The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank Edition

The best diplomat that I know is a fully-loaded phaser bank Edition.

Previous thread: A thread for discussing the Star Trek franchise and its various tabletop iterations.

Possible topics include Star Trek Adventures - the new rpg being produced by Modiphius - and WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures game, as well as the previous rpgs produced by FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, the Starfleet Battles Universe, and Star Trek in general.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures, Modiphius’ 2d20 RPG
-Official Modiphius Page
Playtest Materials (via Biff Tannen)
> Star Trek Adventures
Reverse Engineered Character Creation.
Core Rulebook

Older Licensed RPGs (FASA, Last Unicorn Games and Decipher)

Other (Unlicensed) RPGS (Far Trek + Lasers and Feelings)

WizKids’ Star Trek: Attack Wing Miniatures Game
-Official WizKids Page (Rules and Player Resources)

Lore Resources

Memory Alpha - Canon wiki

Memory Beta - Noncanon wiki for licensed Star Trek works

Fan Sites - Analysis of episodes, information on ships, technobabble and more

Star Trek Maps - Based on the Star Trek Star Charts, updated and corrected

/stg/ Homebrew Content

Other urls found in this thread:

OP's note.
Fuck i suck! I forgot to add the thread name!

Is it wrong that I want to run an RPG dealing with Starfleet JAG in the TOS era, just for the sheer hilarity of female officers running around in miniskirts?

No, you are good in my books.

Not at all, if anything I'd include optional miniskirts in all my post-TOS content too

I already do that, but only for station posts. Away teams are too vital for SEXY FEMALE REDSHIRT, WEARING SEXY MINISKIRTS AND BEING SEXY.

I dunno mate, I can think of more than a few away mission situations where a sexy thigh poking out of a miniskirt on the female redshirt could save the day and save valuable lives.

True, but I ended up bowing to pressure from the girl in the group, who wanted didn't want their character to try and run in a miniskirt.

You'd be surprised, it's the guys in my groups that have been sex negative, and the girls that we've had to reign in from whoring themselves out in-game to get loot. It's been hilarious to watch at times.

True, but she's playing the only science officer, and the security officer is the player best known for using a Shuttle's torpedo array to break into a vault.

Over-all I'd just make the miniskirt an option for uniforms, like the TNG season1 man-dresses

Technically, I do, I'm just a shit artist, so I use STO for uniform creation, and until I got the Academy set, I only had the WoK pants available. Now that I do, I can set up the right styles.

I prefer the Odyssey uniforms over almost anything else STO offers (except the Intelligence uniforms which are just badass).

Well yes, but if my characters are operating in the late 2360s, the Odyssey uniform wouldn't be in use. Plus it has a shit commbadge. So replace the shirt with the Odyssey one, and use the TNG film badge.

I get that, I was just commenting that the Odyssey uniform was one of the best from STO. I just can't get the TNG Uniform and the 'irregular' marks on it (that black triangle serves no purpose) and the fact they were notoriously uncomfortable (The Picard Maneuver, the Riker Maneuver, etc were to stretch them out/keep them straight after all).

Anybody got the viewing guides?

The what?

Some group made a bunch of viewing guides for the various Star Trek series. They have the title of the episode followed by the overall importance and quality of the episode, as well as a spoiler free content reminder. And I'm pretty sure one of our anons went and made one for Enterprise as well.

Sorry, I do not have them

It happens, don't sweat it.

It looks like a lot of our files are out of date, particularly for the Adventures links.
We need to try and get as much of those materials back in new file dumps.

We might also consider adding links for Ascendency and Attack Wing.

We also keep losing the links for the new RPG. On that note, anyone know when the next books will be releasing in PDF? What the general release schedule is looking like?

I have them. Will drop them when I get home.

Anyone got some really good Nebula Class art? Preferably without any NCC designation? I really want something I could use for a computer wallpaper.

Depends. How do you feel about screenshot-editor-user's stuff? Because a lot of his work has Nebbies in them.

I'm cool with that if it's good. If you have any, post them please.

I've always been a fan of the ending shot of Generations.

Here's the 4 I have




All awesome, thank you!

Anyone planning on running a Star Trek game on Roll20? I find I really want to play a thaan Andorian science officer...



Yeah this one annoys me too. Working on a full one but it ain't anywhere near done.



Thinking about characters, I'd love to do Tony Stark as an engineer. A bit more mad science than tech wizard, more build a new one rather than simply fix the old thing, but with a lot of being a smarmy git to go with charming.

Plus some previous life problems that keep haunting him. Not so much of the alcoholism and arms dealing, something a bit more fitting for the setting. Definitely stepped on a lot of people on the way up though, but not because he couldn't do the work and needed an edge, just being too much of a cunt until something changed that.

