Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1599: Jumps Done Quick Edition

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>still no Kemono friends jump

Yes, though I'm most interested in the psyker bits.

In truth I'm more likely to toe the Undivided line than being Aligned to any single god.

>Jumps Done Quick

That's what they said about Log Horizon, and it's happening! That's what they said about Metroid, and we have it!

What possible 'curse' could there be?

>Still no Ar Nosurge Jump.

$50 dollars to kill the animals.

I'm probably going to end up a weird Psyker/Heretek hybrid myself (wonder if there'll be Psi-Booster and Psybernetics stuff available?), with some Slaanesh thrown in for good measure.

Though the Tzeentch stuff is looking good too, particular the Warpfire and Rubric perks.

What the heck would the backgrounds be?

How would you speedrun getting a spark?

(Pro tip: jumps which take less than ten years are highly advantageous in this challenge)

Take Dragon Ball first thing. The requirements are ludicrously lax.

By manipulating CP values in the Pokemon jump, you can cause an underflow error and skip right to the ending cutscene for a glitched Nightmare before Christmas endjump.

>Mostly want Psyker stuff
>Khorne is the only Chaos God I like

I tried that once, but I just wound up in the Thief jump with 886 CP.

That one's very technical to execute, but definitely the fastest Glitched Any%. Bonus points for being able to induce arbitrary code execution by using HMs at specific intervals on the Boogeyman.


Actually can someone post the most recent Black Crusade WIP?

You poor fool. Did you forget to crouch-jump?

I know this is a speed running joke. However is there left over CP in Thief jump?

Reminder:Khorne is fine with Psykers, he hates Sorcerers. The Blood Pact is a Khorne focused cult that regularly employs Psykers.
Psykers use their sheer force of will to make the Warp do that they want. Sorcerer's use deals and trickery and objects.

But they get gimped stuff and can't buy from any of the pther trees, right?

I thought you had to use the Konami Code while doing that?

>people legitimately talking good about a jump before it's announced.

is it sad that my cynicism is deep enough to think this is an elaborate trick.

because I'm sorry.

Have an Akitsu user those make me feel better.

Undivided is essentially only locked out of things that require a Mark from one of the gods.

But consider facing a Sorcerer who can unleash some of Khorne's gifts when you think you've got them cornered.

Sad but understandable.

Jump says no items or powers, but magic obviously exists, in jump. Are we ever going to be able to use it?

god forbid anons talk about a much-awaited jump from an established, quality jumpmaker with like 3 quality WIPs out

I'm not talking good about a jump. I'm talking about the source material and a theoretical complete Jump based on the source. I happen to like the source, should I then bash a jump that hasn't been finished just because it's not here yet?


Pretty sure the plan is for them to get their own perk tree just like each of the Gods. Why would they be gimped?

…Yes I did.

Those are some oddly perfect boobs.

I've been working at it. I got a lot of the perks and items figured out, but I'm still filling in all the slots. Part of the slowdown is because I'm trying to savor each episode. Then after I get through the anime, I'm going to read the manga to see if I can get any more ideas. So please be patient; I promise it will be great when it's done.

Not to mention that I've been trying to balance work on a number of different jumps and revisions. Case in point:

She's loaded up to the gills with makeup too; no one has skin that uniform and clear. Makes her look almost plastic.

IIRC, it's also noted that the Blood Pact's use of them is unprecedented and Khorne normally wouldn't allow it.

>oddly perfect boobs
Sounds like a Slaaneshi Cultist.

>makes her look almost plastic

What if she is?

Nah. Slaaneshi cultists would have only one boob, and would be covered in spikes.

I mean, they are in the source material.

then the image's filename is lying or someone's created silicon life

Probably because most Chaos Psykers end up going Sorcerer because it gives them more power and is easier.

Well it is professional cosplay. So yeah she's been photoshopped and caked with make up, plus professional lighting.

I know why it's like that. That knowledge doesn't make it any less uncanny.

Red already barred Khornates from going Psyker.

>someone's created silicon life

Who in their right mind would do that?

I haven't the foggiest. Luckily, there's no shortage of people who aren't in their right minds to pick up the slack in matters like this.

From my understanding is that Blood Pact uses their Psykers not to "cheat" like scry & die. Instead they focus mostly on support. Like buffing your allies and making daemonhosts. Khorne hates Sorcerers which from my understanding is that you dont even have to be a Psyker to be a Sorcerer, for its relying on using Chaos via rituals instead of Psychic might.

By Black Crusade rules (the game, not the jump) being aligned with Khorne disables all psyker abilities.

As for the difference between a psyker and a sorcerer: A psyker is someone who can directly manipulate the Immaterium by their will. All sorcerers are psykers. Sorcerers make use of rituals, rites and other discipline-focused methods to mitigate the risk - All "bound" psykers could be considered sorcerers (Including all Librarians). The term is usually only applied to those aligned with the Ruinous Powers though.

Only in the newer lore, and Red already said Undivided was going to make Undivided as awesome as the rest.

Is this what happens when you slide past a 10/10 with appearance perks?

Well I would think japan. Probably to be a cafe waitress.

Also to fuck it.

Jumpers, what two words define you?

I bet you're one of those losers who creates meat life.

Nah, appearance perks wouldn't cause that reaction. Trying to cheat at looking good without a full grasp on what is attractive and why is where the uncanniness comes from. Thats a problem with mortal cosmetology which wouldn't be present in fiat-backed effects

Anti-Revolutionary Action

Then's 3 words you cheating sloot

>Thats a problem with mortal cosmetology which wouldn't be present in fiat-backed effects
The problem is that you're assuming Jumpchan has any idea what she's doing.

