Have you ever played a really edgy character, even just ironically?

Have you ever played a really edgy character, even just ironically?

My first character was an edgy shit.

is this Angron or Pertu?

Played a stereotypical edgelord ninja for a kinda "not joke-session but as close as you can get."
To top it all off, he was an ogre that rejected his own culture to try and be nihonjin, it was pretty great, the party loved him for all of the irony and jokes.
Pic related, the one i made for him quickly.


Is there a worse type of character than an edgy kid?

One drawn by this talentless attention whore.

An adult who still thinks like an edgy kid?

That's a weird condition, but I guess?
We're kind of talking about roleplaying characters though.

You mean like Deadpool?

My first character was complete edgelord with abusive past, it was horrible, I realized it somwhere in the middle of the game and tried to fix it, but without any noticable success.

But why people think treating edgy characters ironically will make them better, not worse?

Yes, it can be rather fun and if done right be a useful tool for the party if you have someone willing to do edgy shit to further the plot if everyone else is LG boyscouts. implying this ever happens, they didnt get the name murderhobos for nothing

Just be careful not to confuse "edgy" with "fucking stupid". "I kill bad guys and have fun/brood a lot while doing so" can be fine. "I kill teh shopkeep becaus he didnt gib free stuff xD" is not.

My third character ever, I was either 14 or 15 at the time, was a cleric created under the idea of "We're the good guys, not the nice guys"

>Tortured a captured Ork even when it became clear that he didn't know any more
>Burglarized the locan town bank during a siege before going on to defeat the attackers with the group
>Always brooding
>Always negative

What can I say - it was my stint into "that guy" territory and it wasn't fun for anyone, including me. I realised that early and after three rounds we wrote him out and I went back to playing normal characters. I take it as a learning experience.

Perty without a doubt
Angron can't into math

Well you can play edgy characters and make them good imo
The problem arises when the player is being edgy and going out of their way to show how dark and brooding their character is
Playing a char that's a bona fide monster with a straight face can be very fun, for all parties involved, but you gotta keep it in check
One recurring issue with edgy characters is that they are often 100% to the max balls to the wall retardedly evil/cruel in a way that guarantees they would never have lived up to this point of the story
Play them more subtly and it becomes a lot more bearable

One of my players plays an archwraith whose entire goal is unironically "kill everything, people are happier when they're undead". Since she's so unapologetic about it it actually kind of works.

my friend and I played twin warforged, same stats, everything. He used a big ass murder hammer, I used a big ass murder sword, yet the GM declared our exotic gear had been stolen by goblins.

>conspire with friend. upon level up, take points as needed. We are now level 3.

>Find goblins, proceed to rip them apart with our hands as a team. GM has finally had enough of our rolls to rip goblins apart. Has goblin captive who we are currently wish boning by the legs break into dialogue.

>"Please giants! Stop this madness, we are thieves, yes, but not murderers, take your belongings and go, we mean you no further harm!"



>look at friend, he nods
"Alright...seems like its time for us to split."
needless to say the goblin did not survive, and rocks fell on us. Due to the goblins triggering a cave collapse. It was worth it.

Necropolitan Kensai with weapon focus scythes.

Take Hannibal Lecter for example : a hyper intelligent psychiatrist that delights in the suffering of others, pushes patients to suicide, eats people and arranges the corpses of his victims in grotesque displays
Pretty edgy, uh ?

On the one hand, you have Silence of the Lambs, with an edgy Hannibal constantly pushing his monstrosity in your face, gloating and brooding alternately. Seriously, the only thing he's missing is a mustache to twirl

Then you have Hannibal, the show. The character is clean, composed and charming, and yet arguably even worse a sadist than the earlizr version. He still does all the stuff that's above, and he's still very much a narcissistic nutjob, but there's something truly sinister about him rather than Anthony Bumpkin's saturday morning villain
Because he doesn't do evil to impress people and show ho evil he is, he does it to assert power. He knows he doesn't have to prove he's evil, everyone already knows.

The edginess finally boils down to an evil character that's somehow insecure and feels compelled to prove at every occasion he's the worst of the worst, as if callous acts of disregard for life aren't enough to assert his evil quality

Old nation builder game, some claimed there was not enough PVP, so I figured I'd be the bad guy and start some. Human sacrifice, angel sacrifie, demon deals, blood magic, making monsters from angel cloning, genocide, cannibalism, strategic mass rape campaigns, terror campaigns, tearing holes in reality as a means of scorched earth tactics, taking moral high ground like an asshole and have the liberals defend me, and finally the end of the world.

I figured I had succeeded in being bad enough when the Mongols told me to maybe chill.

Yeah. Played a Not!Krogan fusion of Kharn the Betrayer and Zso Sahaal once. I fully expected the group to point and laugh. Somehow, I wound up being the group's favorite, nominated for 2nd in command of the ship, commander of the ship's combat group, head chef(the secret ingredient is always the blood of sapient beings), master interrogator, and spiritual leader.
The only player who was upset with me was the lolrandumb player who made three separate characters that all wound up causing trouble for the ship or my character personally. His first character got sold into slavery(thanks to my contacts), the second got vented into space after failing to assassinate my character and the drunkard captain, and the third was actually not terrible, but he had two strikes against him and was on thin ice when the game collapsed due to GM ADHD.

Not quite edgy, but I almost played a Lawful Evil rogue straight out of a swashbuckling adventure novel. I had to cut it back when it became clear the party needed a level-headed leader. I still got to do a few evil things (made ghouls into hirelings and taught them the concept of money, planned to loot and murder the barbarian but ended up covering his ass when he manslaughtered someone with a bad healing potion), but it all balanced out when I retrieved the skin of a giant demon bat we fought (read: ran away from) and used it become Batman.

I made an ironic edgy character once upon a time. I can't into rp anyway.
Me, 2 furries, and 2 tg/ers make quest. Furries do as furries do and insert furries for no fucking reason, one guy makes an adventuring elf and the other makes a Betty boo lookalike with voice and everything. I make a sonic.
So we start in forest. Furries pick up scent of humans. We go to human. Talk to human. Human is a thief, wants to come along with us, an insert for future rp romancing for elf guy. I say no, we should have them tell us where next village is. Coerce them to talk. We get directions. I say we execute thief. Shocked. They ask why. "To make an example of course". But no ones around of course. "The woodland critters will know". I execute thief. No one likes me now. We go to village inn. We rp: "do you serve chilli dogs?" The bar wench says nae. She's executed for that. Died by choking on sonics finger.
Good times.
I was going to have an orgy between 2 cadavers before we quit for the night.

my edgiest character was a sorcerer who liked killing people but kept it hush hush cos he didn't want to get paladin'd

then one day the bbeg attacks the city the sorcerer lives in and the king asks for everyones help to stop him before he blablablah, not important

what is important is that now he can kill people and get away with it

at the final battle the bbeg tattled on the sorcerer and the sorcerer tried to kill the party and fake his death, but he got killed

pretty good ending to the character really