This is a reminder to use circular links in your chainmail

This is a reminder to use circular links in your chainmail.

square rings in ringmail?
y wot?

Stubborn Dwarves my friend

As opposed to what, exactly?
I've never seen a square- or triangle-linked chainmail the image implies exist.

The first time I read that sentence I thought of e-mail chain letters with a link that leads back to that exact e-mail.
Computer Science background has got me good.

Pfft, everyone knows the hexagon design is best.

Because hexagons are the fuuuuuuture.

This is a reminder to use sharp blades in your cutting weapons.

Wouldn't a dull blade cause more pain?

Settle down, Slaanesh.

you mean like a spoon?

This is a reminder to cook your food before you eat it.

This is a reminder to start breathing manually whenever you stop breathing automatically.


My spoon is too big!

Many people still have problems with that.

A blade that is too sharp loses it's edge. A well defined, if blunter blade is actually better for combat because it resists abrasion.

You aren't trying to precisely butcher a steak here.

>He doesn't eat raw meat

Circular, square or triangle, just make sure it's not fucking butted like in your pic.

>This moron thinks rare is raw

laugh at him and also realize that people eat tar tar all the time and never get ill.

Raw meat is shitty for you, cooking enhances the nutritional value of meat.

Like, this isn't a matter of "ew, disease" it's literally the heat breaking down rough protein and making it more digestible.

>blue is just seared on outside
>no other prep

Absolutely disgusting and a perversion of an age old steak preperation technique.

Also the red that he's looking for is far too improperly cooked. 'Ultimate' my black ass.

>it's literally the heat breaking down rough protein

I don't know about you, but I have a lot of heat in my body.

Yes, you twit.

But user, I prefer keeping everywhere but the tip sharp so I can grab my blade.

Absolutely phebian.

The way the art is done on this, it makes it look like there's glossy "gelatinous" raw meat inside of a rare (and even medium rare!?) steak. This should not be the case.

I think there's something you're missing here; as long as something is edible and not harmful, digestibility is literally only a bad quality.

If a food was zero percent digestible, it would have zero calories. If a food is 100% digestible, it turns into energy extremely quickly.

Do you know what's extremely digestible?
Pure sugar. White wheat bread. Cake.

>you have to tip
Why the fuck would I want to give 10-20% of the meals cost to some fuck who comes by to place the food then one other time to fill up water? I'd rather pay the chef more if it's good food.

Oh look, the "can I get a bottle of ketchup?" anons showed up.

Your tip also pays the people in the back, you cheapskate waste of a good semen strain

>also is the same as only.

I think you've been eating medium steak your entire life and have been told it's medium rare or rare. That is definitely how rare and medium rare steak looks.

I just googled it and there are others saying the same in the reddit thread about that pic.

Here's a better doneness chart:

>"If I can't starve underpaid serving personnel out of their rightful paycheck, then I refuse to pay the kitchen personnel that I respect along with them."

>I don't know about you, but I have a lot of heat in my body.

Are you on fire? Please tell me you're not on fire.

>Pure sugar. White wheat bread. Cake.

You know what's just as digestible with a much higher caloric content? Alcohol, the second most calorie-dense substance you can consume next to Fat.

Wear better gloves.

I think he has. And thanks to the retards that think this, I have to ask for my steak 'blue' just to get it cooked rare in most places.

Don't go to sit down restaurants then.

The fact that he labels this with such a low internal temperature and cooking time is what infuriates me from a chef's perspective.

If I am cooking a blue steak, I will take my time, not by directly cooking it on a pan, but through convection heat like an oven to heat the internals of the steak whilst searing the outside slowly.

Throwing it on the grill for a minute and calling that a 'blue' is so disgustingly lazy that I can safely say the maker of this chart has never eaten a proper steak.

The center of a rare should still be warm, even if it's red. How lazy are the people making these charts?

steak is not special, stop fucking memeing every time it is mentioned

You are correct; that is indeed exactly my point.
Alcohol is unhealthy, and will make you fat.
Fat is unhealthy, and will make you fat.
Just like sugar and refined wheat flour based foods, and so on.

Most of these things also put you at greater risk of type 2 diabetes and/or heart disease.

Digestibility is, in this day and age, as a (damn good) rule of thumb, synonymous with "will fuck you up." It's almost invariably a bad thing.

