How to win Humans and Households?

Humans and households.

I just.
Don't even.

Seriously, I can't figure out how to not suck at this game.

The only thing I found that even sort of works is spending all my points on charisma and giving myself multiples of the "inheritance" perk, but my character always winds up dead from drug overdose or a prank gone wrong before he even hits 18. That's assuming that his low intelligence doesn't get him killed before then...

Anyone got any tips?

Other urls found in this thread:

Lose two Inheritence perks and put them in "Low-End Job Veteran" and "Straight Edge". Makes things way easier, although you will be missing a lot of situationals involving alcohol or drugs in case of emergency.

Give yourself average stats across the board with a slight emphasis on INT and get on a STEM career.

Bam, done.

But if my inheritance is that small, I might need to get a job at some point! Wouldn't that cause me to miss out on connection events like parties?

And then, at party's and hangouts that I do wind up being able to attend, straight edge gives massive penalties.

Seriously, how would this make things easier???

Not necessarily. You can attend work parties, where those negatives in fact work in reverse. A peculiar quirk of the system.

Roll a female with maxed cha.

Or alternatively just put every single thing you have into Bluff, and then run for president of the US. Then never use any action except bluff in response to everything.

Well are you playing with friends?
If so live together to cut down expensies
If not put every point into bluff and tactics and join the military
After your service us done become the US pres

The trick is to buy land.

You guys should check out this vid:

It's kinda related. "Offices and Humans." Just turn on English subs and you're set.

>pick several gamey disorders for points (narcicism, hates the lower class,lactose-intolerant)
>use extra points for a high inheritance, good connections
>slightly above average intelligence, high Charisma

Wham guaranteed top 1%

Then the fucking army puts a lien on it and I'm stuck selling lemonade to fucking soldiers.
Real service seems to be an onus in the presidential questline in the "After the Cold War" setting.

Alright fuckos, listen up: best and cheapest thing you can do is point a point or two in Cooking. Shit is a flat bonus for half the rolls you'll face.

Need to impress a potential mate? Cooking.

Want to bribe your coworkers without needing to roll Ethics? Cooking.

You don't need Profession: Chef or any of that shit. Just a point or two, literally, is all it takes to crack out some Licorice Merkins, or Stuffed Oxfords, or Strawberry Rohypnol.

It won't make you the life of the party on its own, but the guy who cooks still gets invited.

>Licorice Merkins, or Stuffed Oxfords, or Strawberry Rohypnol.

>Putting SE on a party build
You are the cancer killing H&H.

Use your parties for socialize rolls instead of chugging the hardest drugs on the menu every single time. You can't just expect to never crit-fail a toxin resist roll.

did you even read the wiki? Any "cooked item gives a temporary bonus to an associated skill." It's actually kind of broken. Those ones are 'Money, Connections, and Cha' if I remember correctly.

>Roll a female with maxed cha.

I'd rather not make the GM roll for harassment literally every time I step outside or go to work.

Might as well just slap Naive and Asking For It on there so you can get one-shotted and make a real character instead.


Focus your downtime on a crafting hobby or two instead of on Television Watching and Games. You'll get a bonus against Depression rolls and situational benefits regarding those hobbies' products, I recommend Back-Garden Farming and basic Carpentry

>GM roll for harassment
The simple answer is to stop making the dm roll for it. Unless your dm is a dick he'll just let those rolls go if you don't care about it.
and even then it's much better..... those groups.
My dad back in the day was playing in a group that was struggling to find a new dm after the old blightly stepped down.
things turned to shit pretty fast.
it's still going now, it's from what i've heard a pretty violent game
Not like the pure combat games some folks are running
not quite true.
In my game land is really fucking expensive and the currency really isn't worth anything.
it's a shit game and i think i might work to get into a different group when i get the chance.
point is, land isn't worth anything if nothing is worth anything.

I agree, socialize kills are the most important.
Intelligence is arguably as but you can take ignore if you have a good intuition.

>put all points in str as i level up
> a few in char
>doing pretty well
>find potions to increase str even more
>GM kills me in a sauna

I was going to make it....

Dude, STER potions give you a huge penalty on saves if you take too many of 'em. Actually, never use them. Once you start going to 40, you get such a huge penalty in Char and Con and you'll need to get a Lifestyle Shift.

In other words, you fucked up.

>brainlessly minmax for physique
>lol who cares about lifespan? Just dump it lel

You asked for this

My most recent character's whole premise is getting shit on because of the GM and his fucking random encounter table.

>I sleep at this inn for the night
>"Does your character know what a body smells like?"

>I spend my time working on Hobby:Videogames
>"Your console breaks"
>Alright, I guess I'll use the spare?
>That one also breaks

>While in my hometown, I will check up on my family
>Your mother has had approximately 1d20 boyfriends, and picked up 1d4 terminal diseases in your absence.

I look over my sheet, and I don't have the 'Strange Happenings' feature. Is this par for the course, or is my GM just a colossal autist for making tables like these? He seems to only bust them out when "Nothing has happened in a while" as well.

Yeah, your GM is a total dick.

That said, holy shit are his snacks amazing. He even made a Kobold themed stir fry. Still debating whether or not they are worth more moments like "Your dog has caught diarrhea, roll to see which piece of furniture it shuts on".

My GM already preordered "IT automation" splatbook. Apparently it will nerf STEM builds to the ground.
You will be left with the Crippling Depression disadvantage and College Debt.

I've heard about the kind of stuff they are introducing, and it rubs me the wrong way. The depression surge table is gonna fuck STEM so hard.

Should have rolled Plumbing or Carpentry for career