So I am making a dystopian setting in which France and Germany turned into semi islamic states as the events of Michel...

So I am making a dystopian setting in which France and Germany turned into semi islamic states as the events of Michel Houellebecq’s Submission played out, while Russia was taken over by Kadyrov dynasty when Putin died under suspicious circumstances at the age of 81.

What happens in this place?

Other urls found in this thread:,

Ukraine is asking to join

Spanish US supports Poland as a middle finger to Germany and Russia Novaya.

Probably nothing exciting. Isn't Ramzan Kadyrov just Putin's Mini-me?

New polish commonwealth becomes the richest state in europe, probably with nukes too


No such thing.

kadyrov hires party to find his cat

Yeah, Ukrane and belarus would be split down the middle between poland and russia

It's complicated. Putin bought Kadyrov's loyalty, and he keeps funding Chechnya really, really well - more than any region in Russia - so it won't rebel. The whole region lives essentially by it's own laws, and Kadyrov is it's dictator and given permission to do whatever he wants.

Overseas powers aren’t relevant in this scenario, USA is in declinine and fanatically isolationist, China has recently turned itself into federation to avoid civil war and desintegration and thus has enough of its own problems, India doesn’t give fuck and Brazil has no force projection.

Okay, so these guys are the power players in the setting. Berlin is probably a part of poland now, Czech republic, slovakia, lithuania, lavvia, Kaliningrad and part of ukraine and Belarus are as well, and the balkan states have probably gone apeshit and fucked up turkey at some point since there's no one protecting them

>What happens in this place?

Some stupid fucking meme probably

The UK will become islamic before France or Germany so it can't really help neither.

>Before France or Germany
Maybe if the British somehow elect Merkel as their Prime Minister. I also have zero faith in Emmanuel "there is no such thing as French culture" Macron.

It's straight up Belka.

As an outsider:
France due to it's policies of religious freedom (that to other westerners seem more aimed to keep people free from religion, rather than people free to practice religion) has a fuckload of muslims but is oddly hostile to them. They keep trying to blow the place up because French society is especially antagonistic towards a totalitarian religion like Islam.

We hear less about German Muslims, but Germany has a greater psychological compulsion to accept Muslims and ethnic minorities despite bad faith.

Can you go back to /pol/? This board isn't for the discussion of politics.

But we're not discussing politics, we're making a fictional setting where /pol/ was right.

>What happens in this place?

War against Turks who became expansionists again after the US stopped having a strong presence in the area.

Politicians striving to imitate the American founding fathers trying to establish proper capitalism.

Teritorial disputes being settled against the interests of Islamic nations such as Bosnia and Albania.

>The three seas intiative becomes an empire

Large portions of ethnic germans settling in these eastern parts, forming their own communities.

>that to other westerners seem more aimed to keep people free from religion, rather than people free to practice religion
Not really, mate. I'm not personally a big fan of laïcité but it has its roots in Catholic opposition to the Revolution (the Vatican condemned the Revolution after the storming of the Bastille. Keep in mind that this was when the king still had his head on his shoulders and even most revolutionaries wanted to keep it that way). It's not supposed to limit the practice of religion (though the Third Republic did have some pretty anti-Catholic elements prior to WW1) but simply keep the state out of religion. Catholic schools exist in France and they're doing really well, they're just not financed by the taxpayer like in some other countries. In that same vein, shit like Britain's Sharia courts or Germany bending over backwards to destroy "radical translations" of the Qu'ran according to Sharia law don't fly in France simply because that's not the business of the state.

Then again, modern day France is very hypocritical in its application of Sharia law. Chiraq blocked any attempts in EU documents to refer to the shared Christian heritage of the countries of Europe (which is literally the only thing they have in common mind you), but at the same time we have Macron whose election promises included attempts to actively normalize Islam in France (which means we might see some Church of England equivalent [Mosque of France?]).

>denmark's face when both germany and sweden turn into islamic shitholes

what happens to Italy?

>what happens to Italy?

>Recently Swedens northern region is begining talks about independence from the souther end of Sweden where the Leftists and immigrants are.

>Norway said they would use their military to block their border and shoot to kill to protect them selves in canse of Sweden breaking down.

