Have you embraced the digital age, Veeky Forums?
Or does your group still game a traditional table?
Have you embraced the digital age, Veeky Forums?
Or does your group still game a traditional table?
I do both. Prefer text for RP purposes but getting together around a table is also fun, it just results in us being general murderhobos and memelords while we eat pizza and catch up on stuff.
>that pic
Somehow that line of mockery sounds familiar
TTRPGs are social games, and physically meeting and playing with people is always better.
I DM for a party every Saturday in person and it's great. But I also PLAY as a pc in a party every Thursday and we use tabletop simulator for that one, because we don't all live in the same area.
Digital is great but I prefer in person when possible.
I'd say at bare minimum you need voice chat for it to stay fun.
pure text games can get kind of stale unless you have a really good group.
I play online primarily so I don't have to see, or smell, my group.
Play in person, using technical means to enhance it
Voice chat is annoying though. People are either too nice which makes it take extra long for anyone to speak up, or they're too obnoxious and take up all the space in the voice channel. The conversations also become pretty awkward since you can't see other people.
I play online because I don't have a group to play with IRL.
how can you embrace the digital age when it doesn't even have blood?
Most people I know don't even have computers these days, just phones and games consoles.
So it has to be in person, unless I wanted to play with weird creepy fuckers who I've never met.
You live in the south, don't you.
>how can you embrace the digital age when it doesn't even have blood?
How can you embrace a pillow when it doesn't even have blood.
The answer to both is loneliness.
How old is this joke?
Voice for OOC and rules discussions
Text for IC and dice rolls
We're more traditional than hannukah
10/10 effort for photoshopping the girl or girl (male) in the back.
I'm in the market for new furniture. Please show me a nontraditional table?
I still use a traditional table. Roll20 just doesnt do it for me. I need the immediacy and feedback of actual human faces to know whether Im doing my job well as a GM.
I do not like playing over the internet, but my players are too far away to come to my kitchen.
At least a decade, since we're in 64 bit territory now and have been for a while. Hating on Microsoft for anti-competitive shit it pulls is also passe as fuck (Even though it still tries it), I'm guessing that shit is from late 90s to mid aughts or so.
My group doesnt use anything but voice chats
No minis
No maps
No roll 20
Absolutely no aids but dice rollers
Its comfy
Gaming in person is the best, but I just moved a few hundred miles for work so if I want to play with the usual guys digital games are the only option.
It's a shame, but it's better than nothing.
here you go
>using voice instead of pure text
get on my level
my group is actually littered with those pesky females
>implying text isnt a downgrade in powerlevels
We have to use our memory, not reread chat logs. NO EASY MODE
I have an online group that plays by text only, an online/IRL (when we can all meet up together in person) voice game.
Both are fun for a number of reasons, and have their own advantages/disadvantages.
Artist is Rustle
Terrible. I can't write and listen to some memelord talk in my ear, multitasking like that is a huge headache. Plus it shatters my own idea of how they "speak". Pure text, pure voice, or voice IC text OOC is the best. Idiots like you preaching text IC voice OOC will never, ever catch on.