But of course, you don't really need to do this. After all, who would want to have some nigs on his tabletop?

>but of course, you don't really need to do this. After all, who would want to have some nigs on his tabletop?

How did he get away with this?

Salamanders aren't even black in the traditional sense, it's just racism for no reason.

>buy this! Buy this, you stupid goy! Ahahahaahahaha


>not playing orcs

Celestial Lions

>Being this daft, troll or not.

Their first captain's name is just clicking noises.

Your bait is too thick.

Wow nice digits

There's always a reason for racism. It's fun, for one.

It's all fun and games until someone gets genocided.

Why are all the big genocides done by people who basically look the same? Jews and Germans, Hutu and Tutsi, Armenians and Turks, like, why even bother?

Americans are really the only ones who ever took skin color into account with the Native American genocide (and African slaves, even if genocide wasn't the intention). Although European colonialism in Africa definitely killed a shit ton of people and are still feeling the effects today...

Shutup you cone-nippled bastard

What did you say to me you target chest piece of shit?

>Why are all the big genocides done by people who basically look the same?
Because it's easy to keep visibly different races separate in a society that supports racism.

Intentional campaigns of genocide tend to only happen where there's a popular narrative of the minority group infiltrating and undermining the majority society. That's how you go from just seeing the minority as inferior to actually feeling hatred towards them.

Please post more Duncan memes

Please, we outright succeeded with some of our genocide in Australia.
All the Aboriginals on Tasmania were wiped out.


You're right, I forgot about Australia. Shit was fucked.

>Why are all the big genocides done by people who basically look the same?

Because people who look the same can have very different cultures.

Also literally every society has genocided someone at some point. The idea of killing your enemies to the last man was just the standard. It was only the Armenian genocide that the term became a thing and thus something people would do anything to deny.

>Although European colonialism in Africa definitely killed a shit ton of people and are still feeling the effects today...

Yeah but they weren't INTENTIONALLY trying to kill them. They were just exploiting the everliving shit out of them and didn't care if they died in the process.

Its not bait, its a varient of rami posting.

>Americans are really the only ones who ever took skin color into account with the Native American genocide
>Actually believing there was a 'native american genocide'

kill yourself, fucker.

Actually by the point we were doing that with colonialism in Africa, we had some pretty strict laws in Europe on how you can treat the colonies. The problem was when we got shit like King Leopold II, who exploited a loophole that allowed him to buy and control the Congo. Not his country of Belgium (which had said European laws), but specifically him. And Leopold was so insanely brutal that Joseph Conrad wrote Heart of Darkness based on the horrors he had comitted there. He had a hand chopped off if you fell behind in rubber tree harvesting.

Not him but yeah, there was never technically a genocide. Genocide implies intent, and we never intended to kill them to the last man, or even cause as many of them to die as there were. The vast majority died due to smallpox which we did not intentionally give them (aside from that one time, centuries after knowing that it had the effectiveness it had).

We exploited them, we constantly kicked them off their land, we killed any that resisted us...but it was never our intent to outright genocide them. Otherwise we never would've bothered with forceful re-education and not letting them learn their native language. You can argue that's cultural genocide, but that's not the same thing as ethnic genocide.

First you start by just dipping your brush gently in the paint and thinning out with some water.
Now apply it like so in two thin coats...

And there you go! Your model is complete. Any questions? Pop em on our facebook.

There was no Injun genocide. It was disease and good ol' war.

So let's get started! Now always make sure to give all your paints a good shake before starting, very important to remember that. So now just grab your brush and pop some paint onto your pallete, this way we can really control how much paint is on the brush. Thin it with just a bit of water until it's... that's sort of consistency there, this way the paint flows nice and freely from your bristles. Give your brush a few twists like that so you get a nice fine tip on the end there, and when you're ready just start applying that paint to the miniature. You might notice some of the undercoat showing through but that's fine. Let the paint dry completely and then apply another layer of paint. Remember, two thin coats is always better than a single heavy layer.

It's incredible that GW allows such a blatantly racist personality to be part of their staff. Can he really get away with everything?

>You're right, I forgot about Australia. Shit was fucked.

Yeah we didn't get them all. Worst mistake we ever made.