So I have been working on a ship for the past 7 months, since October, just got home recently...

So I have been working on a ship for the past 7 months, since October, just got home recently. I checked to see whats new in 40k, and I see a new edition is coming, sounds cool, but whats all this shit about the Gathering Storm and Guiliman coming back and theres new Marines?

What has happened to 40k in the last 7 months that I've missed?

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Go to the warhammer community site. That will get you caught up on 8th ed news. As for gathering storm...cadia went kablooei, Bobby G is up, The Eldar have a death god now, and it's time for a new crusade ro retake the galaxy.

a new eldar god rose to bring his toy priestess to abbaddons new(tm)-13th-crusade in time to grab some old mechanicus-dominus with one goal: bring back guilliman in a robosuit, kick the returned Magnus's but, steal Emps sword and bring forth NuMarines. Ah yea and cypher is somewhere in there too.

They advanced the plot finally.
If it's a good or bad way to do it is up to the individual.
My vote is for 'stop it with your blatant Chaos boner GW'

Start in January.

Magnus is back, the wolves are near extinct, everyone knows about the Dark Angels shenanigans now, Ynnead was kinda born and has an avatar and his own faction now, Biel-Tan blew up, Cadia blew up as well, Rawbooty Gorrillaman is back, took the emperor's flaming sword and became the leader of the imperium and made supah spess marines, slapped them to all chapters and probably got away with it because Spiritual Liege aaand the Eye is expanding at an alarmingly high rate due the fact that there's no more Pylons left. Also the Death Guard is guetting an update pretty soon, Mortarion included.
That and 8th ed is being released.

So what you're saying is they must construct additional pylons?

Fuck you
I laughed though

They've nailed the last nails in the coffin of the 40k we knew, ignoring the thematic core of the setting in a way that will be effectively irrevocable.

>thematic core of the setting

Haha what?

Probably should have said a thematic core, but it's always been "Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."

New Marines undercut one of the setting's core themes in a way that can't easily be swept under a rug.

Meanwhile, those of us who remember the old fluff are snickering at your cute little Grimdark.

That opening is the first thing in the RT rule book. How much older do you want?
It always had the grimdark, it just was more self aware about how over the top it was and wasn't afraid to be silly occasionally.

Have fun sucking that Grimdark cock.

Your time is over. Noblebright is way better than more hamfisted "grim darkness"

And yet a few months ago everyone was complaining at GW outright saying the Imperium was doomed and Chaos had already won.

Haven't read it. 30k BL has been mostly disappointing, but easy to ignore.

There's other settings for that. If you're not after grimdark there's heaps of other sci-fi settings. I won't have trouble finding a group that will stick to old lore, but it means I'm less excited about any new stuff from GW.

>people actually defend Bane Marines
What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have manlet complex?

if they released a new truescale Tactical squad, do you think people would have been less mad? They gave us a fluff reason to have both manlets and giraffes in the same army, and they did so because the last time they changed the size of marines people were assblasted

I think we're actually in the realm of Nobledark.

Why can't we have both in the setting though?

Assholes using fascistic methods because its still the best thing they can do. Fighting out of spite, out of anger, out of the belief they will not go gently.

And good people being a beacon of hope in the darkness, rising against the hopelessness because its the right thing to do. Because it is right and proper to fight the darkness, not kneel before it.

Best of all, the conflict between both ideals, the gritty and the inspiring.

>Grimdark is gone
>One of the largest, most established fortress planets got wiped off the map
>galaxy is literally split in half by the most horrific warpstorm since the one that killed off Mankind's golden age over 10,000 years ago
>Chaos has been emboldened and is lashing out on all fronts, sending all warzones into chaos as they are cut off and surrounded
>Meanwhile Xenos are riled up and moving in too, smelling blood in the water
>literally the only reason humanity isn't dead already is because the crons and Eldar stand to lose too much if Chaos wins, and the filthy xenos will undoubtedly stab mankind in the back the moment they can get away with it
>Several of the most important chapters in the Imperium have been devastated due to internal strife or unexpected enemies returning up to and including a fucking demon primarch coming back.
>Even the fucking Tau are lashing out as the new warpstorm snuffed out the firestorm in the Damocles gulf, allowing the Tau to move out with impunity

Yeah, sure is noble bright in here, absolutely.

This. Srsly how can you complain that grimdark is gone, where the empire is even more fucked then it ever was in the last couple thousands of years?

I don't think people properly capitilize what is exactly pissing them off; Sure, events that are happenning are drastic indeed.

People are pissed off about plot advancements and how much it is standing at stake now. We had a perfect status quo before, great setting for Your dudes and stories you could come up with yourself.

Victories of any kind did not change that status - Imperium still stands despite falling apart with more territory to spare, Chaos dicks around and backstabs itself all the time, Orks are having fun, Eldar are desperately trying to prolong their existance, etc etc. It all changed so suddenly. Scariest thing is that down the road it could easily end up with AoS-esque "chaos wins, fuck you all, restart the universe". Which would be total bullshit.

Well done. I hope you can manage to sleep tonight.

Thank you! I slept wonderfully, in fact.

>Victories of any kind did not change that status
And people bitched just as much that the status quo did not change.
>"chaos wins, fuck you all,
You mean what was stated to be the end sum of the setting since 3e?

>they think grimdark means BUT WE ARE LOSING STUFF

>hey guys, I haven't played warhammer fantasy in a few years, and I'm completely unable to look shut up on the internet. But what is this Age of Sigmar shit? When did they put space marines in fantasy?

Literally this same bait thread but now for 40k. Get ready for several more years of this shit

Yet, there's new marines, the Imperium wasn't at moments to midnight, heroes from before the fall return to lead us out of stagnation and disparity. The theme is different.

Also this.

And people told them then that it's a setting and not a story, that it's perched precariously on a precipice and that moving it forward without it plummeting to the dozen foretold deaths would cheapen it, etc. Not that the new writers got this either.