>Denmark is preparing to build a wall on their border with Germany while their law allready requires them to beat those who come from Sweden illegally. With a stick.

Denmark and Norway are salvagable.
The rest of Northern and Western Europe is fucked if they don't start deportations soon.

The commie pope shuts down the Chatolic church and becomes the grand Imam of Rome.

>What happens in this place?
The Americans foster more civil wars and genocides so that they can move their military bases there, I guess?

American bases are allready here.

The only positive thing that can happen is that they become Burgers 2.0 and create a confederacy with full on capitalism and copy pasted American constitution.

I seriously doubt that, for poles and russians, there's much difference between muslims (the actual members of the religion) and "muslims" (brown people from ME+NA). If they know there's one, they don't probably care.

>souther end of Sweden where the Leftists and immigrants are.
That's funny, because today, northern Sweden are marxist shit-holes that subsists on government assistance.

Nobody in europe gives a shit about the founding fathers. Except maybe the brits, but they're basically bizarro americans nowadays.

>The Americans foster more civil wars and genocides so that they can move their military bases there, I guess?
They did that during WW2, man, the bases are already here and have been for decades. I always find it funny that people can see the things the US has done against the rest of the world since the Cold War, but when you point out that they did the same to Europe, you're met with blank fucking stares.

In this scenario Rusia would be lucky if it itself does not split into a dozen of states. Russians would be too busy fighting each ther to bother conquereing neighbours. Ukrain would likely send "volunteerrs" to the russian civil war anyway just as a "fuck you " gesture.

Former commie bloc countries from Poland to Croatia are all screaming for a propper right-wing libretarian movement.

Poland would still probably become a major player in this since they're the biggest power that didn't get fucked.
Like there's a chance that that entire area and some other places are JUST poland

Well they only realized after Gypsies started begging at stores in the middle of nowhere closer to their homes.

Not the western Balcans, though. Not even Poles would want that shithole.

I see no scenario where Russia splits up and it doesn't launches its nukes as the final revenge.

Based on their traditional values and history and a reaction against Russia/Communism. American shit doesn't matter and even less in this setting where they become ilationist and impotent. American culture matches with central european values almost as badly as communism (almost being the key word).

No anglocentrism in this setting, please.

Their borders would be the places they deport all the gypsies to.
And The balkans would have gone apeshit on turkey since the US isn't there to back them up anymore. Also bosnia would be split down the middle between serbia and croatia

Why do people keep overestimating Poland this hard? Their infrastructure is in shambles and their work ethics is a complete joke. They won't magically become a superpower any more than Austria or Italy just because France and Germany implode

What about southern Europe? After the western big bosses demise they don't need to pretend to be progressive and liberal anymore. The local leftism is more centered around daddy state nursing the people with political correctness being foreign imports caused by a globalism that no longer would exist.

I find it amusing how the OP mentions semi-Islamic and everyone assumes automatic Caliphate, a semi-Islamic state would just be a secular country that favors Islam and has a massive Islamic population that's active in the political scene. Expect streets to be renamed in Arabic and Muslim words or phrases to become normalized. It won't be Jizya Tax, but it's a world that doesn't belong to those who dare to insult the Prophet (pbuh.)

They'd be the closest thing to a local power in the setting

>Why do people keep overestimating Poland this hard?
We just want winged lancers back

It's just about being big. Do you think india or brazil have work ethics?


Son, I'm a Pole. Any scenario that turns Poland into a superpower within less than 50 years and literal magic is a right-wingers wet dream at best, a fucking joke at most.

There's really no middle option with it. It's either all or none

The Islamic State is a Caliphate.

>Implying sebs have the balls to do anything major without russians backing them up

Austria finally becomes relevant again by forming the last catholic bulwark in central europe against the islamic threat

Big compared to the rest of shitholes (no.offence) on OPs map. The regional hegemon is king when there's no external influence.

Deus Vult intencifies

India is a volatile shithole that survives on selling its massive population and Poland is pretty small, both in comparison to India and the big european countries. Brazil hasn't amounted to anything and won't ever unless the US decides it doesn't want to produce in China anymore

Do Poles have work ethics significantly worse than French, Italians or Spanish?

all this gets eaten by russia. The only one that can have a chance is poland with support for usa/europe and made into a wall, but that doubtfull. Russia reclaims the lands of the ussr

>we're making a fictional setting where /pol/ was right.
But user, similar to how poland cant into space, /pol/ cant into right even in fiction

Of course there's a middle option. The choice between secular homogenous state and Islamic homogenous state is something very similar to South Africa, only with Islam being the blackness.

