Eldritch beings in campaign are friendly/overtly curious

>Eldritch beings in campaign are friendly/overtly curious

Overtly friendly you say?


I'm actually doing that right now with my campaign, but they have difficulty understanding this universe from the perspective of individuals. They call the universe "new friend" but can't understand why "new friend" always sends "disconnected strands of hair" to "dance the air" and "tell jokes" instead of "really talking." They intend to "graft the hair" to "fix new friend" the universe so that together they can be "fuzzy babies."

I enjoy those things, but more particularly when the beings are capable of understanding what people are doing, but completely misunderstand intentions or the thought process of certain things.

that is, less of
>what is this thing I have no idea
and more
>oh its trying to do this, it must want (something completely wrong), how strange
>its doing this, it must be so happy

This is essentially the plot of Bloodborne.

As you can tell it still turns out really, really badly for the humans

Fuck off you clownfish motherfucker

No it is not party time

That's what makes eldritch monsters enjoyable, they're usually not portrayed as hostile, just doing incomprehensible things and fucking with people as a result. Its humans coming into contact with things far behind their mental capacity and getting mentally/physically fucked up as a result.

Soon Orz are really here! You are help Orz with *parties*.

What happened to the Androsynth Orz?

Now don't be *frumple*.

>The MIB / Delta Green analogues in this setting are more akin to secret paranormal babysitters or tourguides than they are an active fighting force. They still have all the same cover-up duties though.

You are a *silly* *camper*. They were *snagged*.

I like having them incapable of interacting sometimes. Like a great old one that listens to people's dreams and can communicate through them, but has no ability to affect the physical world.

how was that movie? It looked half not terrible

I'm and the Orz WERE my obvious inspiration for this particular bad-guy

I saw the trailer and said "How the fuck was this movie not made during the nineties?"

I want to run an anime campaign about this. How does life change when you have an enormous, powerful dragon show up on the outskirts of !Tokyo and it wants to chill? Maybe claims ownership of a N/PC the way a child would claim a bug and plays with it without the maliciousness of most children

What sort of !Tokyo and !Japan for that matter?

Maid Dragon

Kind of like the Weavers from the Bas-Lag books. They seem to kind of understand us, in a very vague no internal monologue, stream of conciousness multi-dimensional semi-godlike way, but they just seem mad to us only seeing things from a single dimensional view point.

That was a strong inspiration, since I liked how chill most of them were.

>what type of !Tokyo
Maybe I watch too mich anime, but something more like the suburbs of San Diego and San Francisco. Far enough that they don't cause damage just being there, most of the time, but close enough that you can handwave if you need to.

I've got a group of players I could probably spring it out as a chill quest, but with enough stuff to cause some troubles. I mean, what do you do a 20 meter tall dragon wants to go to school? Or a 30 meter long Wyvern that chooses to take a vacation in a lake and mess around with a particular human?

Obviously, I'll have different groups appearing, but Maid Dragon is the tone I'm looking for.

Makes me think of Monsters and Other Childish Things where you play kids with friendly horrific eldritch abominations.

and then I imagined how much worse this could get when it is controlled by/great friends with a small child

Shameless plug because I'm getting desperate and it's related enough that I think it's fair.

Shut the fuck up.


Nigga you need to calm down.

She really isn't all that friendly. More that she likes the two dudes.

I'm going to fucking use the Orz in a game.

I'm going to fucking do it.

or in a story. They are too fucking golden to not be used.

That was a remarkably aggressive response to sharing a campaign gimmick. Are you okay?



You're mad as fuck mang, calm down
I take it that the individuals of the universe are not going to enjoy the grafting?


>you will never have a demon big sister
just end my fucking life

Neo Ranga too.

Those were the only ones who didn't scream in terror when they saw her.

>Eldritch beings just didn't see you before
>they're very sorry once you get their attention

Lamentations of the Flame Princess had and adventure like that, a friendly eldritch being wanted to help women who were rightfully being persecuted by over zealous witch hunters. No Salvation For Witches.