How would a mormon USA (majority of the population are mormons) behave...

How would a mormon USA (majority of the population are mormons) behave? Would such a mormon United States behave differently than today's US or not? Especially foreign policy.

For Cyberpunk/Science fiction.

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>Would such a mormon United States behave differently than today's US or not? Especially foreign policy.
Unlikely. Main course of the country is based on its resources and geography (logistics and safety of the borders).

All policy and religion are openly hand in hand.

Temples like that one are a little bit more common.

Entertainment is less flashy, more wholesome

The Mormon thing where they go out and do mission work has big government backing

Tithing is tied to tax breaks?

Mormons seem to enjoy their labels, so there's more labeling of groups and places

Dress code

Hyper importance of rituals

LBGT are sent to electric gay conversion camps

Nepotism is more rampart in all careers ergo making marriages much more political and practical

Coffee is classified as a drug

No young missionaries are allowed to go to Uganda

Polygamy is legal.
Crusades occur.


Mormons do not seem very militant to me.

Not yet.

They have a long and illustrious history of killing innocent people.

Only Mormon I ever really got to know went to Japan, sucked a bunch of Japanese businessman cock, came back to the states an atheist, started dressing in drag, and promptly got his dick cut into a true boi pussy.

With that as my sole reference to the Mormon people I can say to question: WW2 gets really weird on the Pacific theater.

>Coffee is a drug

Well, time to start a nuclear winter.

>Mormons do not seem very militant to me.
That's what they'd like you to think, but in reality, they'd happily team up with your Navajo neighbor and scalp you in your sleep. The god-fearing people of the United States have fought three wars against the merciless (albeit, very polite and well-dressed) Mormon foe, and I'll be damned if they catch us off guard again.

Never Forget.
Never Forgive.

This user speaks the truth. Super polite to your face, but vicious little backstabbers that would put the most ruthless Chinese CEO to shame.

Only because they're in the minority and they have to put on a good face for the majority.

What the hell are you three on about? They're harmless.

I've always had fun reading about the early midwest and allt he crazy shit that happened
Like the several mini crusades against the mormons

Depends, is it Provo Mormons, Salt Lake Mormons, or the Mormons who aren't freaks or apostates? It makes a pretty big difference.

Did they instigate them? Or was it people going nuts because they were different? Cause based on my understanding of european history and what happened with the protestants, i'm much more likely to believe the weird little break off sect got shit from the majority than i am to believe that they went around attacking people.

They're harmless now but if you read even a tiny bit of history about the Mormon church historical Mormons would fuck you up the instant you try and stop them from practicing polygamy.

THis building would not look out of place in the forty first millenium

Go to bed, Brigham Young. I see through your lies.

>No young missionaries are allowed to go to Uganda
Good one

For one thing, the USA would become a whole lot more conservative. Mormons are a huge voting block for the Republican party, so much so that they tried to subvert them by using McMuffin to take votes away from Trump.

Mormonism in this society would become more accepted, and the so-called "white horse prophecy" would be fulfilled.

>LBGT are sent to electric gay conversion camps
>No young missionaries are allowed to go to Uganda

As a Mormon, this is probably the most accurate post in this thread.

Also Prohibition or at the very least absurdly onerous liquor laws. Minus outside pressure for long enough of a time it's also possible that civil rights might not have gained a lot of traction and women would definitely be squarely second class citizens. It's also possible the South might have said "fuck you Yankee sons of bitches" and split off, leaving the CSA very, very Southern Baptist, and if not slave owning, Jim Crow on steroids/Apartheid.

A lot of free blacks might have actively moved to Canada to live somewhere free of the teachings of a virtual theocracy that might well still hold them to be "Sons of Cain" and ineligible for full fellowship in the socially vital Priesthood, eternally relegated to being essentially another kind of "boy".

But I mean, it depends on the details. It's possible a Mormon majority U.S. might unfuck itself and have a "revealtion" about ordination of blacks. I still think one way or the other it's distinctly possible women might not even have the vote what with the Church's perennial and deeply held sentiment that a righteous woman's place really is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

Isn't fun illegal for you bike riding turbo-virgins? Better get outta here before they excommunicate your ass for smiling.

like Ender's Game apparently.

Basically, yes.

Part of the lie is that you can have plenty of clean, honest fun, but yeah. Basically yes.

From the most peevishly, by the book interpretation, no R-Rated movies, nothing but Church on Sunday, Family Home Evening (Scripture Study. As a Family.) at least one or two activities at Church through the week, "callings" for Mom and Dad involving Church Stuff, 3 hours of Church on Sunday, 10 percent of your money even if it means you don't eat to tithing, no smoking, no drinking, no, don't even think evil in your mind, dress modestly at all times, porn destroys families, no masturbation, no oral sex between married couples, akward sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation (more awkward because it's not really clear what you are supposed to do with the garments, which are like, badly tailored 19th century underwear when you do that, probably feel guilty about moving your sacred and protective garments because you wanted to fuck so you pray about getting too worked up and repent), oh, and you should probably make time to go to the temple and spend a lot of time there too.