Imagine, if you will, the wealthy white population that controls the media, politics and much of the economy living within white gated communities and venturing out of their safe zones only for work. There are many successful Muslims and some non-gated whites, but by and large it's a dichotomy between the wealthy Atheist/White minority and the poor Islamic/Arabic majority. The government does everything it can to pander to the Muslims while keeping a facade of secularism, and every once in a while there's a spasm of internal rage that sees a white village get raped and pillaged by a gang of disenfranchised Muslims.

>/pol/ cant into right
being (ultra)rught is literally the only thing /pol/ does.

Except whites cannot be converted into blacks, but can be converted to islam and muslims will actively try to do so.

user, the only thing /pol/ was right was trump and vague statments like "there is going to be a muslim terrorist attack sometime in the near future"

Hence the gated communities where the euphoric or staunchly liberalized wealthy whites hide away from their problems.

/POL/ are like TV mediums They are wrong 90% of the time they make a definite statement but they only count (and show) the 10% of the time they are right.

Actually is Submission the wealthy whites were among the first converts because they got the best benefits from converting.

*in Submission, stupid early onset parkinson’s.

so many posts before someone calls this shit out, wtf?

Not allowed to exist.

Don't like it don't post.

Makes way more sense than the other shit.

Probably further balkanization of all of Europe as Islamist splinter states erupt in rebellion against central authority across France, Germany and the Balkans, with the support of outside Islamic powers like Turkey and Egypt.

Eastern Europe would be under siege economically by Islamist versions of France and Germany, cut off from trade with their closest neighbours and living as middle-income countries. Many of them would be Russian client states, like under the Warsaw Pact by less unified.

This is ahow it woudl go:
>offer nice perks to the elites who convert
>offer nice gibs to the lumpenproletariat who convert
>you now control the key classes in the society, just wait a generation and you have nice muslim majority country

This might shock you, but it's 21st century and country size and population mean absolutely nothing. Netherlands has higher GDP than all four members of V4 (the stuff idiots from Central Europe like to brag as "little EU"), and those are the 4 biggest economies on OP's map anyway. So the entire map has COMBINED (and fracturated over gorillion of countries) GDP of entire Benelux. And as you might know, Benelux countries cooperate much more between each other than fucking Czech do with Slovaks, despite once forming Czechoslovakia.

>user is triggered by speculative fiction in a homebrew RPG setting.
Truly le /pol/ boogeyman knows no bounds.

Wouldn’t cultgural preassure high income countries lead to their islamization?

How about this - go back to your containment hugbox

Truly a /pol/fag doesn't know global rules

>Do Poles have work ethics significantly worse than French
Yeah, significantly. Because despite stereotypes, it's hard to top the French in productivity.

France is 6th on a global scale
Spain and Italy 17th and 20th respectively
Poland 37th.

Poland does outshine all three in terms of total hours worked (, but that seems to correlate to low level of development if anything (unless you argue most countries should strive to be less like Germany and more like Mexico).

Ironically, this is how Christianity became dominant in Europe.

Islam is just better at it because secularism/atheism doesn't fill the human need for religion.

It's hard being autistic, anons. I won't judge you for it. The scary /pol/ man isn't gonna get you just because we're talking about fiction.

>Worker harder, not smarter! is the Polish motto.

The total hours worked comes from simple case - ever since 2008 Polish employment law is fucked as a counter-measure for the financial crisis (which missed Poland for variety of reasons), so it's perfectly legal to let people work 12 hours a day and pay them below minimal wage, as long as their employment contract instead is fee-for-task agreement. It was SLIGHTLY improved recently, but that's like calling having only 10 tumors instead of 11 an improvement.

In short - Poles earn shit, so they need to work much more to earn for simple sustainment.

>It's not a /pol/ thread if I say its fictional
Entire /pol/ is based on fiction and yet it's banned from other boards
Get the fuck out

Low productivity is due to structure of their economy, not their lazyness.

