Why aren't you joining the ETH pump to 1k?

Well /pol/?

pretty sure everyone who isn't a complete brainlet already has a position in ETH. 2018 will be the year of ethereum

Old news OP. if you don’t get ethereum by tomorrow you are fucked.

why WOULDN'T you have ETH

Just ETH or ETH + ETC?

ETC isn't on my radar but a lot of institutional investors seem to like it for whatever reason, my guess is once ethereum get PoS off the ground ETC will also have there own version within a few months just by hawking the code off of Etherums GitHub

Because no alt is worth investing into till bitcoin stops being bitcoin

what do you think about Wagerr ?

Pick one noob

Price wise at best its just another bitcoin that occasionally acts on its own. Occasionally.

eth couldn't support 5 people trading kittens, rofl

LOL, are you either

a) a nocoiner
b) someone who sodl eth too early

ETH is my main bitch


>just another bitcoin
on a technical and functional level it's totally different. It's like comparing an old schoolbus to a new tesla.

Notice how I said price wise. ETH is better than BTC in every way, but so are a lot of coins, and ETH is still tied to what BTCs price is.

I bought at the dip

money skeleton has never let me down

Delusional faggot

i feel like LTC is the coin to hold at this time. Even now even though they both seem to follow what Bitcoin does, LTC/BTC ratio is up while ETH/BTC is even or down and this seems to be the case often recently. But I do plan on increasing my position in ETH soon

60% eth
let's poo bois

okay poindexter but literally no one gives a shit
btc price shits the bed -> so does eth
all that matters

Dumped bitcoin for eth recently. Lower fees and better transaction times. Undervalued for sure. Eth going to the moon