Fate Systems (Core, Accellerated and so on) General! /fasg/

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Welcome to the now Reborn Fate Systems General.
This thread is dedicated to all people who want to discuss about this flexible and yet so powerful system.
If you are newfag, feel free to ask questions.
If you are a oldfag, feel free to discuss about your newest modification and/or setting.
Feel also free to share your campain stories as either a DM or Player.

This thread questions are:
>Did you ever felt the need to include another kind of dice/subsystem in your homebrew version of Fate?
>Did you ever feel the need to put other not standard stress types in your campain?

Other urls found in this thread:


I haven't gotten to play Fate and I guess part of it because I really liked their previous game Pace and Pace seems far more elegant to me since it doesn't use dice like Fate does. But I really, really apreciate how they've made epub versions of Fate and FAE. And I like how they're made a pocket mod version of FAE.

>12 bucks for a set of snowflake dice to play a bell-curved game when GURPS exists
>playing SJW systems where the devs donate to SJW causes
>playing a game where no character can even die without the player consenting
>ladder is full of nonsensical descriptors like "good" "great" "poor" and "mediocre" so the DM can just bullshit whether they succeed
>game has literal rules for fighting defensively and called shots despite being "narrative"
>massive ass book full of rules bloat

no thanks

bucks for a set of snowflake dice to play a bell-curved game when GURPS exists
At the start of the manual is it explained that you can just use a d6 to instead of a Fudge dice without any problem, I guess you have some d6 in your house user?
>playing SJW systems where the devs donate to SJW causes
>using SJW as a buzzword
>playing a game where no character can even die without the player consenting
That's just not true, if you receive damage and you cannot soak it using stress and conseguences, the enemy can do whatever it wants with you, even killing you and you don't need anybody permission for that.
>ladder is full of nonsensical descriptors like "good" "great" "poor" and "mediocre" so the DM can just bullshit whether they succeed
The words are meaningless per se, they are only for the flavor, the NUMBERS associated to them thou, are the important part, the GM cannot really bullshit anything, the rules about decrees of fail and success are clear, if you fail a test the GM would either make you fail or succeed with a cost, if you succeed, you succeed, if you have several degrees of success your players will have beneficial effects like ANY other game.
>game has literal rules for fighting defensively and called shots despite being "narrative"
So you are criticizing a system that was designed to face every situation for having decent combat rules?
If you want to make it more narrative based you can just remove that thing, but I feel like it's useless, because the combat isn't in any way heavy anyways.
>massive ass book full of rules bloat
Fate Core is about 300 pages, I guess that's standard for a core book of any kind, just think of a book about a generic system, Fate Accellerated is 50, FIFTY Pages. Both games can be set up with only the first 20.
Also calling it a "massive ass book full of rules bloat" is quite laughable by a GURPS player, because GURPS is really know to be a light and not confusing system at all!

That's just one solution that the book suggests, there are others, also literally nothing stops you from having a basic currency system with actual numbers, in my campain I use it.

>game has literal rules for fighting defensively and called shots despite being "narrative"
I'll also add one thing, there are plenty of games that are "narrative" but also have rules for combat, being narrative doesn't mean that you can improvise everything.
Now get out.

So how's the Dresden Files Accelerated development coming along? Last I saw it has some real promise to walk the line between FAE's super-lite spin and Core's extended framework.

What's the best character aspect you've ever seen?

It's shit

i wish you had spent a few bennies to make your pet rpg not such a fucking pile of shit or to remove the character flaw that makes you like shit games

either way

>That's just one solution that the book suggests, there are others, also literally nothing stops you from having a basic currency system with actual numbers, in my campain I use it.

I think he means Fate points. Some people sperg out really hardcore about such mechanics for... I'm not actually sure why.

Maybe you should have spent some of the points you have currently invested in shitposting on buying off the flaw that compels you to bitch about games you don't like in threads you're not obligated to be a part of.

Yeah, like I'm going to put stock in some anonymous two-word condemnation.
Use your words, user: WHY is it shit?

This is a discussion board, you shouldn't need people coaxing words outta you.

You're autistic

In a Tech Vs Magic setting one of my players wanted to have a character that was skeptical about Magic, but he was still interested about finding more, and discovering the truth.

Also, he had another aspect called "Living Flame" to indicate his constant need for chance and his hate for stasis, I found it to be quite appealing, sadly he changed his character for another one.

Just ignore the shitposter.

I don't even understand what could be wrong with Fate Points, they are balanced overall, and they reward intelligent role play while also making the story richer.

>I don't even understand what could be wrong with Fate Points
lol you realize that not understanding why normal people hate what you are doing is one of the primary symptoms of autism, right

>I don't even understand what could be wrong with Fate Points, they are balanced overall, and they reward intelligent role play while also making the story richer.