It’s called middle income trap.


>Never looking for well-being of company
>Never looking for well-being of co-workers
>Widespread "It's not thievery if I just take company property or use it for private purposes" mentality
>Anti-union sentiment
>If working as contractor, not giving a single fuck about quality, because they are going to pay you anyway
>Folwark-style worker hierarchy
Welcome to the fallout of over 40 years of commie rule combined with deeply rooted mentality of a poor peasant working in the manor of the lord, who is considered good as long as he feeds you and doesn't beat you too hard.
Polish working ethics are abysmal.

At least nowdays it's no longer acceptable to be drunk at work.

Anyway OP, Ignoring the ultratriggered anons that can't tell fiction from reality. Russia probably fragments like the Soviet Union when it collapsed, there's still a core Russia but there's also a few dozen new countries that all hate eachother for some reason and are dead set in Cheekiing all the breekis. The Middle East probably has different borders and new nations too, seeing as it's not the most stable region and adding a good chunk of Europe into it is gonna destabilize it even more.

It's much simplier than that, user.
When your government firmly believes in deregulated economy and each new party in power is predominately focused in putting their people in seats of national companies than actual economical growth, you are in a world of trouble. Doubly so if said governments also believe in trickle-down economics, so they actively fuck up employment laws and support big, foreign corporations in cutting down wages in some retarded believe that if Amazon Poland is going to earn extra 3%, then they will obviously invest those 3% of income in development in Poland.

It's a great case of structural fuckery, where there is nothing wrong with Poland itself, but the lack of absolutely any initiative from any government, no matter what party they represent, leads to a clusterfuck of issues and abuse of employees. Everyone is simply afraid to make basic interventionist policies, to not be called communist by political enemies and thus quickly lost any popularity.

t. Pole

Russia, like China, has historically gone through alternating phases of fragmentation and reunification, usually requiring an outside threat and the deaths of a few million people to get everyone into line. They're in a reunification phase right now but with surprisingly few mass deaths (only a few journalists and oppo politicians).

>it's an autists freak out about 5-10% of the population episode
baka desu senpai

To be fair thay same 5-10% is responsible for 90% of gang grooming charges as well as the spike in sexual assaults and terror attacks. Just because a group of people is a minority doesn't make them immune from scrutiny.
Like 13% of the population being responsible for half of all violent crime.

user, this might shock you, but Russian Empire, Russia and USSR are three completely different entities. Comparing it with China is... it's not even retarded. It's just sheer ignorance of any form of reality.
China sticked together, because it shared common culture and general feeling that people belong to the same group.
Russians can't even control places like Belarus, because it's different entity. They can't make claims of "brotherhood" when invading Caucassus, because that's an alien culture. They have zero claims over Baltic states, because those are mix of local (non-Slavic) elements and German influences. And so on and forth. Russia basically has zero claims other than "but that once belonged to USSR". Which means the people from those "lost lands" will actively oppose them, which they do. It's inefficient, but it is.

>To be fair thay same 5-10% is responsible for 90% of gang grooming charges as well as the spike in sexual assaults and terror attacks
What? Not even going to provide some doctored charts and questionable sources? Just claims? You must be really new in sprouting /pol/ bullshit

Persia was conquered by 651, but by 9th century, only 40% of its population were muslim.


>5-10% of the population
Please tell me what percentage of the population they are when we limit ourselves to those under 5. Because that's a good indicator for what our countries will look like in 30-40 years.

Now tell me those same demographics for major cities. Just to take a contemporary example: Britain is about 80% white (an already shockingly low number I might add), yet London is only 40% white British. That's because there are in reality two Londons: the gentrified, rich London of the elites and an unlivable shithole that vaguely resembles Pakistan.

Also are you seriously suggesting there's been no increase in terror attacks or other problems by importing massive amounts of people from 3rd world hell holes?
Even ignoring the islamic factor how can you not see any of this shit?

>I seriously doubt that, for poles and russians, there's much difference between muslims (the actual members of the religion) and "muslims" (brown people from ME+NA).
Not really.
East euros have tatars and dobrujan turks, and those guys are chill as fuck, and anti-islamisation.

I hope janitors clean up this crappily veiled /pol/ shit asap