Even single dating is actually kind of discouraged as an undue temptation for the "Youth", definitely in anything but a really well lit public place, you should get married as soon as possible, but not before serving a mission right out of high school for 2 years. Which you pay for yourself so that means either you or your parents work their asses off to scrimp and save against all the costs of a big family that also pays 10 percent income no matter what. For 2 fucking years. Where you will have little to no success and be constantly harangued by douche bag, middle management motherfucker type mission presidents who are all NUMBERS NUMBERS NUMBERS and pettily exercising authority. And your companion spies on you in case you should masturbate or get lazy or something.

What "Fun" exists is to serve the Church ultimately.

Literally nothing would change since we have a Constitution that protects against their insane bullshit. You'll notice that religious bias in government isn't allowed in this country.

>Isn't fun illegal for you bike riding turbo-virgins?
>on Veeky Forums

Where do you think we are?

They're hilariously pro-gun and have a lot of survivalists in them. Probably going to have more once they get their own version of the Boyscouts off the ground.

>Did they instigate them?

Wild West era Mormons were fucking crazy. They've mellowed out like fuck since those days, but they used to be some of the scariest sumbitches this side of the Mississippi.

Holy shit you don't read much, do you? There are dozens of state buildings with the ten commandments on it, and the two biggest social issues in this country are predominantly religious matters (Gay marriage and abortion). I mean, tons of southern states have liquor laws that prohibit liquor sales on the holy day explicitly because of religious influence.

Literally read nigga.

Holy shit how does that sort of sub-culture survive? Like, I get it when you are gonna lose a few kids to injuns and rickets before they are 5, and you probably won't make it to 35. But now?

Hello apostate how are you today?

Fair point.

But all mormons are freaks AND apostates.

That is your opinion, and I suppose you are welcome to it. I'm certainly not going to change your mind by trying to discuss it with you here on Veeky Forums of all places. Suffice so say there are individuals among our ranks that even we mormon's consider to be freaks. Take that as you will.

>Cause based on my understanding of european history and what happened with the protestants

Your understanding is shit. Protestants went around europe killing innocents, including other kinds of protestants, just like everyone else at the time.

Mormons wouldn't ban drugs. In fact, more would be legal because the Mormons deal in sin. They own casinos, liquor stores, brothels. They don't participate but have no qualms supplying sin to outsiders.

As many historical conflicts, it's more complicated than people generally give it credit for.

>Though I disagree with many Mormon practices, their treatment by the government makes my inner Libertarian foam at the mouth and start incoherently screeching about stepping on snakes.

Just say there's divergences in your cult and explain them instead of calling people freaks, when you yourself are perceived as a freak by most of the world. That was my point, basically.

mostly because like most religions most of the people who follow it half ass the rules at best

They were also really into polygamy and child brides. Even to this day you'll have a case every few years where a Mormon traditionalist group gets busted for that shit.

every mormon i've ever met was a prepper with a small arsenal hidden in his house somewhere.

They got run off to fucking Utah and basically ran the state, and still do. Then they mellowed out and just became unfun, and since America was founded by Protestants who complained that other protestants where too fun, they sort of gelled. The most an American will think about Mormonism is to think of those annoying kids on bikes, and the robot masquerading as a person that is Mitt Romney.

Also I'm pretty sure the book of Mormon throws some shade at my church, but I've never read it so I can't speak on it. I don't think they hate us though, not like the Seventh Day Adventists.

This pretty much
I was raised Mormon and literally nobody did any of that stuff.

This is especially true with the old Mormon families. Enough food to last a decade and at least one full auto buried somewhere on the property.

The funniest thing about Mormons is that they took a book that ends by saying "Curses upon ANYONE WHO ADDS TO THIS" and went "lemne add to that real quick"

what about the fact that the guy who added to it was a convicted fraud? Like spent time in jail for it.

I was unaware of that, thank you for the contribution!
Plus he said he wanted to be a second Muhammad and make America a plain of blood from the Atlantic to the Rockies.

If and when the apocalypse happens, I have no doubt that Utah and part of Idaho will secede from the union and establish a functioning theocratic state.

They'll attempt it the moment the US is weak.

Theocratic yes. Functioning? Ehhh, until the guys start killing each other for brides, what with polygamy being neccesary for exaltation.

