If Intelligence is a measure of raw mental processing potential and Wisdom is supposed to be accumulated or intuited...

If Intelligence is a measure of raw mental processing potential and Wisdom is supposed to be accumulated or intuited mental experience, skills related to knowledge should be associated with Wisdom and intuition/perception should be associated with Intelligence instead of the other way around.

>Derives from the term "Wizened", which means to be Wise
>Intelligence based in every game

Did the names for Intelligence and Wisdom get swapped in some early game or something and it stuck as psudeotradition ever since? Like the longswords thing?

I think of INT being the ability to learn something new and WIS being the ability to apply what you've learned to a new situation.

Think of it like learning Pythagorean theorem.

Someone with a high int/high wis will learn it very quickly and know exactly it's applications outside of the pen and paper. They would be able to apply it across subject lines (astronomy, geography, physics, engineering, etc.) that they would have also learned quickly.

Someone with a high int/low wis will learn it very quickly but will not know the application of it outside of the pen and paper without the explicit instruction to do so or a past experience that is very similar. They might be able to understand it and use it quite well in the context of engineering, but they would not be able to intuitively come up with the idea to use it to map the distance between stars without being told that it can be used that way,

Someone with a low int/high wis will take a very long time to learn it, but once they do, they understand the applications of it. They might learn it for engineering, but once they start learning astronomy they will be able to apply their learned knowledge without much effort across these subjects. However, them getting to the point where they can do this will take a lot more time.

Someone with low int/high wis will take a very long time to learn something and be unable to translate that knowledge across subject matters.

To be quite honest I hate how most people treat INT/WIS, since they think that because they have high INT/WIS they know everything and can teach every subject in university the instant they set foot into the classroom, even if they've never had any exposure to that subject before.

I prefer Int = book learn'n and Wis = life experience.

What does learning to read go under then?

What the fuck do you think?

Skills shouldn't be attached to any core attribute. You can be smart as Einstein and wise as the Buddha, but if you don't have the drive to learn a new skill - you won't be learning a new skill.

And when you do work hard at learning a new skill, a persons determination and dedication to it should also factor in on top of either int/wis.

This is precisely the reason I use to assert that TNG's Data was misrepresented. Androids with massive intellect should be able to apply that processing power to determine the best ways to manipulate humans and turn them into the suavest James Bond on The Enterprise. When he realizes how easily manipulated humans are he will simultaneously realize there's no reason to envy them as he says in the first episode.

Every skill requires multiple attributes

But neither of those abilities measure what you're claiming they do.

Knowledge skills being based on WIS makes no sense.

Wisdom is derived from memory/experience not the other way around.

Intuition is formed from past experiences and is intrinsically tied to wisdom if not an interchangeable term or synonym.

Also perception is utterly unrelated to wisdom or intelligence it's a biological function not a wholly mental one. Fallout did it right by making it a separate stat on its own.

Perception as a skill is meant to be viewed as characters recalling information from similar past circumstances and using it to identify their situation in the present. you can justify just leaving it as a skill by saying it's based more on registering what a stimulus means rather than just registering it as a stimulus.

Your not wrong, but it's going a bit far to say their entirely unrelated.

Remember he actually does do this briefly when he has a girlfriend

> Comrade Hitler book cover

I think i do not care about the text in this book
I will post pictures of bizarre russian isekai novels instead

Makes me wish Starfinder wasn't going to be absolute shit, just so I could play a True Neutral android as a complete sociopath, just there to facilitate the completion of the mission.






is that the term in russian or are you being a weeb piece of shit trying to co-opt classic pulp sci-fi tropes?

Russian term is "пoпaдaнeц" which is transliterated into popadanetz, but i cannot be bothered tocatually look up proper english translation

BTW, this pisture captures what about a third of the literature is about


that is, "third of that kind of"



tiring now

And done
Cannot shitpost all day, now can i?

What the hell is happening in this thread

Intellesct have very littl to do with eruditiion (accumulation of knowledge). It's about applying that knowledge to solve problems. Wisdom on the other is about looking at the problem and finding out whether you need to solve it at all.

You have seen nothing so far


user post examples of low Int + low Wis distilled into books.
The most terrifying thing is Russians actually BUY this shit.
There is no saving for that country - only a holy Exterminatus can save their souls from the demons of Pulp

What's up with all those posts about thosre cheap russian "MOTHERLAND FUCK YEAH!" sci-fi novels? I've read a couple and they are all poorly written "modern Russia is best and every other country either sucks or is evil" cirklejerkings full of Mary Sues and bullshit.

>"modern Russia is best and every other country either sucks or is evil"
edit: make that "modern Russia/the Soviet Union under Stalin is best and every other country either sucks or is evil"

Only point is that they suck, and their covers suck, and that information bears spreading
Also, i find those covers greatly amusing

Does Chuck Tingle know he has a Russian counterpart?

It's because russians buy this shit anywasy, despite how batly written and absurd they are, so publishers keep printing them and writhers keep pushing out hastly written bullshit becuase it pays the bills so who the fuck cares.

Seeing so many people think Stalin is the next best thing after sliced bread is truly worrisome.