Steak is pretty fucking special, and if you don't think so then you are absolutely welcome to fuck right off.

If you don't eat your meat while it's still wriggling you're a fucking pussy and deserve to go extinct.

>steak is not special

Man, I remember when eating steak was synonymous with an upper-crust lifestyle, even if it was only once a week if not a month. Even if steak isn't anything special, I think as a society we should treat it as such - reducing the demand for beef will go a long way to stymieing the destruction of the Amazon, for example.

Settle down, Gollum.

Steak is not special. A /good/ steak is.

We're not on Veeky Forums user, chill.

I was only looking at the colour so I completely missed that detail. The center temperature should obviously be as typically prescribed for that level of doneness, and never "cool" or "cold".
I emphatically agree. If I wasn't lazy as fuck and about to die of heat stroke I'd copy helpful information into that version of the chart, but alas.

>Digestibility is, in this day and age, as a (damn good) rule of thumb, synonymous with "will fuck you up." It's almost invariably a bad thing.
Only because of the portions we consume. If people had the self-control to eat tiny quantities of cake or alcohol at a time rather than gorging on either, it wouldn't be particularly bad for you.

Things that have lower digestibility release energy slower over time, which means you can eat a few larger meals through the day and be fine. With energy-dense shit, you should be eating many tiny portions throughout the day to maintain energy.

>live in syrupnigger land
>servers make minimum wage like everyfuckingone else, not the 2 bucks an hour or whatever in the US
>american culture bleeding over means you're still an asshole for not tipping
Nah fuck that minimum wage is enough for being a glorified food cart

Because that's your system, that's your culture.
If you want to feel respected by your American system... open a business?
Your whole thing is (still, after all those years) skewed towards the supply side, so try to join them!

Fat is good for you. It's basically the opposite of sugar and flour. It's calorie rich, but it slows digestion. This is why tortillas >>> bread.

Of course, eating something that's only fat, sugar and flour is still unhealthy as fuck, but using fat to slow down digestion and give you a more filling feeling for longer is legit.

This is a reminder to THIN YOUR PAINTS

If you can't afford to pay your employees a reasonable wage, then you're too Jewish to own a business

Tips aren't always about paying the employee. Its about using fiscal encouragement to get employees to pay attention to what the customers want and to give them incentive to be a good employee and to strive better to get that extra bit of pay.

Its basically healthy competition to encourage the employee to always perform at their best and get better. Simple economics


You don't fuck with someone wielding a giant spoon. That's how you get legendarily annihilated.


In america most waiters get paid below minimum wage because tips are supposed to make up for the rest of their pay

i can attest that firsthand

no, it absolutely doesn't. not a dime the servers make goes to the BOH. the FOH acts as a barrier between the public and the kitchen, filled with people who would just as soon stab you with a fork as serve your food to you.

cooks are not generally good with people, and after being on the hot ass line all night, the last thing any of us want to do is see some uppity customer, unless it's to smack the shit out of them for being a whiny cunt.

and here's the follow-up.

I want a bigly cut, well done, with ketchup. Terrific.


I'll be happy to consume any meat that was processed well enough not to carry any disease or parasite. Food is body-fuel. Flavor, texture and other such properties are secondary.

Since we ARE discussing mail, can someone clear one thing for me?

When doing a 4 in 1 mail, is the row of chain supposed to go vertically or horizontally? I have seen both done and I was wondering if it matters at all

Depends on which way you want the thing to bend I think.

You can just rotate it 90 anyway (unless I misunderstand what you mean by vertically and horizontally).

That's certainly news to me.

This is what I mean by vertical (a 90 degree for horizontal). I'm making a mail from shoulders to knees with full sleeves and I was wondering if doing it like this is the wrong way to go

I see you've played knifey-spooney before.

That's the way you should do it.

I recall reading that horizontally the weight is distributed in a way that makes the links weaker, but I may be just making shit up.

Look it up. Food sciences changed a lot in the past few years.

Well, technically most sources you find will tell you to not eat flour/sugar at all (it's bad with or without the fat), while fat is alright as long as you don't eat too much (and is much easier to get your calories from than vegetables).

Yes. Should be other way around. It should also be riveted if you want it to actually protect you.

Careful, you're going to summon the bananas

Was NOT prepared...

The way shown in that picture is not right makes it impossible to expand or contract and every link is held open by the weight of the rest

I don't understand. What the fuck was happening?