I doubt I could pull it off though.


Technically the skirts were always optional. Even in the TOS era.

So Scotty minus the accent?

Scotty, and most Trek engineer in general, have a tendency to want to fix something that's broken and tinker with something to improve it rather than just toss it out for the new shiny piece of tech. Scotty would be "I didn't like how the warp core was running, so I adjusted the matter intermix rate and rerouted the plasma exhaust flow so now it's running smoother than the Tay on a clear summer morn'." Engineer Stark would be "I didn't like how the warp core was running, so I built a brand new one. From scratch. Warp drive will be offline for six days while we install it. Don't ask where I got the dilithium from."

Scotty is far more of a workaholic, he isn't so much of a builder of things as the ultimate fixer of things, not anywhere as headstrong. And Scotty whilst capable of being a bit cheeky, is not really anywhere near being outright smarmy. He's too humble even though he knows he's a miracle worker and sometimes leans into that reputation.

Stark is more like young Kirk, if Kirk were driven to build rather than lead, and had to deal with something like Star Trek 2 when he was at his peak rather than during the time when he felt the most old and useless.

But that raises another interesting question in itself:

Would younger Kirk ultimately be able to deal with Khan as well as older Kirk did?

If by younger Kirk you mean TOS Kirk, definitely if still with Spock and McCoy aiming him. Kirk beat Khan because he knew things about starships and starship combat Khan did not, and could play on Khan's hate for him to push him into mistakes. Young Kirk could still well do that.

But where as for Kirk, facing his version of the Kobayashi Maru test for real came late in life and reminded him how it was to be younger, in command and facing danger directly after being stuck in Admiralty for years.

Going back to character comparison; for Stark, his version of having everything stripped away from him, having been shown the direct consequences of his actions and that still causing him further loss in the process set him on a path to redemption. Kirk didn't need that redemption because despite being an ass, when young he was still a very strongly moral person with a clear sense of doing what was needed to preserve life (formative event for really nailing that down was probably the mess on Tarsus 4 with Kodos the executioner). Where as Stark was an ultra-privileged arms dealer insulated fully from the consequences of his creations and whose good works were largely for better publicity, until that thing in Vietnam/Afghanistan/wherever else it's been in decades of comics now.

Kirk was more level-headed, on balance, in the show, so I'd say yes.

I'd argue it would be more like Engineer Picard, with the whole "stabbed through the heart because he was a shithead" thing. Maybe he's obsessed with building as a subconscious desire to make his mark on the universe knowing how finite life is.

That would be pretty awesome actually.

I presume these are all relative to their own series?

That's fair, Picard though as a character I have trouble seeing as somewhat of a dickhead. Getting stabbed through the heart was a wake up call for him, sure, but I find it difficult to see him as just an ass making trouble given his uber-diplomat skills of later life.
Ok yeah he was arrogant as fuck and smug as hell in the first couple of seasons of TNG but well... everyone was to some degree. Once they'd ironed him out from season 3 onwards it's quite hard to see how he ever wasn't that commanding yet very reasonable, canvassing options and talking people down, legendary mediator to the point even the Klingons wanted him over an actual diplomat to sort out their shit.

Stark retains a lot of that smugness. It's tempered with an overwhelming sense of responsibility (especially given many of his problems are self-inflicted to some degree) and shame that creeps up on him. But like Kirk, he knows he really is awesome at what he does. Picard has a lot more humility, and keeps gaining it over time. Picard kept himself apart from the crew because he felt it appropriate, and was uncomfortable with the whole family thing, but softens. Stark's thing is more of an extension of what he sees as 'his' in terms of being responsible for in some way, going from just stuff to basically the entire planet and everyone on it as events scale up.

Picard's big character moment of sitting down at the poker table with the rest of the main characters wouldn't be a thing with Stark. Stark would have been there and fit right in, but he probably wouldn't feel like he really was just one of the guys, instead simply acting like it. Even though he could match wits with even Data. Hell he'd probably be genuine friends with Data before anyone else on that crew.

One important thing with Picard is that he was a starship captain (by position or by rank) for 31 years before TNG even started. Lord knows how much character development he had in that time frame, how he was when he first took command. It's entirely possible, given the brash and headstrong nature Picard was described as having during and immediately after his Academy days, that Picard could be similar to how you describe before being captain, with 31 years of age and experience to refine his command style.

Good point. Picard, unlike Kirk, clearly took a lot of time to get into his status. Kirk by comparison drove up the ranks at mad speed to be the youngest captain in the fleet at the time iirc, in his early 30s.