Dunno, I could see much more pragmatic solutions. Shit like officially marrying your friends grandma after his granpappy snuffs it in a largely paper marriage so you could be officially bigamist.

Trade it back by letting him marry yours and such not.

Paper compliance could get real weird real quick, but not heretic.

That's not a thing, though. Mormons don't practice polygamy and haven't for a century. You're thinking of the FLDS with their 16 passenger vans and spooky compounds.

There's plenty of things to give the Mormon church shit for, but that's not one of them.

Calling FLDS not mormons is like calling Pentecostals not baptists. Yeah, its a way crazier form, but it comes from the same root crazy.

That "crazy root" is religion or humanity itself, all religions can spawn crazy movements.

By that logic Protestantism is the same as Catholicism because they share the same roots.

Does the book of mormon say it or not?

The Bible says you can own slaves.

If it's there I must've missed that verse. If you can provide it, I'd be more that willing to concede the point.

It's definitely not taught as doctrine, though.

Yeah, they are. Only members of those groups see them as significantly different.
Religion IS a crazy movement.
>inb4 tips fedora

Yeah, the 'no R-rated movies', 'no masturbation' and sex-act restrictions are cultural myths. You often see bishops and other leaders preach them, but there's nothing in the actual doctrine or policy of the church that says anything like that. Sex is basically anything goes, so long as you're married and keep it in the bedroom. Single dating is only highly discouraged till about 18 or so, then it's highly encouraged cause you're being pushed to marry as fast as possible (after the mission for boys, of course). And there are programs to pay for missions for those who absolutely can't afford it.

Rest of that's all completely true though. Cultural attitudes towards sex and relationships cause some really really serious issues in young Mormons nowadays. Never served a mission myself, but I've heard and seen firsthand quite a bit of both the good and bad that goes on with managing and running them.

I would say Lutheran and Catholicism is a more apt comparison. Protestantism and Catholicism are too far removed. FLDS and Mormonism are a single step, as one is an offshoot directly from the other. Protestantism is a construct that split hundreds of years ago, with both faiths growing apart individually. FLDS is literally just fundamentalist take on the regular brand of LDS. Like it's in the title.

>it's only ok if you critize the weird religions!

Yeah and it also lays out strict regulations for their humane treatment, AND enforces a time limit. Slavery under biblical terms is the equivalent of contract work.

ummmmmm. I have questions.

Seeing as they're all weird, yup.

The Bible has a legitimate theological out for almost all of it's questionable content because the gospel of Jesus takes priority over anything else, and he was a fucking dirty hippy who couldn't stop talking about love and peace and shit.

>Yeah and it also lays out strict regulations for their humane treatment
Like how you can beat them to within an inch of their life as long as they don't die after a few days.
>enforces a time limit.
Only for fellow Hebrews, and there's a loophole. Foreign slaves are property.
>Slavery under biblical terms is the equivalent of contract work.

Still not a reason to say that they are the same crazy root or would act the same.

>who couldn't stop talking about love and peace and shit.
Except when he took time out to talk about lakes of fire. You can be a dirty hippy in this life because it doesn't matter; it's all about pleasing sky-daddy.

I wonder if he was a junkie.

Except for that part where he Hulked out on those dudes with a whip. Jesus was big on being nice to people but he didn't have a problem with throwing down if it came to it.


Most of its weird laws (Leviticus) made sense at the time to. Don't wear clothes of two fabrics? That was because people at that time and place did that during fertility rituals, they Don't anymore so it's fine. Don't eat pigs? Pork is unhealthy in a desert, so if you're not in a desert go nuts. Don't eat bats? Fuckers carry disease.

In the New Testament at least, you where told to treat your slave like you would a beloved brother. And slavery then was different than slavery as we imagine it. It was a book however written at a time when that was normal, some 1700 years ago.

FLDS and LDS are a fairly recent split so there hasn't been as much time to grow apart. Still, the practice of polygamy is a huge difference between the two. LDS members get excommunicated for practicing it.

I do kind of suspect it'll be a moot point in 50 years or so. I have a feeling that the FLDS doesn't really have a bright future going for it.

He (and the bible in general) taught that violence is permissible under some circumstances. The specific place where he hulked out was the part of the temple where gentiles (us) could come and learn about God.
So when Jesus turned up and saw that they'd turned it into a 'den of thieves' he was understandably livid for people misrepresenting his daddy like that.

The greatest gun maker, the one and only Browning was a Mormon. We have been gun nuts from the word go.
We are only defensively militent, we never attack but if need be we would defend rather well

Plus it's even made clear in the New Testament that the punishment for believers who mislead people/use Christianity to control people or lead them into sin are punished way worse than unbelievers.

