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>Welcome back to /srg/, chummer
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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Honorabru Edition

Other urls found in this thread:

dgmn.cl/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Cartilla de Implementos 2014.pdf

Do you allow your players to have follower NPCs?

Wondering, because I want to play a Rigger with a semi-truck that has a bunch of not!Warboys.

Having trouble digging up some fluff. Which of the NAN states refuse to recognize corporate extraterritoriality? Especially interested in how the PCC does it, since they're basically a corp anyway. Would they recognize it for others?

That is a really bad idea, combat gets slowed down enough with matrix shenanigans, adding in another half-dozen initiatives to track would strain the system, the other players, and your GM's patience.


>Researchers have been struggling with it for decades and still haven’t perfected it, but it’s at least closer to being usable today than ever before.

>Any user under an active system will be affected by constant small twitches and tremors due to the complex interactions of the system, which vanish as soon as the system engages actual movement, returning whenever they are once again still.

Anything you can do that involves movement will work just fine under MBW. It's staying still becomes twitchy.

So anyone with nervous tics or that can't sit still is probably concealing that they have MBW active?

>Chummer for 5e only has Equine shapeshifter available
Horsefuckers, not even once

It's a test object, shapeshifters aren't implemented yet.

Too late, we already know you're a brony Yekka.

why didn't you go with a safe option like Lupine or Canine

why out yourself as a horsefucker

I needed to make sure their movement rate bullshit worked properly :

I'm just peeved because I'm making a Vulpine Shapeshifter for a game starting this Friday and I don't want to do it all by hand and your not being done has forced me to not be lazy

Teeeeechnically you can make it work, I've got the files somewhere. The problem is that once you move to career mode the attributes don't split up properly; I really wanted Chummer to be able to manage that split properly and automagically recalculate all your limits and skill pools and such, but I couldn't get it to notify about the updates properly and got annoyed at it.

>Welcome back to /srg/, chummer
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That made me smile. Thank you OP.

I'll just do it by hand, but I would say that it's probably smart to handle those.

do you know much about GCA or GCS. I know that's not shadowrun, unless you are using GURPS 4e to run a game in the shadowrun setting, but I figured asking someone who is the lead developer of a character program about other character programs may be a good idea.

Thank you to the user who has been helping me rebuilt my character.

I have a question though.

Why did you include the "Flight skill" on the character build examples you gave me (the BP one is posted here but the karmagen one was it too)

The flight skill is on page 292 of the sr4 20th anniversary core book and says


>Critters capable of flight may possess a special Flight skill.
This skill measures how well the creature can fly and is used the same
way as the Running or Swimming skills are used for movement.

Is this supposed to be for piloting flight capable drones?

Probably a Chummer bug, Flight is included in the Athletics skill group so it may be getting added in mistakenly.
Means nothing to me, gurps is weird.

>seven years and still triggered

Would you accept a building sized AI as a fixer?

I read the blurb on the back and it hasn't been changed at all.
Lazy editing/10

MBW is always on omae, thats one of the big flaws. You're gonna be a twitchy autist unless you yank it out.

>Trusting an AI
>Trusting a building sized AI

The Arcology Shutdown incident wasn't THAT long ago.

I don't think we would have a choice.

That's not even the funny thing. The funny thing is what they snuck into the 4e Augmentation book. Go read up on Fiberoptic Hair.

How does one get into Shadowrun? The corebook is honestly the least accessible piece of RPG literature I've read and so far the rules seem to be a complete clusterfuck. Am I wrong in thinking this?

So by the by how is Anarchy? I really want to play Shadowrun but getting my group to do complicated systems is like teaching a dog math. It doesn't work out well.

Mane is a common term for hair desu, I wouldn't have thought anything of it and still don't

Okay, you have to choose:
Dragon or tower sized AI?

Dragon. Fuck, I'd choose a dragon twice over an AI.

shit, really?

>black hair with sparkling stars
>smoothly-flowing rainbow colors
>can be electrostatically manipulated to flow and swirl as if alive

Whatever, man.

Ninety thousand people died because a building-sized AI decided to reenact the Saw movies.

didn't a dragon explode all of germany once?

I think you're just paranoid user. I know enough about the show to see how they COULD be a reference but its rather unlikely.

The dates line up, too. We're everywhere. It's nothing to be afraid of; most of us just like the same nerdy shit you like.

I mean, its not like working for corps is any better.

Honestly, I'd be pretty enthusiastic for working for a giant AI.
I just hope it's the refreshing, actually-good-at-its-job kind.

But, as I cannot get a running game, I would have to GM it, so I can only hope other people would feel the same.

Working for an AI is great until it goes yandere and suddenly your toaster wants to fuck.

>not spreading your wings and taking flight in the shadows and having your GM shoot you down like Icarus

Can we talk about 5e Matrix defense for non-hackers? In 4e I used to buy an agent to run on my commlink to prevent being casually rolled by script kiddies. Am I right in reading that agents only work on decks now? Is there an analogous strategy I should be using?