Thinking about the poker game more, as it's a big part of defining a character in how they interact with others: lets assume at some point my interpretation of Chief Engineer Stark ends up having to work for a while with the TNG/DS9 crews.

He'd see a lot of familiar aspects in Riker, particularly the getting laid a lot and stylish facial hair. They'd probably get on socially, but also there'd be cheesegrater levels of friction if Riker was ever in position of authority over him.

Geordie he'd probably react to a lot like Scotty did, thinking he's doing it wrong, but Georgie can make friends with anyone so there would be respect but never touch or criticise each other's ships or it's all fangs and claws.

O'Brien he'd seriously, genuinely respect as the one man that somehow keeps DS9 operational and made the Defiant workable, to the point that he'd want to learn how he does it. And somehow manages to be married and have kids whilst doing so.

Worf: wouldn't have much to go on with Worf. Dude operates in very different spheres and manners.

Crusher: I seriously doubt they'd bang. He'd be his usual flirty self but I think Crusher's manners and philosophy he'd find very off-putting.

Bashir I think he would manage to some common ground with quite easily. They'd annoy each other and banter would be rife, but with Bashir being just as smart as Stark but in non-conflicting areas, he'd so much rather have him treating his wounds than Crusher. Plus they share a similar sense of curiosity about things. I think Bashir's reaction to Data with noticing that he breathes and the like would be very similar.

Troi: would bang but no chance of any relationship other than pure casual sex, but they would both know that immediately.


Wesley: Stark would probably see a lot of his own younger self in Wesley's technical abilities but would really be hoping he doesn't have to make the same kind of mistakes and traumatic shit to turn him into a reasonable human being. And then be a bit sad that it turns out that Wesley did fuck up and get a dude killed. And ran off with the Traveller. He'd not like the wasted potential, or that Wesley did have to fuck up a whole lot, just like him.

Data: utterly fascinated by him. Would work well together, would have interesting conversations with about their respective takes on how people work. Might want to try building his own, better version of Data if he can just work out what techno-sorcery Soong pulled to make him work in the first place. If he tried he would probably end up with something radically different, more on the line of Exocomps than androids, because what he values in the idea of Data would be different to Soong.

Picard he would not want as his captain. He's too slow to act, too conventional, and doubts that he would entertain his ideas. He'd respect him for sure but I don't think that he'd like him.

Sisko though, it'd be rough, the philosophy might clash at times since they're both people who build, but when Sisko really shows his mettle and no-nonsense attitude, Stark's estimation of him would go up so hard he might even stop making fun of the whole Emissary thing for a while.

Jadzia Dax: would both play Tongo with and bang, same as Troi but he'd have one a hell of a lot more to talk about with her following given that she's up there with her weird science shit knowledge. Jam them both on a science problem of the week and expect that shit solved fast and probably with giant energy beams out the wazoo.

Ezri: Not so much. Doesn't have much use for counsellors as he is already incredibly aware of his flaws and problems and she's not offering much else since she's not into just casual sex.

I could actually see Tony getting along well with Neelix. Hooking the galley stove into the plasma injectors sounds exactly like something you'd see on Cooking With Iron Man, and they both have a history of aiming for women way, way out of their league, and tragic pasts with WMDs.

What would he think of Warlord Janeway?

Yeah, more or less. However the Bad/Okay/Good section is more relative to general enjoyment value.

This is exactly how I would want a Trek game to go.

I now want to get a VR set.

Having played this game I can confirm that this is the appropriate reaction to the TOS bridge mode.

I'm gonna pop some tags,
only got 20 slips in my pocket.
I-I-I'm huntin',
looking for a come up.
This is fucking awesome.

Core Rulebook

the files are gone from both links now. anyone have new links?

One of the devs is monitoring these threads, and DMCAing the uploads as soon as they're posted.

Cant yall just upload a torrent and KEK his ass?

Possible, I think that he would see through Neelix's cheeriness, probably out of pure cynicism on the idea that nobody could truly be that happy-go-lucky if they've been out in space for any serious amount of time.

Difficult. I think he'd respect her and her skills but would see a little too much of his own failings in her; he'd understand the overwhelming drive to get her crew home and the sometimes extreme measures taken. Forging an alliance with the Borg would be the kind of thing he'd joke about as a solution, but isn't his actual kind of answer to an impossible situation, but certainly one he could get behind once he considered it seriously and started working out the plans and contingency plans. Building them weapons that actually work properly would be many steps too far as it's basically what was wanted of him when he was captured back in 'nam/Afghanistan/whatever else its's been and what drove him to invent his way out of the situation.

He would be incredibly confused by the switching between that and her insistence on doing it by the book at times, frustrated by her failing to make the best of the many technical-minded people on her ship outside of rare occasions like stealing of the Borg transwarp coil or the building of the Delta Flyer.

