I've been considering for a long time using the thirty silver coins given to Judas as payment for outing Jesus to the...

I've been considering for a long time using the thirty silver coins given to Judas as payment for outing Jesus to the romans as a plot point, and id like some other smaller biblical items and such to flesh out parts of this campaign without throwing in really trite and overused things like the spear and the nails from the cross.


Like straight biblical or just Christian focused in general? Because there's a ton of Saints Relics that work for this.

pretty much just looking for biblical in general, especially objects and locations.

Look for the thousands of fragments of the Holy Cross around the world.

Sealed clay pot rumored to contain actual manna that isn't just grasshoppers.

An evil wizard has a staff carved from a branch of the fig tree cursed by Jesus.

A load of stuff made by Jesus as a carpenter, before all the God stuff.

The rock that blocked the tomb.

Judas' noose.

Shroud of Turin.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were "lost" for a reason.

The Crown of Thorns.

The Lash that broke Jesus' skin before the Crucifixtion.

You can also do locations like Noah's derelict ark, the ruins of Sodom and Gamorrah, the foundation of the Tower of Babel, or maybe pieces from these places.

>Keep finding pieces of the True Cross
>Way too many in fact
>They are actually pieces of Noah's Ark.

You can make anything a relic if it touches an actually important relic. Basically if you keep a Saint's bone in a chest, the chest becomes a relic because it has touched a relic.
Just use anything.

So no jesus foreskins?


>Salt of Lot's Wife
>banana of immortality
>the stone that slew Goliath
>the garment Shem & Japhet covered Noah's nakedness with
>Half-brick from the tower of babel (in a sock)
>Aaron's fucking rod - which turns into a snake in exodus, and then later turns into a tree and sprouts fruit in Numbers
>Samson's hair
>Jezebel's makeup kit.

>>banana of immortality

The rock that was outside of christ's cave.

This feels very Supernatural to me. Is that good?

The lance St. George used to kill that dragon

Shroud of Turing and the Lance of Longinus are both good ones, if a bit overplayed.

Turin not turing dammit.

Lance of longinus is good if you play it like it was in... I think the arthur books? Where a single swing of the thing can devastate the countryside for miles around. Also, Roland's sword

jesus foreskin

The hill where they crucified him was called Golgotha. This was an abbreviated form of two words meaning the place where Goliath's head was buried. When the biblical David killed Goliath with the sling stone, he took the giant's sword and cut off his huge head. They brought David before king Saul still holding that head, then they had a parade for him in Jerusalem. After showing the head to everyone, he buried it outside the city gate in accordance with the Mosaic law and raised a large tumulus mound over it to commemorate the victory. That mound became the hill on which Jesus was crucified.


Speaking as a computer scientist, I can assure you that the Shroud of Turing needs to be in more scifi.

Thirty silver coins was the price of a slave.

When Peter was asked if Jesus pays the temple tax, he said that he did. Jesus then told Peter that he did not have to, but that they would pay it to avoid offending them. He then had Peter throw a line into the water and catch a fish, which had a gold coin in its mouth to cover the temple tax for the both of them. Perhaps in your story this coin is found to have unusual properties. Perhaps the silver coins are cursed and the gold coin blessed, or vice versa.

>Banana of immortality

Check out Dracula 2000. The movie itself is dogshit, but the concept they use for the Judas story is relevant.

Bethel lies north by northwest from Jerusalem. It is the location where Jacob encountered the ladder to heaven and its name means "house of God". During the divided kingdom a corrupt king named Jeroboam set up a place of worship to the false god at Bethel as a way of deterring worshippers coming south to the temple at Jerusalem. To do this, he constructed an imposing altar of dressed stone and cast a massive golden calf, the symbol of the god. A nameless holy man called down the power of heaven and destroyed the altar, when the king tried to seize him, his hand shriveled up and he could not pull it back in again. He begged the holy man to pray for his healing, the man agreed and the king was healed.

But the holy man was deceived by a rival prophet, and the punishment of heaven found the holy man in the form of an attack by a vicious lion. When the body was found, the lion and the man's donkey were also found standing in silent homage to the deceived holy man.

The corrupt king and his dynasty continued to build up Bethel. But years later a southern king traveled to Bethel with his army and desecrated the place, making it unfit for worship of the false god. At the same time he sealed and certified the tomb of the holy man at the site, making it a place of pilgrimage unto this day.

The myrrh container.

Pieces of Dagon's statue
Galiath's skull
Jacob's wrestling championship belt
The flaming swords of Eden
Paul's magical cloths

I'll provide versus if you need any

Fruit of the trees of knowledge and life

Apparently they reckon they've found the stone that blocked the tomb. It has broken off bits of iron in it from the tomb and everything.

deepest lore

>Jacob's wrestling championship belt

I like it.

The garden of Gethsemane was thought by some to be the site of the original garden of Eden- the place where god and man first met. The original garden was vast, and fed by a massive spring which devolved into four headwaters. When man was banished from the garden, angelic warriors and a flaming sword were positioned to prevent his reentry. Man expanded to the east, and soon fell into corruption. As unremitting violence made it impossible for anyone to live a moral life, the god broke open the massive underground springs and let flow the higher clouds which lived beyond sight of man, causing a worldwide flood, and wiping out all but eight persons in a prepared wooden craft.

When the boat lodged on Mount Ararat in what is now Turkey, the men began to rebuild their civilization many leagues from where it had begun. The flood had scoured the area that is now Gethsemane, burying the spring of the water of life, and the flow of the original headwaters had shifted. According to the sages, the loss of the water of life was the reason for the shortened lifespans after the flood.

