

You can't properly enforce the NAP without a 'state'.
Humans start inventing hierarchies pretty sharpish when they're placed in anarchy.

We need an ancap rpg.

Probably GURPS can do it, unless you want to homebrew.

Because you just describe anarchy with a socialist economy, numb nuts.

>The point is that capitalism does not value humans or nature, only profit.

See, I can make sweeping generalizations too.

Now if only they held themselves to the same standard.

Have you not heard of Eclipse Phase?

Environments are a luxury good. Pre-industrial regions aren't coordinated enough to be capable of affecting it deliberately, significantly. Industrializing countries don't care about it. Industrialized care about it enough to spend resources on and protect it.

Conservationism is an (important) frivolity compared to the here-and-now. However, once the here-and-now is taken care of you, you had better start worrying about tomorrow.

Hanford was never as bad as Mayak/Techa/Karachay.

>Prove me wrong.
Human nature makes An-Cap impossible.

both parties are mostly neutral, with scant individual extremists, and if anything are on a law-chaos spectrum, you walnuts

If floran isn't the username that artist goes by then I will be very cross with you.

*tips roboto helm*

With economical system based on labor theory of value? Meh.

The only thing any government/economy cares about is staying in power, all other things are secondary. The real goal is to make staying in power synonymous with caring for the people and the land, something that both of those systems fail at. Even then, the system won't last because eventually some evil asshat will exploit some loophole to change it or personal gain.

Why HASN'T Uzbekistan been invaded over this? Isn't Kazakhstan more prosperous and also friendlier with Russia?

I only just now realized I was posting on the same thread. Consider these two posts to be of the same author

How about an actual argument?

> What are extended families and democratic settlements, the post

How does Anarcho-Capitalism result in a socialist economy? There's no government to dictate the economy or restrict the rights of individuals, Socialism is impossible.

How so? For most of our existence we've lived in anarchic tribal societies, how is today any different?

It is very hard to write a set of functional rules that cannot be exploited and abused.

republics or monarchies are good, unless people are dumb enough to allow themselves to be disarmed.
Democracy doesn't have a succession failsafe.
King would never willingly fuck up the country for his descendant.
Meanwhile obongo kept issuing last minute executive orders to make the job harder for Trump.

>The BBEG, while a god-like presence on the battlefield, prefers to force nations to peacefully capitulate to him by undercutting their nation's economy
>In his own evil country, the BBEG institutes unparalleled workplace reforms, promoting both the on-job physical health of his subjects as well as their mental and emotional health off the clock
>He also strikes many fair trade with the skilled craftsmen of other countries, offering to buy out their services to keep their traditional trades alive (which were, in the ever modernizing world, falling behind and on the verge of extinction)
>BBEG emancipates the slaves of his county and all countries he "conquers", reforming the trades which formerly operated on slave labor into feudal serfdoms overseen personally by a hand-picked member of the BBEG's political cabinet
>Conquered nations retain their autonomy, but become a state in the empire and are thus, of course, politically subservient to the BBEG and his empire. They are still allowed to worship whatever gods they wish and speaking out against the tyranny of the BBEG is not only allowed, but respected as a form of free speech within the BBEG's empire.
What do you do as Paladin if you walk up to this guy and Detect Evil pings is shatters your eardrum? Do you smite based on deeds, or do you smite purely based on alignment?
What if he isn't planning something evil? What if he is?
What do you do, Veeky Forums?

>King would never willingly fuck up the country for his descendant.
You be shocked with the kind of shit real life monarchs did if you really believe that.

>King would never willingly fuck up the country for his descendant.
His descendant may be the fuckup.

Monarchy does have a single ruler in power for longer though, which means that they are accountable for the longer-term repercussions of their actions (or at least moreso than USA's max-8-years executive head).

>Meanwhile obongo kept issuing last minute executive orders to make the job harder for Trump.
Name one.

I'm not defending capitalism, fucking understand you dumb middle class wannabe communist.

His ultimate plan is to unleash a horrifying beast from another world unto this one. This beast is only known by one name, and only in terrified whispers, The Irs

>How so? For most of our existence we've lived in anarchic tribal societies, how is today any different?
Not the guy you were responding to, but for most of our existence we were hunter gatherers.
That kind of existence is possible but not if you want anything more advanced than basic agriculture. The Hmong are not known for their automobile factories.

this is true, and was already noted in the last sentence.
this, too, is true. however, the monarchy should have a failsafe in case the king is incompetent or, as referenced in the last sentence, an evil asshat

Sounds like unless I'm high enough level to have a direct line to god and some Solars, I'm not high enough level to be able to affect this at all.

It's called a guillotine, and installing a family member who's not a complete fuckup afterwards.

>"Muh not true scotsman", you communist are all the same.
>Unlike us.

You seem to have accidentally linked an executive order by @theDonald.

It was a Stalin-era program that cut off the sources of the Aral Sea

It was meant to reverse Obama's shit to combat global warming boogeyman.

Really? I thought this was the one where they tried seeding clouds with salt to solve a drought and wound up with a brief deluge and then a drought a dozen times worse.Maybe I'm getting them confused.

Nah man, the middle class kid from 1st world country who never lost all his possessions and half the family to communism surely knows how great of a system it is.
So great, that people set themselves on fire to show how awesome it is!

>global warming boogeyman
Nice to know you're a retard. I hope you choke on those coal fumes and die from contaminated water.

The fact that he wanted to undo something a previous president did (and apparently had no trouble doing it) seems like pretty minimal proof that, quote,
>>Meanwhile obongo kept issuing last minute executive orders to make the job harder for Trump.

Hunter-gatherers *are* anarchic tribal societies. Er, I suppose it's more accurate to call them meritocracies with no laws save broad moral guidelines derived from common consensus, which is my ideal society, and one to aspire to. I believe that capitalism is the only way to maintain such a society in the modern age, and as long as individuals are sufficiently well-trained, well-armed, and abide by noninterventionalist morals, there is no way an Anarcho-Capitalist society cannot function.

I believe that man-made global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the globalist cabal to restrict industry and distract our youth, allowing them to slowly implement a global totalitarian state.

Global warming is real, but what we're seeing now is a natural fluctuation in temperature. Human contribution to the greenhouse gas content in our atmosphere is negligible compared to routine volcanic eruptions.

You need to beLIEve in ""Science"" with no tangible proof, climate change is manmade and not cyclical!
Buy those lightbulbs!
And be grateful you don't need to sacrifice a virgin's heart for good crops.

EO 13754

Please explain for the class why you think this was written to hamstring @theDonald, who by all accounts, doesn't seem to need much help.

>Global warming is real, but what we're seeing now is a natural fluctuation in temperature. Human contribution to the greenhouse gas content in our atmosphere is negligible compared to routine volcanic eruptions.
Oh, is the right wing noise machine falling back to that lie again? Last election cycle they were all about denying warming was even happening.
The idea that humans don't cause climate destruction is pathetic and short-sighted and calling any action against it "shit to combat global warming boogeyman" just makes you look like a buffoon. When green energy was the fastest growing sector of energy, there was literally no reason to cut funding for it except to appease the fossil fuel industry whose lobbyists now control the government.
Pretend humans don't matter, all the science is against you on that, too.
Except for the literally tens of thousands of peer-reviewed research papers that are readily available with a simple google search to see all that truth for yourself.
But go ahead and keep drinking your red kool-aid.