>phebian is special

Food isn't unhealthy, its lack of moderation thats bad for you.

1 cheese burger is fine, its 10 thats a problem.

I'm sorry to tell you but meat I usually ground up and processed to prevent people from noticing that there are parasites. Ever know why fish sticks were invented?

I only breath manually when i'm blinking manually


>tfw your character tips generously before meals
>tfw other characters try to educate the misguided elf that you tip after the meal
>tfw your character gets the best cut of meat and the most genuine waiting smiles at every establishment
I want to start a restaurant solely to give my employees actual wages and bring tipping back to a way to encourage good service as opposed to rewarding it.

I work as a sushi chef. I'll eat most anything raw if its fresh enough.

Once you taste a good beef tataki, it's hard to go back to anything past a Pittsburgh rare.

Ah, but he may be ON fire.

Have fun conveying that message to the customer

Tipping is just an American thing yeah?
I've never encountered it here in Australia at any of the half dozen restaurants i've been too. Not a lot admittedly, but it's not even something i've heard of here.

What happened if you don't tip?

>What happened if you don't tip?

Whoever you're dining with thinks you're a dick (miserly and selfish), and wait staff might recognize you next time and give you worse service, perhaps spitting in your food or doing other unpleasant things with it. It's worse if you give the staff other reasons to think you're an unpleasant human. For example, while waiting for my order I once laughed uproariously at a TV show featuring baby birds tumbling down a cliff, so I found a lot of hair in my milkshake.

When someone is handling things that you put in your mouth, it's best to treat those people with respect. They're usually quite underpaid, which is why tipping is a thing in the first place.

not really, most places dont tip out the cooks or even the bus boys

bus boys generally get a flat value, and cooks are just paid enough that tips dont matter

Fuck me, my stomach actually hurts. Doesn't happen often.

well done steaks arent bad

whats bad are steaks that are "well done" and cooked too quickly on too high a heat, so the outside of it is fucking burnt but inside it's only a little warm and mostly bright red

>They're usually quite underpaid,
maybe fast food workers are but actual cooks in actual restaurants make reasonable wages

>For example, while waiting for my order I once laughed uproariously at a TV show featuring baby birds tumbling down a cliff, so I found a lot of hair in my milkshake.
either youre a shitty client for other reasons, were disrupting other clients with your laughter itself rather than what the laughter was over, or that shit never happened and you're a lying SJW

It would be a terribly uphill battle, but so are a lot of societal challengings. I just think us 'Murifats and others that took the example could metaphorically afford to replace a pressure on the consumer for the employer's benefit with encouragement of the consumer's choice and better care for the employees.

>baby birds tumbling down a cliff
Please tell me there's a clip on youtube

>well done is a waste
Was the OP of that image retarded? Any degree of rarity is disgusting, it has a vile texture and tastes like nothing. The only thing that does have a taste in any rare steak is the actually seared/cooked part. Eat a chunk of raw, unseasoned meat and tell me how good it tastes, and then tell me why I shouldn't just have a well prepared, well done, flavourful steak (aside from wanting to look cool like a fucking teenager) and expose myself to various parasites, cardio-vascular diseases, and digestive tract (specifically bowel) diseases and obstructions that are caused by eating raw meat. Ever wonder why SHART IN MART is a thing?
And no, the magical internal 74°C or whatever it was does not get rid of parasite eggs.

>perhaps spitting in your food or doing other unpleasant things with it.

Having worked in a restaurant as a waiter and in the back, it's a rip-off system that rewards shitty service. In theory, it's supposed to reward good service. In practice, Americans are guilted/extorted into paying idiots far more than they're worth.

Your food didn't take 30 minutes to cook. It took 10. Your waiter was just pissing off in the back. The other four ignored it because they're not getting tip from you, so why bother? When you finally finish your meal and sit waiting for a check, your waiter is too busy fellating the guy who always leaves a $20 bill. Then they pick it up, then they go back to Mr. Moneybags for another five minutes of pretending to care about his life, cash you out, and stop for more.

You'll go home thinking how rough he's got it, and at the end of the month, he's got several thousand dollars in tips.

Aussie here, tipping is an American thing because they have a really shit minimum wage. Nobody over here tips or expects you to tip, so don't worry about it.

Just google goslings (baby geese) falling down cliffs.

They're really quite resilient and just kinda ragdoll their way down.