As far as I understand it, they see them (and other forms of benny, action point, edge, whatever) as an immersion breaker. Spending these out of game currency to affect outcomes or change the scene prevents them from being immersed in the game.

I think it's absurd, because you engage with the mechanics constantly in every game. Spending a fate point is no different from marking off damage on your sheet.

>being narrative doesn't mean that you can improvise everything.

No, but FATE had a strong and generic combat system and adding specific combat rules just fucks it up.

Isn't the word strong literally rape now though? It's toxic masculinity at the very least

>game has literal rules for fighting defensively and called shots despite being "narrative"
>massive ass book full of rules bloat

These are the important ones. They could have made the entire game a pamphlet like Risus, instead they decided to fuck everything up with needless complexity like 'skill pyramids' and stunts.

Who would want to play that garbage? All the shit you're calling bloat is what makes it a functional game.

>functional game

It functions smoothly. I have no idea what you cretins are bitching about.

Clearly making fun of the retardedly bad game you are desperately defending, tismo.

Again, I don't see what's wrong with the Combat System.
Also you are not obligated to have stunts and not even "skill pyramids" (i guess you are talking about the possibility to actually evolve Your character by improving His stunts)
Stunts just make a character unique while using his skills, but they are not obligatory.
Fate has literary one rule, you can make it as easy or complex as you want it to be while having the game still remaining functional, if you think that's bad then Fate isn't the game For you and you should just go and talk about Your favourite System in its thread.

Just ignore the shitposter user.

You shouldn't have tried, OP. I like Fate to, but threads here just don't fly. The hate is strong.

One of my players didn't like Mutants and Masterminds much at all, calling it finnicky and unstable. Considering the craziness of her character even when it comes to superhero levels and me just wanting to do it as freeform as I can without a system considering hyperpregnancy elements. What would this game do better? What are some problems that can arise that knowing about could prevent?

Can you be more specific about His/Her character?

Wow, look at him having a autism spasm.

Basically, female human/Crab Kaiju shapeshifter that had biological powers like Microbes that could Damage enemies and Heal Allies at the same time, Summon crabspawn, and was a very heavy as hell tank. So heavy sometimes that she'd become immobile from her summon power.

Jesus fuck that character sounds finicky.

A general for a game lots of people people hate lasts longer than a game which has a few fans but is mostly unknown or ignored. There hasn't been a new Eclipse Phase General in days, or a new Yog Sothoth General for weeks, but I foresee this thread getting at least 100 replies.

So she can
turn into Godzilla,
Make a healing/damaging field.
Summon allies.

Both systems can do this, both are built for wild and crazy.

If you make the crab spawn an Aspect like "Swarm them my brothers!" or "Minions! Get them to safety" they can do a lot of narrative things and be there to spend Fate.

Heal field sounds like a damage ability with a pair of stunts.
Stunt 1 makes all rolls with Crab Power skill into an AOE
Stunt 2 allows it to divide damage between healing and damage.

Shapeshifting is tricky in fate, because it can quickly become overpowered depending on how you do it. As long as each of the players has a power that rivals switching out your character sheet with one of a giant monster, then you shouldn't have any problems.

I massively prefer FAE with tweaked aspects to Fate.

Removes all the bloat, and I can still just add it back if I want.

Also, d6-d6 master race.

That, uh, sounds really simple to do in M&M. 3e, anyway. Costs a good chunk of points, but not actually hard to do.

>>Did you ever felt the need to include another kind of dice/subsystem in your homebrew version of Fate?
No. It's actually kind of hard for me to imagine a situation where I would. I'd be genuinely interested to hear what kinds of things folks have some up with.

>Did you ever feel the need to put other not standard stress types in your campaign?
That I've done. For example, I've had an economic stress track. There aren't a lot of situations where something like that has been necessary, but it's been fun when it's happened.

Well uh, the problem wasn't with the character, but rather the player felt like the game was bad in play. because of how damage and other rolls worked. To be honest it was really mostly my fault.

I like the system still and feel like it was really due to what I did rather than it (player was getting upset that high power level villain was causing trouble she couldn't prevent beforehand and figured she was going to die, so I ended up going overboard helping her by giving her what was essentially a free stun by one of her parent allies using a tremor Affliction to target Dodge, not realizing how badly that'd screw my boss).

But either way, I was wondering if this game would be an actual improvement because she has recommending it to me and she might run a campaign for me someday.

Not the user you are replying to.

It could work, but superheroing around with characters that weird feels like it'd be very finnicky in Fate. I always felt it's best for pulp heroes... like, intelligent gorilla with cyberarm = ok, DC superhero level of bullshit not as okay (except Batman, who is basically a pulp hero).

I'd give Worlds in Peril a read if I wanted narrative superheroing. The text-only version is up for free.