Look man I am still trying to figure out what "oddly perfect boobs" means. Is there some defect with perfect boobs?

Hesitant, and I'm not too sure about the second word.

Fabulous changes.

how do i become a time lord?

Nah she uses the console commands on reality and just cranks you up a few notches each time.

I mean its like putting a human head onto a plastic figurine body, sure it looks hot and nice but also at the same time it looks... off. Like it is not quite real. Almost like a glamour has been cast.

Lazy Hedonism.


We're talking about an entity occasionally drops her Jumpers in other people's hands, and doesn't see how giving an Entity access to the rest of the multiverse could possibly go wrong.

You can't.

>All "bound" psykers could be considered sorcerers (Including all Librarians)
Wait, really? I thought the Emperor ripped out a piece of their soul and transplanted a chunk of his in them. That makes them Sorcerers?

Yeah, but those are errors of judgement, not skill.

Make a new Doctor Who jump

Content Barman.

I am still in sekirei and as of yet I think these bird tattoo women just need a friend and massive amounts of reality altering magical fuckering. Its a weird world.

So I serve the drinks with my growing retinue of waitresses.

I have the freedom to declare that the hyphen makes it one word pinko. Stop trying to control my language!

Use OOC bullshit, including copious amounts of anti-plot armor, and just steal the Doctor's body.

Or, just use a shit-ton of genetic engineering to make something better. I'm pretty sure that intelligence, weird senses, and the mixed bag of regeneration is all they've got going for them biologically. The tech is the really impressive stuff.

Actually 2 humans fucking in the tardis makes a time lord. Its how river song was concieved.

In regards to 40K no one knows what the difference between psychic powers and sorcery is because GW never fucking defines it properly.

Regarding Khorne hating psykers and the Blood Pact. Abnett writes Chaos to be mysterious, eldritch, and other worldly compared to other writers not to mention having Undivided Chaos be an actual other worldly force.

So how exactly do the Bands of the Bronze Tiger from Exalted - Solars do what they do? Is it just a raw boost to your Abilities? They seem kind of weak compared to the other 600cp Artifacts.

Balanced Artist

Really? The twilight one is just a shitty jet.

I use "bound" to apply to any discipline for mitigating the influence of the warp, but yes even for those with corpse-emperor soulchunks... If you turn to Chaos as a bound psyker, then you're immediately considered a Sorcerer.

And while all psykers are a threat, Sorcerers are considered a viable long-term threat. They're quite a bit less prone to overreaching suicidally.

Who could write a decent one, who would dare risk the threads ire? We need a decent Jumpmaker who is also a shitposter and stirrer...

Entirely unrelated to the above comment, I'll be posting Bane later today Brit time. Sorry about the delay famalam, had IRL problemz.

More important question, what happens if you use the ultimate alien function from Ben 10 with a Timelord DNA

>I'll be posting Bane later today
Great! Been looking forward to it!

The regeneration thing is really fucky. It's practically like a harder to use Odinforce. When Time Lords die, the corpse sets off enough energy to attract aliens that could take over the Earth from lightyears away. See also-11 blowing up a Dalek ship with his.

There's a reason why one absorbing the Time Vortex practically turns into Dr. Manhattan-and during the Time War, they actually basically lobotomised one of their own to exploit that. Even without it, in the EU during the war the Timelords used regenerations to become more suited for war; one of them actually turned into a sentient timeline.

Civilization jump?

Ric , Rod

>I'll be posting Bane later today
Tell me about Bane! Why does he wear the giant ticks?!

Magic bullshit.

>Clueless Tourist

And yet random british chick walks in, busts ooen the time machine with a crowbar and becomes god over god of time. Wibbly wobbly bullshit.

Hax & Laziness

Well, shit.

>No Crusader Kings jump with a Roger a Muirbe companion option
I don't care enough to do it, but the thought occurred to me.

To be fair it was killing her, she just had enough time as a overgod of time as you put it to alter all of time as space in any way she wanted before she needed to be fixed. Funny how if you have limited time as a time god you really have all the time in the world.

Nobody really knows for sure. All I can tell you is that it would be extremely painful should you take them off.

>>All sorcerers are psykers.

What? No.

I'm pretty sure it's more like this. None of the RPGs require you to have a psy rating before learning sorcery, and I've read several bits of fluff where non-psykers learn to play with the warp through ritual alone.

A psyker can learn sorcery for a power boost and the risk of corruption.

Otherwise, AFAIK psy-focuses and the like are like antennae, boosting a pysker's connection to the warp. It's not sorcery. Actual sorcery is messy, artificial, and causes hella amounts of corruption and insanity.

Crusader Kings is a thing, but I don't think it has Roger a Muirebe.

It's in Unimaged, With Folders, Paradox Grand Strategy.

Hey does anyone here have a good suggestion for destroying the brethren moons from Dead Space?

Mass produce Death Stars?

I solved that issue with grey goo missiles. But make sure you program them to break down after they've done the job or you'll end up with something arguably even messier than Necromorphs.

Relativistic Kinetic Kill Weapons.
Take a large chunk of metal, point it at where the moon will be, and accelerate it to a fraction of c.

Ender's Game has the doctor whatever device that blows stuff up.

>I'll be posting Bane later today Brit time.
When's that's?