Metamorphosis 2.0

Core sets are back, motherfuckers. 3 large sets a year. No more Gatewatch. Magic is great again.

I like how each world will get as many sets as it deserves now. Makes it way easier to justify returning to old weird planes like Kamigawa if we're only there for three months. Still now sure what this means for standard, now what every environment will be fucking huge.

We'll see how well this goes down.

Less sets with Masterpieces, that's good.

Less Gatewatch in the story, that's great (especially as a Vorthos).

More people on designing the competitive environment could be good.

> Mtg will finally drop its spaguetti by the end of 2008.

Seems like a way to push out even more sets to me but I don't really understand most of it anyway. Seems like he was making an excuse against reprinting too. Besides as log as magic operates in cahoots with star city Jews and the rest it really means shit all unless I'm missing something which I probably am.

There's no change to the number of sets--we're still getting 4 a year.

This year: Aether Revolt (small set), Amonkhet (large), Hour of Devestation (small), Ixalan (large).

Future: 3 large sets, 1 Revamped Core Set.

The number of cards we get per year will probably go up slightly, but that's about it.

>core sets are back
Welp, looks like a get to skip a set every year now.

>Our new plan is to continue to design flavorful story cards but only push them for Constructed when, through playtesting, we believe that they lead to a better Constructed environment.

Jesus. Kudos for transparency, but the fact that they're just handing over evidence of how badly R&D has been mismanaged these past few years finally has me on the "Fire MaRo" wagon, where before I've always said you guy were overreacting.

i understand your complaint but from a design standpoint having the pivotal plot cards be total duds is actually worse than what we have now. can you imagine if the scary big bad eldrazi had been completely terrible? sure. they went to far...but it means that we all now know and respect the eldrazi for what they are. it creates palpable excitement around the story elements.

i've played magic for a long time and there were many "important character" cards that were so so bad. meanwhile random shit would be stupid powerful.

Hello my name is tibalt, I'm a planeswalker that's weaker that many 1 mana drops

So semi related. When am I going to get Garruk back? And are they going to make landslides good or are we just gonna get OP blues and tamiyos forever

I meant planeswalkers, Damn phone

>The Gatewatch are still going to be our protagonists, but every member will no longer show up in every block.


>We may even have some blocks where none of the Gatewatch appear, although even those blocks will still be relevant to the larger story.

Fantastic if it happens.

I'm calling it now: Metamorphosis 3.0 in 2-3 years, changing all of this up again.

What's with this dull reaction from most places? Are people really that numb after all the changes i recent years?

To be fair, I'd rather have them do this then blindly stick with a model that isn't working.

what in your opinion is most places? because reddit already has 600 comments on it, an hour later. If you mean here its probably because this doesn't actually change the game in any way and we have a shitload of other announcements later in the week. This is something that we won't know if it was good or not for a year or two.


I think it's been pretty well-received so far, which was true of the change to two-set blocks as well. Veeky Forums's so excessively negative that that doesn't lead to much discussion here.

Magic has been shit for so long I no longer feel anything but cynicism towards Wizard's "plans"

Bringing back Core Sets could be good but we already saw they suck balls at reprinting things that need to be reprinted, so it's just going to be loads of jank reprints as usual.

If they said they were getting rid of the Mythic Rarity, then maybe I'd agree that Magic was becoming Great Again.

>Our new plan is to continue to design flavorful story cards but only push them for Constructed when, through playtesting, we believe that they lead to a better Constructed environment.

So the way this is phrased implies that previously, they printed pushed flavorful story cards even when they believed that they led to a worse Constructed environment. This is amusing to me.

In all seriousness, all the changes sound fine in theory, at least. It mostly depends on whether they actually mean them, or if it's just razzle-dazzle while they keep doing the same shit that they've been doing.

Negative? Yes.
Excessively? I don't think so. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, and I'm going to shitpost on the internet about it.

So... does this mean we WON'T be getting an Eternal Masters 2?

I don't think Gerrard Capashen being bad ever negatively affected my enjoyment of the game of Magic. It was way more important to me that the decks I was playing were fun to play. UG Madness didn't have any story beats but it was fun as hell.

>Bringing back Core Sets could be good but we already saw they suck balls at reprinting things that need to be reprinted, so it's just going to be loads of jank reprints as usual.

This is probably the single biggest issue that they don't address.

It's one thing to say that there were reasons that prevented them from doing reprints outside of core sets. But the problem is that they said they would do it and they didn't. Aside from any other impact that it had on the game, stuff like that hugely impacts the amount of trust that people are willing to extend to R&D, and they really need to address that, instead of constantly acting like everything they do was part of their plan all along.

I meant Veeky Forums in general, not just in regards to magic, specifically.

>It's one thing to say that there were reasons that prevented them from doing reprints outside of core sets. But the problem is that they said they would do it and they didn't.
I read it pretty straightforwardly as "They thought they were going to be able to, and then they ran into problems," not some kind of attempt to pretend that they never intended to.

I think a lot of people are skeptic after the last metamorphosis

I agree that's what they're saying. My point is that there's a credibility gap.

Tired of all the changes? Jump on in to one of the eternal formats, the water's fine!

I personally love to grind endless Death's Shadow or DRS matches

I feel like admitting that something didn't work, rather than just charging forward, gives you some of that back.

Willingness to admit mistakes shows accountability.

Based Microsoft Man fixing all that was bad these last years and telling those cucks that their "design philosophy" was absolute shit and that he wasn't having any of that anymore or everyone would be fired on the spot.

You can almost taste all the salty tears MaRo must have spilled while writing that article.

what do Veeky Forums?

Ban OP Bolas. Safely walk over (wearing padding of course) and get prize (that has no sharp edges).

>not knowing that Chandra's much more of a lesbian than Nissa, who didn't even notice when Chandra was hitting on her

That's because Nissa is an autist who doesn't understand normal emotions.

Nissa's in love with the earth, user. She's too busy having gangbang sessions with Wood Elementals to notice some upstart fire mage.

I actually want planeswalkers to be powered down, shifted to rare and uncommon. Your mythics could by the Liliana and Karn-tier powerlevels, rares and uncommons being scaled down in power like how every other fucking card type works.

planeswalkers in general should be numbed down in general. Truth be told, I don't hate them, they just feel like a boring meta.


>What's with this dull reaction from most places?
i play edh so none of this shit matters unless they print more legends (hopefully they slow down a little) or they print more staples (hopefully they slow down a little)

>excessively negative
Nah, most places are just blindly positive about far too much. There's definitely a lot of contrianism here against the constant external attitude of "it'll be fine guys!" but it's far from excessive.

If anything it's necessary and refreshing.

Also, go back, reee, etc.

>So the way this is phrased implies that previously, they printed pushed flavorful story cards even when they believed that they led to a worse Constructed environment.
Sounds more like "we didn't really consider the impact as much as we should" as opposed to "we literally didn't give a shit"

I'm sure that's what they meant.

But as written, it definitely implies that they didn't consider whether or not the pushed cards would lead to a better Constructed environment.

This is the place where people will scream at wijjards for putting in $100 bill in each booster pack.

I get you, and it's a big part of why I stick around here. I just think it's healthy to understand that our own viewpoint is often skewed; Veeky Forums's real bad about doomsaying.