At the height of the brony craze I had a player that made a centaur physad inspired by Rainbow Dash. In a campaign set in a Southeast Asian warzone. It was weird but...kind of worked? Mostly?

Either run your devices silently, or turn off wireless.

If you wanna risk it, slave all your devices to a commlink with a high Firewall stat.

>Am I right in reading that agents only work on decks now?
Technically, yes, but not if you get the commlink that runs an agent, or mod your commlink to run programs via Virtual Machine, and run an agent on either of the two program slots.

No, it set all of germany on fire. Dragons don't breathe explosions.

I want to build a physadept sniper but I have no idea how 5th edition works

How would I go about doing this?

Some dragons do!

5e's editing is known to be awful. If you read German, the German 5e books are actually properly edited, otherwise your only choices are forcing your way through the book or going back to an older version. Or using the fluff in a different system.

Anarchy's shit. You're much better off using the rules from something like Blades in the Dark or The Sprawl or Technoir if you want a rules-light SR.

For SR5, the superbook in the pastebin is a better organized, no bullshit version of the rules. Once you've read that you can use the rules summary sheets and cheat sheets to get a better idea on specific mechanics. Then, once you know what you're looking for you can go find it in the core book.

Its going to be obtuse. You're going to have to GM. That means you'll need to read everything. The upside is that your players can scrape by reading the ~1/3 relevant to their character.

Is the super book just core, or does it have any supplement stuff jammed in there?

Wait wheres the superbook?

So apparently the Chilean government has a massive problem with Cartels wielding a vast array of Asian weaponry according to this document a Chilean internet friend of mine has linked:
dgmn.cl/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Cartilla de Implementos 2014.pdf
After reading over the contents, you may notice that some of these are listed as 'legendary swords,' to which I suggest adding to your game an adventure set in South America based around the local cartels importing legendary Asian swords to parade them around as bling and use for dumb cartel shit. Imagine a Chilean in a tank top and jeans cutting through dudes with a magic chinese straightsword, one-handed with zero technique, and there's four more guys like him coming along, also their boss ate a red toad that gave him super strength.

Just a thought.

As a physical adept should my Initiations solely be used on gaining Power Points? Or are there any metamagics that I should pick up first?

I want to pull a Liquid Ocelot on my players in an upcoming run. If you're not familiar with what that is, basically, a villain gets killed, but one of their body parts gets grafted onto somebody else, and then that person seems to get "possessed" by the dead villain. I want to leave it open, so I'm not looking to establish a definite explanation for this, but what could be some plausible explanations for the personality of the dead villain manifesting through the grafted body part, either magical or technological?

Magic dragons

It's an excellent way to get someone interested in the world of Shadowrun, but I dislike the mechanics intensely.
The guy maintaining it got bored a while back, I think it hasn't been updated in two years or so.

So, how many other books are there planned for 5e? I know we have Technos coming (when we hit the death of the sun) and I think an Ork and Troll book I'm looking forward to. Anything else?

It has to be nanomachines, everything in MGS is nanomachines.


Commence virtuous shadowrun

>ut what could be some plausible explanations for the personality of the dead villain manifesting through the grafted body part
Are you considering a head as possible graft?
Seems like the most sensible solution imo.

CFD is Nanomachines Son.

About three more magic books, maybe a book with 3/4 of it being fluff and a few cool cyberlimbs at the end.

Is there -any- edition of shadowrun where robots and cybers are cool and effective and good?

3e's Sorcery is apparently kind of shit, so there maybe?

That's kinda the point.

Anyone considered an American Gods style reboot of the Sixth World, with gods replacing dragons?

Ares Macrotechnology actually run by Ares, for instance?

No, I am not considering that.

So glad I specifically asked for people with non-answers and negative opinions, mate.

You asked if people were considering doing it, and I assumed it was a genuine question. Sorry, mate.

Player controlled NPC's? No. But more than one PC at a time so that they still have a character to play while the other is unavailable (surgery recovery, prison, etc), sure.

In fact the latter makes sense. Get tour players to make two characters, one is inactive while the other is active.

Hrm. Give me an opinion on whether Dedicated Spellslinger lets you exceed the MAG * 2 limit for spells in character creation.

Eh, should be okay. Available karma at chargen will put a hard limit on the amount of spells known even with a big priority in magic.


>Can we talk about 5e Matrix defense for non-hackers? In 4e I used to buy an agent to run on my commlink to prevent being casually rolled by script kiddies. Am I right in reading that agents only work on decks now? Is there an analogous strategy I should be using?
Turn wireless off and pay for a hardware expert to remove the functionality altogether. If you want to have a guncam and hud, use a wire; you don't need your gun to check your twitter feeds.

