Okay, fags, let's do this. Let's create a character sheet

Okay, fags, let's do this. Let's create a character sheet.
Rules are simple: Add shit, one thing per post. Save your shit as png so we won't need to deal with nasty ass compression. Don't be an asshole, don't take too much space.

If anybody cars for consistency, font is arial 24pt, line is 2px wide




I am monitoring this thread (bump).


You think you're funny don't you?


I do not see how in any decent setting that would NOT be important.
Id prefer this over , since the only reasonable addition would be Max Power Raiting (W) or (J)




>erp comes pre-checked

Last bump from the OP, I hope when I wake up this shit will be all filled.




We're reaching retarded meme levels.

I'm pretty sure that was in a previous version



Please list your Hitpoint total by circling numbers, then adding all circled numbers.













lol im retarded






It's the time to add the second page, isn't it?

What would even be on the second page? Equipment?