On the site where they thought Eden once stood, men planted Gethsemane as a homage- to what had once been, and to what might have been.

>Half-brick from the tower of babel (in a sock)
How Terry Pratchett never wrote this into one of his stories is beyond me. That's genius, lad

According to the book of Enoch, when Moses after six refusals agreed to confront the Pharaoh, he asked how he would prove his words to the corrupt king. In reply, the god smote the upper right corner of his sapphire throne with the side of his hand, shearing off a sapphire sliver. He handed this sliver to Moses, which became the staff with which he parted the Red Sea and split the rock to open the spring in the desert, and did other miracles. This staff found its way back to heaven, but I don't remember the rest of the legend. You can find the rest of the tale in the book of Enoch.

The rock with which the first homicide was committed, still stained with Able's blood.

Cain and Lilith's descendents

I like the idea of using this and giving it some sort of Grandiose name like "The seal of god" or something like that. This'd be especially good if like, at some point the players have to go on a globe trotting adventure and try to find as many of these artifacts as they can, and the thing ends up being like, a landmark from one of the PC's hometowns that got moved there

Early supernatural was pretty good.

It should have ended with Michael and Lucifer trapped in Hell

Who has that screencap of some rando complaining about supernatural's retarded escalation by jokingly calling Satan's brother frank or something and supernatural fans crawling out of the woodwork to correct him since the entire scenario he said in jest happened almost verbatim

Far north of Jerusalem lies Mount Gilboa, a place of foreboding. In ancient times a great and terrible battle was fought here. the corrupt king Saul did not know how to cope with an invading Philistine force. So he consulted a sorceress, who pretended to call up the spirit of the vizier, a holy man who had mentored Saul. But the real spirit appeared, and the sorceress panicked. The spirit cursed Saul to a horrific death for turning to the occult arts. Saul returned to his army at Gilboa and met the enemy there. But the enemy had positioned archers in key strongpoints, and they slew many of Saul's men as they tried to assault the mountain. When all was lost, Saul took his sword and fell on it to end his life.

When Saul had been younger, he had followed the holy vizier and had been touched by heaven in prophecy. But he turned on his former mentor for his protection of David, and went to confront him with sword drawn. The power of heaven protected the vizier by compelling Saul to strip off all his clothes and lay still until midnight while prophesying. When the Philistines found the body of Saul, they stripped him naked to carry his prized armor as a trophy to their headquarters. Thus the king's body lay naked just as he himself had prophesied.

The enemies wished to degrade the king further, so they hung the body of the king and his son on the city wall. But at midnight, the brave forces of the nearby hamlet of Beth Shean snuck past the enemy and retrieved Saul's body in a daring rescue. They buried it and mourned the king, and the body was later reburied in the plot of the king's concubine in recognition of her loyalty to him despite his insanity.

Some say the ghosts of the many soldiers who were betrayed by their corrupt king wander that mountain looking to avenge themselves on any who pass that way. I'm LegendsAnon, and that is my tale. Good luck.

Jesus saves...and contributes good code to github.

Thank you for reminding me that I need to catch back up on Unsong.

To my knowledge, that was actually supposed to be the end, so that makes sense.

That would make sense. It felt like a proper ending and if you paused the last episode of the season right before Sam showed up as it was zooming out I would never think that it needed more.

The general monster hunting stuff that happened in later episodes were good, but the main plotlines were pretty bad. I did enjoy the ghost that could only be seen by drunk people or the episode filmed entirely in their car

Gog and Magog, dude. Gog and Magog are the best.

Items associated with the watchers would be pretty cool to include. Something like a sword of Azazel, the first blade gifted to mankind.

Run wild man, Christianity/Judaism has mythology more fantastical than most fantasy settings if you dig through it.

Stones from the road of damascus
Splinters from the true cross
Splinters from the cross of st Peter
Saint knucklebone
All kinds of shit

In the Constantine videogame, your basic pistol fires stones taken from the road to Damascus

Aside from the coins you could use Judas' noose, the INRI placard, and the shamir (thought to be a worm or substance with the ability to cut through stone, iron, and diamond).

If you want to Islamic Kaba locks are pretty cool.

Rose water is Islamic Holy Water.

The Key to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is held by an Islamic Palestinian family as a neutral third party between all the feuding Christian factions. This is an old Ottoman decision known as the "Status Quo" and is the origin of the common term.

Saul was a famous Jewish fight who fell on his sword. His sword could be a cool item.

Jesus put his bloodied hand on wall while he was bearing his cross. Legend tells of the stone in the wall having magic powers.

You could use the torturers lash. That would have some blood soaked jesus on it.

That's what I thought, too. I'm crawling my way through the seasons after that (on 9 I think), and 7 was fucking horrendous. It took me 3 months to get through it

I think the Leviathans had the chance to be a great thing, but for whatever reason I just couldn't get into them

Get ready to hate season 10

The book of Enoch covers down into Moses's time? I figured it just covered Enoch and the Nephilim stuff, y'know, pre-Flood.

The Treatise of Solomon was supposedly a signet ring with the name of God on it, and it gave him power over demons or something

I've been reading this thread and mostly what I'm getting is "play Binding of Isaac and incorporate all the power-ups."

ive not seen much of supernatural but its not really an inspiration for me

i really like the salt and the stone that slew goliath

i totally forgot about the crown fuck

i will probably use this one now since i hadnt thought of it in the same sense as the rest

the blessed golden coin would work well with the coins where were already going to be cursed

first time ive laughed at this fucking banana god damn it


lmao wacky

i love solomon lore, theres so much to it