What basic islands should I buy? Can't afford old full arts or gurus or whatever

What basic islands should I buy? Can't afford old full arts or gurus or whatever.

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Buy all of mine

only .25£ each

this one

Odyssey and Onslaught are great.

whichever are the cheapest
the all all do exactly the same thing
this frees money up to spend on fun cards

urza's saga



It's fun to have aesthetic matching basic lands though, mtg is a fashion show at heart

> Not adapting the basic lands to the theme of your deck.

so OP is a faggot confirmed?
unless this nigga is just dedicated to building a deck around his landbase.

In which case do something from scars of mirrodin block.
mirrodin besieged i remember having godawful lands, so itd be a fun challenge to make them look good.

Lorwyn #287


I vote Lorwyn


Whoa...I need to get those, love old school art styles.

All of John Avon's islands are pretty sexy.

Kamigawa panoramas are near and dear to my heart

Followed by Rise of The Eldrazi

Only if you're a special snowflake

Anything that has tap symbols, slanted T tap symbol or literally the word "TAP"

All other basic lands that do not have these criteria are INFERIOR with exception of Snow-Covered and Portal Three Kingdoms lands.

posting most beautiful island

this one

White boarder or full arts to make fetching easier. It's not about aesthetics, it's about functionality.

I prefer Unlimited.

Front side of Unlimited cards look in better condition than the back side. Even played ones look okay.

Easy to find when searching because of white border. Not utter garbage look like 5th edition and later shit.

Some semblance of pimping as they are old.

Affordable and relatively plentiful (compared to guru and the likes).

NM Beta basics would be my ultimate choice, but those are tougher to find.

Any that say "T: Add [mana] to your mana pool" instead of just having that huge mana symbol.

my nigga

Islands cards that actually show islands are objectively the best, OP. Don't buy non-island islands.