Good slurs to call the myriad races in your fantasy party?

good slurs to call the myriad races in your fantasy party?

im a half orc looking mainly for awful things to call my dwarven and elven party members

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Rockfuckers, Shorties, and Gnomes.
Furries, Pig ears, and Humans.

Ain't nothin' wrong with dwarves. They're handy, they don't take up much space. In fact, if you're short on space, you can stack 'em up.

Elves, fuck 'em. Even the Gods don't want 'em around. That's why they live so long, so they stay out of heaven longer.

Human's are ok. Useful as wheat. Can do a lot of stuff with wheat. Of course you gotta at least take the top part off and boil it, or grind it up and mix it up and cook it, or ferment it. And the parts you don't eat you can use to make your house, like thatch.

Halflings. No fun. Glare at 'em and they do what you want. Not even fun to push around they're so mushy.

Gnomes are the worst. Like elves but fat and short. And since being tall and thin is all elves are good for...

I know this isn't what you were looking for, but maybe you can start a barfight or two with these rants.


faggots is good for elves but not for polite company. Dandy if you want to be in polite company



Knife Eared, cake baking, dress wearing, girly sword swinging, higher than though, afraid to get dirty, berry munching fancy boy!

Ask for names of famous disgraced dwarves, and generally famous drow. Call your party members that constantly.

Say some rhyming gibberish and call it Orcish, translate it to stuff like "anvil-fucker".

Just mix up proper adjectives man, call a dorf "dainty" or "elegant", call an elf "stout" or "bulky"
Even better yet, since you're an orc, just complimenting the elf should put a knot in their bloomers "excellent fight blood-kin, you fight with the ferocity of a true Orc!"

this is perfect, actually. my guy is a bard that gets everyone all rowdy and ready to fight by insulting them and being passive aggressive. thanks user

genuinely laughed out loud, definitely using it

Also, when in doubt:

all your characters speak english anyway

>not just calling everyone niggers and faggots

any made up dipshit "insult" isnt going to have any punch and will just sound stupid

Found the human Fighter from Leveloneville.

Did you know human was an insult in my language?

I'm curious, OP, is this a real scientific explanation?


it was in my college level physics textbook so, take from that what you will. it was trying to demonstrate sound waves, and how power is related to amplitude.
i just thought the picture was fucking ridiculous and made me laugh.

you seem as unique as the language your character speaks
ie, common

If that's what you want, check out Don Rickles. Classic insult comedian who's actually funny.

knife ear is about as vulgar as it gets for elves

actually yes

in that case
take the Black Speech of Mordor,
run phrases through it,
add phlegm
and shout them where applicable

for example
Small Beard = Vogal Mikar
Stupid Head = Marr Kok
No Sack = Nar Thos

and if you're feeling adventures the standard Orcish greeting
"Ashdautas Vrasubatlat"
"Someday I will kill you"

>Knife Eared

Are people still trying with this? It was awful and nonsensical in Dragon Age, and now it's even more awful and lame with how bad that series turned out to be.

this should prove useful, bookmarking
much obliged

hey nigger. did you know nigger is an insult in my language?

Dwarves - dirty diggers

Forest nigger
Tunnel nigger
Mountain nigger
Tree nigger
Leaf nigger
Arrow nigger
Short nigger
Skinny nigger
Beer nigger
Beard nigger
Pansy nigger
Arrow chucker
and Double Nigger for Drows