Go back in time

>Go back in time
>Give Gygax your time machine

What would happen?

Other urls found in this thread:


D&D is now as fucking old as fucking Gilgamesh.
Now I'll never fucking finish the Forgotten Realms.

He gets killed in the middle ages because he assumed he would be able to survive there.

Hey, who's excited for the new edition of Traveller? Now that Hasbro owns the license, we might see the world's most popular role-playing game getting an even bigger share of the market!

He uses it to fuck bitches and snort coke

Instead of giving him the time machine, I give him enough money to start up a business and tell him do not fucking trust the blumes.

Absolutely not.
On the other hand, I give him GURPS books and tell him that's it's been the most used system starting from 1985.

>GURPSfag ruins everything for everyone

Why am I not surprised?

Be glad that I changed my mind, for a second I was tempted to type FATAL.


A bunch of Wacky Adventures™ followed by him eventually discovering the fall of TSR, and him doing everything to safeguard the company. What we think of D&D 5e is probably now called D&D 3, and D&D 5 is now likely more focused, but capable of running virtually every scenario. It also never got so majorly huge or ruined by Hasbro, so Pathfinder doesn't exist, and the D&D Hate-threads don't exist.

A Grandfather Paradox loop, his time travelling causing me to cease to exist, meaning I don't travel back in time to give him the time machine, meaning he isn't there to time travel, meaning I exist and therefore travel back in time to give him the time machine, ad infinitum.

He'd make a setting that wasn't an autistic abomination.

>Go back in time
>Kill Gygax

What would happen?

LAKE GENEVA- The bodies of several game developers were found today under a manure dump at a dairy farm in eastern Wisconsin this morning. The two men and one extremely homely woman were found with .44 caliber bullets to the back of the head and were all wearing wizard robes

>Give Gygax my time machine
>Gygax uses it
>Get abandonned in the past

>Get abandonned in the past
>buy stocks in things that you know will be big in the future
>become worlds richest man
>buyout GW and make WH not shit

He probably would visit a lot of fantasy authors

He comes to the future, realises what an awful mess he made, and gets sad

Why would I want to do that, user?

Why would I want to make Gygax sad?

Gygax lived long enough to see DnD turn to shit

Gygax goes back in time and steals thousands of polearms from the Middle Ages.
He just keeps them for himself because he thinks they're neat

Dubs best plan

First, go to the future and see if DnD continues down its current path of being the most accessible, popular and fun RPG system. If the answer is no, go back and tell Gygax don't go to the future.

If it DOES, however, then I'd do it like that Dr. Who episode with Vincent Van Gogh learning that his life's work is so popular and beloved by so many people.

Then steal the maps and notes for Castle Greyhawk.

Gygax would be shitposting on /pol/

>DnD continues down its current path of being the most accessible, popular and fun RPG system
You are off your meds, Cliff. Again

Depends on the year.

In most cases - nothing happens.


Just shoot the motherfucker. TTRPG was a mistake.

Gary will learn of his mistakes and perhaps deal with the Satanic Panic and the fucking blumes. Perhaps improve the game.

>Learning on mistakes
Good one

Depends on the time machine's setting.