I use traditional dice in my Fate games all the time. Mostly to fuck with my players' heads.

In running Dresden, I've played with Hunger tracks before, and I'm adding a full-on Sanity track in addition to Mental for a Lovecraftian one (Mental serving as a grab bag, Sanity specifically referring to hallucinations and psychotic breaks).

It's a pretty fun system so of course there'll be anons bitching and complaining about it.

>hey guys I'm a retard and I've imagined playing this snowflake trash that nobody likes because nobody will play with me
You go girl

Since we're playing mostly Deponia, Malmsturm and our own settings we've been using a slightly adapted version of Fate and FAE.

rolepaly >>>> rollplay

I must have missed this response, but this seems like the most helpful!

And the character really only shapeshifts into variations of size and a specific kaiju form's traits, nothing like changing into dozens of different creatures entirely.

I like it, last time my group had a funny adventure with a hippie shaman high on shrooms, a cannibal with spasms and a sex viking.
Fun times!

What are some meta-things a machine goddess boss could do?
Stuff like changing aspects of player characters, filling all consequences with TILT, being immortal (without the players knowing) but instantly losing once four minuses are rolled.
Give me your creativity

>retarded metagame system
>affect it through in game character powers for a "boss fight"
Jesus christ it's an autism singularity. How fucking retarded can you be?

>How fucking retarded can you be?
If it works and the players are having fun, I'd say not at all

But since those criteria will never, ever be met, it'll have to remain as something you would do

Anyone here ever played Spirit of the Century?

I love the setting, I love the stunts, I love the flavor, but I've never got a group together to actually do it with me.

You should try not running such a shitty system and I'm sure you could get people to play with you. Have you tried Dungeons and Dragons, for instance?

Wild Talents my melanin enriched brethren. ORE is a hit or miss system for some people but I like it more then M&M, give that look.

>broken trash that everyone homebrews to fuck anyway

lol sounds like you're jealous and making shit up my dude

>Calls a system shit, then recommends D&D.
wew lad.

That's the thing though, it doesn't work and your players won't have fun

go to sleep, little shitposter

My favorite SotC stunt is the one where you can "disappear" from play for a few minutes, and then choose to reappear as a flawlessly disguised underling at an opportune moment.

A friend of mine is looking at Dresden Files, and I heard it's based on FATE.
How is it as a system? The guy wants to run it, but he is a rookie GM, and I'd rather he not be overwhelmed.

Well, I heard that there's a bit of a problem with Smarts (or whatever the intelligence equivalent is called) being good for fucking everything, but that's a general problem with FAE aspects being a bit too broad.

>autistic samefagging


user, the fuck are you talking about?
Is it a case of it being being applicable to different tasks, or different tasks inherently basing themselves on it?

This just in, shitposting user is a retard. Color me shocked.

>so autistic you're posting from two devices
well it is a fate thread, so

>Is it a case of it being being applicable to different tasks, or different tasks inherently basing themselves on it?

A bit of column A and a bit of column B. There's even more tasks based on it/brought up as examples than FAE, and, as said, it's already one of the most widely applicable aspect there.

It can be remedisd by being strict with it, and using the "discover" houserule reels in the most abusable elements.

This is the kind of stuff I like to know before diving into a system, I have a particular dislike for "god stats" in games, it's nice it can be mitigated.
Does this mean, in the converse, that physical aspects are worth far less than what the print would have you believe?

I'll go ahead and say that I have not played Dresden Files yet.

From what I heard, yes. Although, FAE aspects make it so that they aren't strictly physical (you can be Forceful in a conversation/social situation), but Smarts kinda overshadows everything.

Dresden Files uses FATE proper, not FAE. So it doesn't use approaches, but a skill system.

DF's bigger problem is that supernatural powers are almost always better than their equivalent stunt would be, granted, the game sort of expects you to be some kind of supernatural character than 'just' a random muggle, but still.

>Have you tried Dungeons and Dragons

Well, I had wagered that you would be some manner of supernatural within the course of the game, unless you were doing some manner of prologue or outlier game.
It's little different from WoD, I've done a number of pregames where the players were mortals brought into a splat. Sin-Eater was hilarious.
>Play a few hours, pc is doing some humdrum shit
>spooky shit starts happening
>runs away, catches a taxi
>gets home safe, breathes a sigh of relief
>goes to kiss wife
>wife shoots him
>shoots herself
>Alright, now your game begins!

Why are Fate threads always such a shitshow?
Why do people using other systems feel so threatened by Fate and FAE?

I think it's basically 1-2 trolls.

They also false flag in the "when did you realize D&D was shit" threads. Any time those are up the trolling frequency increases.

Best to ignore them.

