Can you guys link me some good Veeky Forums youtube channels please?

Can you guys link me some good Veeky Forums youtube channels please?

Other urls found in this thread:

Matthew Colville running the game, It address dungeon master advice or Web DM.

they talk, and I listen.

Yes to Matt Colville. No to DawnForgedCast. YMMV on Matt Mercer and Taking20.

Not Veeky Forums-related, but I feel they're enjoyed by much of Veeky Forums:

JonTron and Nostalgia Critic.

They've both got golden reactions, which are a boon to our gif and image folders, but they also engage in our favorite pasttime of finding terrible things and mocking them relentlessly.

JonTron is more funny, but Nostalgia Critic actually has good discourse that honestly engages you and makes you think. He's willing to list good points as well as bad, and his arguments have plenty of merit in settings and how to run a story.

Plus, they have great reviews of Darkest Dungeons and D&D the movie.

Not to mention Nostalgia Critic created the greatest Slaaneshmas song ever... Someone needs to Grimdark Songwrite that one.

Some hilarious foul-mouthed Aussies who do pretty awesome GW battle reports and army showcases

Tabletop Minions

It can't get more Reddit than that, eh? How about using a trip next time so I could filter you?

Because I could be anyone. Anywhere. I'm Wayne. I'm annoying, I'm insignificant, and I'm ever present. I do awesome Shit like dump a Lovecraftian comic for everyone and dumb shit like this. I don't use a trip because anyone can become Wayne, anyone can be the awesome retard, the clever idiot, the stupid genius.

I am he and he is me and we are be and I. AM. WAYNE.

Counter Monkey.

You're underage ain't ya

Questing Beast for mapping tutorials and OSR reviews.

Disclaimer on this Dude:
Nostalgia Critic's recent content has been slowly turning into a sitcom. Invest toward using archive channels of his classic videos before spending your time with an okay Youtuber.
Jontron is top tier though

Neither have to do with tg heavily though

If you're into actual play, Exaltwitch is pretty good. As are the Yogscast play sessions (although some of them aren't from normal games). They're the only actual play I can watch.

R.I.P. I miss old Spoony and his stories. There is nothing to fill the void.

For DnD specifically, Matt Colville is decent but can be a bit SJW. I like Drunkens and Dragons but his Humor can be hit and miss...
Dawnforged Cast can be ok. Critical Role is good if overproduced.

Tabletop Minions is also pretty decent. That's all of them I watch regularly.

tabletop is best board game series online
critical role is a good DnD show.

other good boardgame channels are watchitplayed and boardgamegeek gamenight

Nostalgia Critic has dick to do with tg.

Jon at least covered Dark Dungeons.


Didn't JonTron have some kind of breakdown and throw a shitfit or something?


>Nostalgia Critic's recent content has been slowly turning into a sitcom
A bad sitcom. His reviews were decent up until the live action Scooby Doo review. That was supposed to be his last review, he then dropped Nostalgia Critic to do some sitcom called Demo Reel. It only had five episodes and bombed hard because it turns out that ridiculing something unfunny is way easier than trying to be funny yourself. He then "rebooted" the Nostalgia Critic because he needs to get a paycheck from somewhere, but now has very elaborate cut-away gags (sometimes lasting minutes at a time) with the same reject actors he hired for Demo Reel. Ironic, coming from the guy who once ridiculed Family Guy for their non-sequitur cut-away gags.

>The guy who unironically likes Anita Sarkeesian
>The guy who criticized Assasins Creed Unity for having four "bland" FUCKING WHITE MALE protagonist back when Paris was still French

He was supposed to be a voice actor for Yooka-Laylee (basically an indy love letter to the Banjo-Kazooie games), but because he once said something "racist" in an interview he was cut out of the game. This led to a shitstorm because all the JonTron fans that preordered the game asked their money back and never got it. JonTron himself took it rather well, it's just that the gaming company involved is being a dick by not giving refuns to upset fans for being unable to deliver the product they opted in for.

Matt Easton.

woodwwad nyarlahotep-tier all are beneath him. HowtobeagreatGM is next best. Questing Beast is up there too.

Geek chic bullshit from attention whoring semi-celebs. That show is the worst thing to ever happen to the hobby.

Really? Some people doing an Internet show is the worst thing?

Not the satanic panic, but some people who have fun the wrong way?

Satanic panic saved D&D. Any publicity is good publicity, etc.

The Bard:

But Critical Role publicity is bad?
Ouchie's Batreps
Wargamer Fritz

Exactly. Satanic panic put D&D in the national spotlight. Egbert's disappearance D&D sales quadrupled because people wanted to find out what the fuss was about.


*After Egbert's disappearance


>critical role is a good DnD show.

No, it was the SJWs having a breakdown because he said something (((racist))).

In what country do you use triple brackets instead of quotes?


In the country of (((Our Greatest Ally))), fellow goyim.

Hebrew quotation marks are similar to english ones.

It opens the floodgates to the SJW crowd. I'd much rather have the media have the media shitting on the hobby than watch tumblr do it it what they did to video games.

Yes, yes! Hebrews are indistinguishable from whites, wouldn't you say, fellow goy?

So it's some snarky /pol/ bullshit again. Have some spine instead of shielding yourself with codespeak that looks stupid to anyone who has actually bothered how to write properly.

>video games
Comics would be a better example. If things go that way character creation will have a mandatory d100 to learn your character's preferred pronouns at creation.

You too. Are you so fucking spineless that when stuff that you do not approve of happens in your own fucking house, you have no will to throw people out?

Some random nobodies thousands of miles from you have fun the wrong way, and you actually fear them? How pathetic can a man be?

It's /pol/shit.

Demonoc's Tales from my DND campaign.

Great story in this guy's super in depth homebrew world. I wish there were books and tv series and movies based in it.

>if you don't like something and aren't pathetic you should remove it
>but don't actually remove it though because that would make you pathetic
Are you actually retarded?


He is making videos about military history, archaeology and from time to time about tabletops

He may be mildly autistic and literally that guy, but his stuff is nonetheless comfy to watch and often interesting

Any good session music ones?

Your house, your house rules, that is the premise.

Someone else has different house rules in their own house, and you're dead scared that someone might actually force you to use them.

Yes, you're pathetic for fearing how others have fun in their houses.