>And Wired Reflexes is cheaper, less intrusive and actually not so experimental as Move-BY-Wire

MBW came long before Wired Reflexes. It is way more expensive and intrusive, but in the 2050's it was way more common than it is now, because WR was still in it's infancy. A government bureaucracy that continues to use the more expensive and damaging option because the implantation procedures aren't up for committee review for another 8 years is entirely possible.

Data Trails has what you need to run an Agent on your commlink. Just gotta mod it to use a module like said, then slap Virtual Machine into it to run the Agent plus one other program of your choice, like Armor.
Unfortunately they don't make a Firewall dongle.

Chummers, I have a question.

You find a crate full of fifteen women, caked in their own waste and suffering from btl withdrawal, inside a Triad warehouse you just hit.

Do you sell them for organs or help them recover and get back on their feet?

I take them out of there and to my contact at a woman's shelter, along with a stack of nuyen from warehouse stuff I grabbed and sold.

Well the first time we set them up with group of eco fighters/ pirates that found good places for the girls
Second time was with bunraku dolls that half we found place in the local food farms as workers and the other half joined our gang
You can be Kane or Captain Chaos
The choice is yours chummer

The latter. I don't know why people have forgotten that SR is cyberpunk, not cybersociopath.

Cyber ain't cheap, omae.

Not worth it if the punk dies

Why did I just hit a Triad warehouse? I don't do dealings with the Underworld, those fuckers don't have rules against fucking with family.

Why do you hit anything? For nuyen.

There are all kinds of reasons to hit a Triad warehouse that don't involve doing it for a rival crime family.

Stash 'em in a safehouse "for their protection", hose 'em off, dress 'em up, tell them you're arranging for a coyote to get them out of the city and far away from their Triad kidnappers. Then get your fixer contact to put the word out that you've recovered the Triad's "lost assets" from a pack of scumbag do-gooders that won't be seeing the light of day again, and you're wondering if there's a finder's fee for the return of these slags the Triad's paying. Nothing wrong with getting a payday and getting in good with a Triad for doing them a service. Alternatively, if the Triad's too cheap to not be offering a finder's fee on their little birds, find a different buyer that'll want 'em. Individual rate or bulk, makes no difference really, it'll be nuyen you didn't have yesterday.

Yes I know. We still get people who don't know what CFD is and I was pointing it out for their benefit.

A specific strain of CFD? Maybe infesting a cyberlimb or something?

Enhanced Accuracy adept power. Other powers that boost your pool. Probably want to get a couple related to movement.

Might want masking/flexible signature, Harmonious Defense from FA to fuck up mages, maybe one of the Ways from SG.

As a pure PhysAd, you'll want to have high agility (5+), 6 in Longarms with a Sniper Rifles specialization. Then for Adept Powers, take Improved Reflexes 2 or 3, Enhanced Accuracy (Longarms), and Improved Ability (Longarms). Everything else you do in terms of murder or sub specializations is up to you.

High agility and reaction makes becoming a Wheelman or a Physical Infiltrator easy, and having such a high Longarms dice pool means you're also a shotgun and lever action savant, which is important because all the best Sniper Rifles are highly illegal. For other Adept Powers, Combat Sense, Nimble Fingers, and Rapid Draw are all common high value powers. I'm also a fan of linguistics.

But fucking with the Underworld is awesome, because then it opens up the opportunity for non-stop warfare. It isn't a Shadowrun campaign until you have to exterminate the leadership caste of a whole organized crime syndicate.

Hmmm pure RAW ?
Dedicated Spellslinger counts against the limit of spells known at character creation
1) The spells you get are free of karma but would still count as spells you know
2) In its description it does not state that the limit is ignored
3) It feels like a quality to help Aspect Magicians get equal number of spells as mages but free them some karma not one to give mages even more spells

I'm currently building a face/decker for my next character, and got to thinking...what are some legitimate reasons someone might give you a mark on their device? I'm thinking of posing as some sort of superior and asking wageslaves for marks on their devices to get the files I need, rather than hacking them and getting OS. Plus, that also means I can listen in on their conversations for hours after I leave.

By RAW no, since the quality doesn't say the spells provided by Spellslinger can exceed the limit of MAGx2. Perhaps make it an houserules option like "Qualities that provide spells can exceed the maximum spell limit at character creation".

>Listen, in a meeting right now and I need the quarterly report ASAP, could you toss me a mark on the data server so I can snag it?
>Hey this is IT, we're doing routine software updates, and it looks like your workstation didn't update correctly, I need to take a quick look at it though remote access.
>Hey, I'm new, and IT hasn't gotten off their asses to give me the proper permissions yet, I need to access file X, do you think I could just quickly grab it off your workstation? I'll buy you coffee later.

If you're conning people into giving you marks, you don't need to be a decker at all.

You're not always going to be able to con someone into giving you marks though, so being able to hack your way in while also being a smooth talker opens a lot of new avenues for getting access you otherwise wouldn't have.

Who do I have to pay to rewrite the corebook for humans? This is beyone fucking awful.

The freelancers
Alternative is learning German and using their books. Pegasus actually have editors