>everyone hates me
>must just be one guy
>better stay the course

The game has its own version of the Prelude though it's far from being the same thing. Everyone is expected to write out a small adventure they previously had, like two to four sentences, then everyone gets some-one else's adventure to "guest star" in and writes in a twist on that. Then it happens again. This means everyone will start as already having had some form of adventure under their belts and knows at least 2 (if not all) other player characters.

Don't ignore them--report them. Global rule 3.


>I think it's basically 1-2 trolls.
Thought so, but don't these guys have something better to do?
Ok, probably not

So it includes by rote something to skirt the worst part of getting a party together?
Word, that will make things a bit easier, the GM is very familiar with the setting, and I am devouring the books, even if I have my criticisms of them.

It also has the group sit down and make the city together, which removes the worst parts of making the game without a pre-existing setting.

The GM has said something about basing the game in Detroit, so that won't be so much an issue.
I already know my pc is going to be a black Muslim wizard, just to needle the /pol/lack in my game group

>game mechanics to force roleplaying
>in a game where all the rules are terrible "on purpose" to "encourage roleplaying"

You really think an user that shitposts a Fate thread on Veeky Forums then autisticly screeches "Samefag!" when called out has anything better to do?
It's no. The answer is no.

Even with pre-existing cities, especially with pre-existing cities, the game advises doing that to get players on board, provide plothooks to the GM, and aware of the kind of place they'll be adventuring in without needing infodumps.

Are you specialized in explosion magic, user?

>if I keep doing it maybe it will start to seem really legit

That isn't too great of a worry, I think.
Regardless, I think it will be good for the GM to give him inspiration. I know from experience it can be hard to reckon a setting others don't know.
>here we go
I said NOI, not IRA.

Yeah, use it to come up with places within Detroit that you would go, contacts, antagonists, local issues, that sort of thing.

This is more for Fate Core than Dresden Files, but it gives you an idea of how you might want to clarify things.

>objectively true

I don't think you know what "opinion" means

Also, pic related, it's you

anyone? anything?

I get that you've got the autismos, user. But you don't need to be this retarded.

>don't recognize any of this
Well, this really is a whole new beast.
Wish I could help, but I know nothing that isn't general game stuff.

Here's the character sheet, aspect sheet, and city creation sheet for DFRPG specifically: evilhat.com/home/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/City-and-Character-Sheets.pdf

So is there anything else you tell me before I start pouring over this?
Any fuzzy rule spots that can be confusing to a rookie? I heard to Dresden book formatting was fucking awful.

I played it a couple times. Pretty fun.

One very important house rule I would recommend to any GM running Fate is to introduce a fifth action: discover.

Ryan Macklin explains here:

>If I could go back in time, I would add this to the ruleset.

Without the discover action, it is trivial to break the game through low-risk create an advantage actions under Empathy, Investigate, Lore, and Notice which stockpile free invocations.

For any seeking to run Fate Accelerated, I would strongly advise devising your own list of six approaches. The definitions of the default six approaches are a complete wreck, to the point wherein Clever can apply to nearly anything.
>Clever: A Clever action requires that you think fast, solve problems, or account for complex variables. Finding the weakness in an enemy swordsman’s style. Finding the weak point in a fortress wall. Fixing a computer.
The optimal Fate Accelerated character is an Ozymandias/Amadeus Cho expy who uses Clever for everything.

It gets particularly degenerate in the Dresden Files Accelerated, wherein Clever is renamed "Intellect," and somehow manages to cover even more than before.
>Intellect: Quick thinking, the solving of complex problems, or accounting for numerous variables at once. Examples: Code breaking, outwitting a fae courtier, counting cards in a poker game.
Fae illusions are Intellect-based, because apparently, being intelligent is more important for weaving illusions than being sneaky or guileful. Likewise, the Sight and Soulgaze are both powered by Intellect and defended against with Intellect, because surely such willpower-based activities are simply a matter of being smart and clever.

Approaches can be cheesed so hard, though
It repelled me from FAE, unfortunately

Autism isn't about liking shitty things. Everyone does that. Autism is about being a shitty retarded subhuman who's so shut-in and narcissistic that he thinks everyone else is the subhuman. Like you.

kill yourself porkeye

Attention to all people that, for whatever sad reason, still use the default skill list:

exchange "Notice" for "Survival"

Fate is fun to homebrew, though doing so does expose a fair few flaws in its design.

I think figuring out what to use and what to throw out is a process every group goes through with every system though.

>Did you ever felt the need to include another kind of dice/subsystem in your homebrew version of Fate?
I like the spend Stress-for-modifiers option

>Did you ever feel the need to put other not standard stress types in your campain?
A Wealth track with really gruelling recovery rules worked out well for my Traveller-esque game.
>pdf related

I'm currently playing in a campaign using Venture City's rules for PC Supers. It's been pretty great, I love the narrative flexibility with how I can use my powers.