Does anyone have any similar puzzles? Looking for odd but stylish and solvable puzzles, like from MYST and shit

Does anyone have any similar puzzles? Looking for odd but stylish and solvable puzzles, like from MYST and shit

But that one's really easy. It's obviously the round o-


Oh... wait a second...

i'd go with 1

Yeah. All the others are 1 change away from the base template that 1 is. It's the odd one out by virtue of being the one without a change from the baseline.

cool, my iq went up to 2 digits now

>find the odd one out

Two is the only one without a border. Three is the only one of a different color. Four is the only one not square. Five is the only one of a different diameter.

What's unique about One? 4 are square. Four are red. Four have borders. Four have the same diameter. The odd one out is One, because it the only one that is not unique.

"Odd one out" implies the existence of a pattern. There is no pattern here. Every one of these shapes is unique in some way.

This task is nonsense.

>t. brainlet

>1 is, Red, Size A, Square, Rimmed
>2 is, Red, Size A, Square
>3 is, Size A, Square, Rimmed
>4 is, Red, Size A, Rimmed
>5 is, Red, Square, Rimmed

1 is the only one that matches the other 4 on more than 3 variables, as such it is the odd one out.

One is unique, because it is not unique

colorblind people will think 1 and 3 are the same which will change their answers considerably

5 is the odd one out.

All the others have the same length and width, but 5 is small.

found the brainlet

It's 3. All the others are red. It's green. Yall are over thinking it.

Is it that 1 is the only one that displays at least one common trait to the entire set?

It's clearly four. All the rest are squares.

maybe every answer is correct and the puzzle's only use is to waste time

1 has a trait in common with all other shapes
2 has no border
3 is green
4 is a circle
5 is smaller

The answer is nuke it from orbit.

>at mention of this one the Greater Invisible'd thieves yell, "beat it, we've been made!"


At least three traits in common with each of the others (three of size, border, color, and shape)