>you where told to treat your slave like you would a beloved brother
The correct thing is to be told to not have slaves. Slaves were also told to obey their masters rather than to free themselves.
>And slavery then was different than slavery as we imagine it.
Still the owning of one human being by another.
>It was a book however written at a time when that was normal, some 1700 years ago.
Revealing that it is inspired by the morality of the time, not by some supreme being.

>punished way worse than unbelievers
There's worse punishment than eternal torment? Is there a super Hell?

Well maybe they shouldn't have been using the temple as a shady money-changing service/gambling den.

Jesus never outright banned violence in any case, as it's kinda necessary for law enforcement and self defense. His whole thing can basically be boiled down to "don't be a dick".

Jesus wasn't into self-defense though, turn the other cheek and all. This life doesn't matter.

Yes, of course. It's just a bit funny when people say Jesus was a total pacifist hippy as it misrepresents his teachings in general. He clearly knew that there was a time and place to throw down, but encouraged people to be kind to each other as a rule.

Well lets get back to the OP. Lets say that every non mormon christian in the nation has their religion magically replaced with the equivalent intensity of Mormonism. Lets call pentacostals the standard "far-right" fundie group to use. That would mean 3.5% of the total american population would be FLDS equivalent. If you define the comparison more broadly, as just the evangelical fundamentalist christian sub genres of christianity, you have 20% of the american population being FLDS equivalent. Fundamentalist christians determine a lot of our policy in this nation. Its why we teach creationism in some schools. 20% of the population being FLDS would be a HUGE voting block. Winning them alone could swing an election easily. Polygamy would be guaranteed legal.

People have reaaaaally misunderstood hell. There's like, two references to fire. It was initially described as the valley outside Jerusalem where they dumped rubbish.

Status of Polygamy is actually a bit more complicated that that in the Mormon Church. Legally yes, polygamy has been banned and made an excommunicable offense for well over a century now. From a theological standpoint though, the church actually does still practice polygamy to an extent. Marriage in the Mormon Church is done in the temple, where it is sealed for time and all eternity, not just for this life. You can't be married and sealed to more than one living person; but if, say, a guy's wife dies and he remarries, he and his second wife can be sealed as well. From a theological standpoint, that man is then practicing polygamy. Note that women can't do this; a woman whose husband died can remarry legally, but she can't be sealed to her second husband (unless she got the first sealing annulled, which itself is a very rare occurrence and requires direct authorization from the first presidency).

Since the church is technically still practicing theological polygamy, I can see it being a very real possibility that if the legal environment changed the church could go back to practicing legal polygamy. Would require a bit of a culture shift though, as most Mormons today aren't really down with the idea of polygamy.


>It was initially described as the valley outside Jerusalem where they dumped rubbish
So people who don't go to heaven get dumped in the valley outside Jerusalem?

Something tells me that maybe you are the one who is misunderstanding.

there is mass murders and terrorism becaue 90% of males dont have wife since the last 10% have 5 to 10 wives

This^^^ remember; he's the same guy who smashed the Israelites enemies. He had Lucifer thrown out in a war. He actively promotes violence as being preferable to certain kinds of peace. However he wants his followers to act better than they're entitled to. It'd be fair to hit someone back, but takes more strength to abstain from violence.

Turning the other cheek in the time period means the other person has to either punch you or open-hand slap you with their right hand. This implies you're an equal and presents them with a dilemma. Left hand was for wiping your ass and other nasty stuff so it wasn't an option.

At least that's one interpretation anyways.

The Bible has verses promoting polygamy and the Book of Mormon has verses condemning it. The Book of Mormon itself doesn't say "you should do the thing in 183X".

The bible is very shaky on what Hell actually is, the whole eternal hellfire for all sinners thing isn't strongly supported by the gospels. I think the standard interpretation is that the punishment for most people isn't so much an active punishment as it is just being taken off the guest list for God's super sweet eternal house party in heaven.

Described. Not saying that's the exact location. It's like saying you throw garbage in the bin. The only real punishment of hell is being away from heaven and earth + the company.
Every single fedora tipper, every single demon and every single pedophile in one place.
It might start okay but it'd end up looking like Mordor.

Considering the context the passage is in, I don't buy that interpretation for one second.

Yeah. If you've ever experienced total regret, that's hell.

>Cyberpunk Mormons
Corporation, religion, and government become one. The country is run by The Corporation, The Corporation is of God. To serve The Corporation is to serve God and country at the same time. Expect a very strict and absolute authority spreading subordinates everywhere to ensure that nobody steps too far out of line. Maybe even insular communes where community members survey and pressure one another to make sure the norms are upheld.

This is true, but the original statement was that it was necessary for exaltation, which is, as far as I know, not true.

I do feel like Mormons are so far past polygamy that it wouldn't really pop up again unless it somehow became socially normal in general.