I'm in desperate need of Steampunk art that isn't cog covered, over-designed...

I'm in desperate need of Steampunk art that isn't cog covered, over-designed, everything was invented by Nikola Tesla garbage. Even if it bleeds over into Dieselpunk or magic-tech a little bit I don't care. I'll take characters, vehicles, landscapes, anything you got.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Steampunk art that isn't cog covered, over-designed, everything was invented by Nikola Tesla garbage

Isn't that the very definition of Steampunk?

bumping with what little I have

how about you source that shit nigga

Have you considered not playing steampunk? Because it sounds like you hate literally everything about steampunk.

Sounds like you just want dieselpunk

I'm mainly looking for stuff that looks like was built around the Industrial Revolution, while still being more high-tech than the real era. But yeah, most steampunk art is all cogshit, but not all

> the proletariat

Steam Detectives
I'm working on a Steampunk faction for an upcoming GURPS game

Guessing it's probably Steam Detectives or Geobreeders, but not sure






>Castle In The Sky.
Patrician taste, my friend.




I just stuff all ____punk looking stuff into a single steampunk folder, but I guess I'll dump it all.









In retrospect, that one probably should probably go in a different folder



>Nikola Tesla

This part enrages me.

I didn't hate Tesla until the internet liked him.






This is a cool thread. I love the idea of Steampunk as a genre but man, is alot of it shit. Props to all the anons posting the good stuff here.



It mixes steampunk, dieselpunk, dystopias and real life stuff that fits within the previous three. I think you'll find what you want.



And that's it for me.


why is a runway needed to launch craft already in the air?

Is that a serious question?


Stuff like this?



>being a cogfop

>People sullying awesome Victorian to WW1 aesthetics with Etsy tier "lol I glued to plastic gears to a tophat" trash.
>People then calling said trash Steampunk

>specifically asks at the start of the thread to avoid gear spam
>literally one thousand twenty four by six hundred sixty seven pixels of pure cog shit

I don't really think these fit the bill, but the pictures also remind me of what Bioshock Infinite might have been and wasn't so really none of us are happy.





>mfw Lord Foppington's cogs are just right

Meh. It's a steam/diesel/clock punk thread for everyone. Who cares.

What does Tesla have to do with steampunk? He was all about Electricity and wireless power and communication and stuff, not steam. I mean, I guess he did stuff during the Victorian Era and a "Tesla Punk" would have a similar aesthetic, but not steam.

What is this from?

It's from a Bioshock Infinite artbook, I believe. Concept art.

Mourn now, for the world that never was.








Can't say I've got much, and it's fairly late here.


Fuck i hate what they did with infinite, what could have been, I just wanted a horrorgame in the sky, even the first couple of levels were great

Judging by your pic, op, I suspect you're already familiar, but I would recommend watching steamboy and studio Ghibli's Laputa (castle in the sky) and nausicaa