Chuck tingle's stories titles are quite something, ain't they

>The most terrifying thing is Russians actually BUY this shit.
If you'd recently watched any russian TV, you'd know that most russians have a rather skewed view of reality that is reflected in those books.
Their media is full of propaganda how the rest of the worls has been taken over by americans, "the gay cospiracy" (yes, they actually believe that e.g. the german Jugendamt (child protection services) is some kind of maffia that takes children away from their families to give them to gay couples for brainwashing them into homosexuality) and whatnot and is now out to get them. Those books are just another form of propaganda to further push russian nationalism.
Basically Russia is slowly turning into nazi germany 2.0.

But it's not German but Finnish and Swedish child protection srvices that are the worst. The only thing they love more then taking away children of russian women in mixed families is spreading gay propaganda in their "sex education" videos that are mandatory displayed at schools
Source> akashic records

What does a guy who writes wierd gay erotica have to do with bullshit russian jingoistic propaganda?

Sice we're discussing russian politics now, shouldn't this thread countinue on /pol/?

I take exception to that. Jingoistic books have not been posted here... yet.
this is isekai jenre. it generally goes like:
* some master of armed and unarmed combat, with godly phisique and perfect knowledge of some time period suddenly dies and is reborn in that time priiod/another world/future/take your pick
* if another time period, in another body - change history towards eternal glory of russia
* if fantasy world - use amazing knowledge of hand to hand combat and modern firearms to dominate everything, and/or asquire strange and godly magic powers for the same purpose
* if future, use hard-won skills that were lost in degenerate/softy future to beat of aliens/space barbarians and be king of the universe

Jingoistic would be "how russian flag was raied over glassed pentagon" kind of a book. there are plenty of them as well

Is that real? did CWC continue the Sonichu franchise?

You're missing the point of the question.

It is possible to be entirely uneducated and extremely wise.

Wizard derives from the -ard additions to other words such as drunkard, dullard, and dottard, which means it is "to wise for their own goddamn good."

Are there English translations for these Russian novels anywhere?

Hopefully not
i believe enough damage was done by publication of Perumov's novels in english, no need to aggravise that

Doubtfull. Why would anyone want to translat that crap into any language?

The Japanese isekai stuff seems to get fan translations. I'm morbidly curious.

Guess you'll find some if you're lucky then.

For prose that shitty google translate would be enough, i believe

Just decided to put a name to my previous posts.

you meant to say "unlucky"?

Dpend on weather or not one wants to find them.

Hi, you, bunch of sticks

Found some more of "good" ones

In case you are wondering: yes, this is a shilka that is flying upside-down

Words on the banner
> "God is love towards the Socialistic Motherland"

new ace combat game looks fucking wild

It also "works" the other way around
>In Soviet Russia, elves on tanks hunt YOU

Intelligence is raw processor speed and capacity for knowledge. Its about being able to extrapolate from learned knowledge and how fast you can do it. This is why Wizardry is based on Int, you need a large holding space for knowledge to hold the arcane constructs known as spells. Being able to know the difference between the species of Golden Ridgeback Drakes and Fahler's Drakes and which one contains the easier draconis fundamentum to harvest is Int based.

Wisdom is instinct and subconscious sense processes. Perception skills are governed by wisdom because they are subtle sense processes of which the subconscious mind integrates the data to feed to the conscious Int based mind. All these people saying Wisdom is applying this knowledge are idiots who are still describing Int. That gut feeling that something's wrong is a type of wisdom based check.

The classic archetypes displaying the difference between the states is the absentminded professor, so lacking in ability to see the world except through his scientific facts, often unable to see the goings on of the world around him due to lacking the wisdom to see. Its opposite is the wise peasant, lacking in knowledge of the intricacies of the world and slow to reason such things out, but able to see the forest for the trees, who understands the subtle ways in which the world flows around him.

So now they even add religious bullshit to the mix? Guess they forgot that religion and the Soivet Union don't mix.

There are no length some people won't crawl on their bellies to lick Stalin's boot, comrade

Also: there are number of EVE fanfics published in Russia. This book cover is not that impressive - but, BUT! This is a book from the series called "Hebrew space"

>Guess they forgot that religion and the Soivet Union don't mix.
Like anything else in these books makes any sense.

*facpalm* I'm so glad I left that clusterfuck of a country!

And here we have a classic example of hate towards Great Britaon. Honestly, there should be a limit on how butthurt people can be from losing Crimean War and the Great Game

Also: do you know what the title for OP's pic is?
I know
It is:
"Comrade Hitler: Hang Churchill!"

I head they already passed some anti-emigration laws, so guess you were lucky.

Yeah, but "The great vožd" being helped by god take the cake.

BTW, if you translate "vožd" (roughly: leader) into german, you'll get "führer".

R u b8ing, m8?


I know it means "leader" in Russian, but I cannot keep thinking about sick Tzimisce monster then I hear that world.

It's actually closer to "chief" than "leader"

I did not know there were Russian ships good enough to get 'Yamato' treatment

The only famous russian ships I can think of are the Potemkin and the Avrora.

Also Varyag

Funny how the thing they all have in common that they all were outdated pieces of junk and only were significant due to political and/or propaganda reasons.

I would say i am sorry for derailing the thread, but that would be a lie

This hopefully will be last pic

Well, the book cover is at least right about that being HERESY!

>Crush the Chechens WITH YOUR MIND

It sets the base of int with a minor boost to wis

wtf is Suvorov doing on an ironclad?

>Azu-nyan, please join the light genocide club!