If you aren't all in DGB right now you're literally retarded

If you aren't all in DGB right now you're literally retarded.

and why would that be? because u bought high and now have bags?


sharpie in pooper nao!!! ...to celebrate of course. 9

Fucking COMFIEST fucking rally in years

the correct answer to every thread like this


Where is the DigiByte whitepaper? I want to read up on them

look at the chart you fucking mongoloid - before you comment. that was you can avoid looking like a retard

>thinking McAfee pumps will last more than a few hours

Besides, I'd expect anyone from Veeky Forums who has any experience with DGB would be traumatized by now.

Dumped my bags to these newfags. DGB haunted my portfolio for months. Now I am free free. Based CNBC shilled crypto to these retards

I hope you guys bought the dip.

>buy my bags.


the night is young

You fucking fags must get in... Screen cap this for the moment one of you with balls Hodls so you can thank me with BCH... No bullshit you though XVG was a rocket?


I love this chart. It's burned into my brain. I could draw it from memory.

if you didn't buy within 5 seconds of mcafees tweet, you are future digimarine bagholder.

i bought 7k DGB, amigonnamakeit?

Sell order?


kek, seriously?



somebody photoshop the ugly friend out please

It's already up over 60%, its too late, isn't it?

it isnt it will keep going up look at the volume

No one ever looks at the volume. They think that all that matters is the chart and trends.

Volume says everything.It tells you the trading power and how much is holding. Larger the volume, higher chance it will moon later on.

Dont even post a sell order, I was about to post this, this bitch is due for a moon. Fulfills all the serious needs for it.

>Using a peak achieved when BTC was worth $2000 as an argument

user, maybe you should look at the fiat chart.
You know, maybe realize we're at like 1.5 of the previous ATH

John McAffe is your lord thy god, he impregnated Mary and Joseph both and let them stay at the inn.

Sold at 17 sat profit from 80 97 lol didn't even know what it was...