So overall I think he'd consider her to be dangerous and would treat carefully, never too politely though despite her authority because he'd be expecting her to at any moment just switch and try to pull an Admiral Kirk (or worse) over something. Like she technically did with her future-self to get them home in the first place. Which he would then be openly smug about having called out that it was bound to happen. And quietly worried that it did and if he could have/should have done something.

Alright, /stg/, I'm concepting a new starship for my game but need help filling out the decks. Here's what I have so far.

Deck 1 – Bridge, Captain’s Ready Room.
Deck 2 – Primary Sickbay, Transporter Room I.
Deck 3 – Captain’s Quarters, XO’s Quarters, XO’s Ready Room.
Deck 4 – Cargo Bays I & II, Ship’s Stores I.
Deck 5 – Brig.
Deck 6 – Transporter Rooms I & II, Holodeck I.
Deck 7 – Guest Quarters, Holodeck II.
Deck 8 – Arboretum, Bridge Officer Quarters, Science Lab I.
Deck 9 – Officers Lounge, Holodeck III.
Deck 10 – Officer’s Quarters, Secondary Sickbay, Transporter Room II.
Deck 11 – Crew Lounge, Crew Quarters.
Deck 12 – Crew Quarters, Holodecks IV and V.
Deck 13 – Crew Quarters, Married Crew Quarters, Nursery, School.
Deck 14 – Conference Room, Crew Quarters, Gymnasium I, Science Lab II.
Deck 15 – Gymnasium II, Science Lab III.
Deck 16 – Cargo Bays III & IV, Transporter Room III, Weapons Room
Deck 17 – Main Engineering, Ship’s Stores II

I want a maximum of 20 decks since the ship will be somewhat smaller than a typical ship, designed for exploration and GTFO when shit hits the fan (very strong hull and shields, able to hit Warp 9.9 for short bursts, basically no weapons though).


>brig taking up an entire deck
Is this a prison transport?

It's not taking up the entire deck, I'm just not sure what else to put on said deck. I'm wanting more ideas to fill out the ship and then, hopefully, I can find someone with far better skills than I to concept the ship. If not, I'll at least have a ship layout so my players can BS around on ship.

Look at MSDs for existing classes and see how things are laid out apart from the easter egg things like giant rubber ducks.

If it's the Brig, than clearly you also need to store all the weapon lockers there too and anything else that's dangerous for escaped prisoners to run off with

I think deck plans would be better, some of the better ones that went full autism on the detailing like the original full Constitution class deck plans.

I think a lot of stuff should be generally unlabelled because a lot of space is really machinery or access to machinery. Or just storage.

Unfortunately the best I've got is Miranda class deck plans which cramps up everything and isn't up-to-date with things like holodecks, plus machines and stores take up more space than they probably would on a 24th century ship.

Have the brig surrounded by empty area and paired airlocks. There's life support inside the brig and the rest of the ship, but not in the corridors between the two.

Also increase atmospheric pressure in the brig sufficiently that if someone beamed a prisoner out without spending around a day depressurizing, things would go Byford Dolphin Bell all over their ship's transporter room.

>No industrial fabrication room
>No secondary and tertiary engineering
>No warp core
>No phaser bank/array room or torpedo storage/launcher
>No security team ready room/briefing room/training room/quarters
>No shuttlebay
>No battle-bridge/auxiliary bridge

These came first and foremost to my mind as things that were missing on your ship.

posting for the sake of completeness




Yeah, I didn't think I'd ever feel compelled to get one, but now...

Security dayroom, quarters, messhall. Nobody wants to hang out with cops, and cops prefer hanging out with other cops. Have the small arms armory and firing range down there, too.

Have the brig deck closer to the middle of the ship. VIP quarters and Officers' Country should be above the brig, just as a matter of protocol.

I don't see a bowling alley.

The guards would have to decompress also. Stuck down there for a week or two at a time, have to spend a day in the box before they could go back to the rest of the ship. That either divides the ship into brig guards vs the rest of Security, or treats guards as a punishment detail. Bad for morale, unless you're Klingons or Terran Empire. Also there's long term medical issues from repeated decompression/recompression.

Why do you need guards? If the prisoners try to escape, redshirts will be cleaning off the surroundings with mops. Just make sure the prisoners are aware of this and one way or the other they'll be no trouble.

And then one of them has a medical emergency, pressure related or otherwise. Or has vistors, or needs a priest. Sorry, you can't just leave them in a box.

You *are* a Klingon, aren't you?

>medical emergency
>Gee, it isn't like starfleet has a fancy gadget which could come in handy in such a situation...

For ships, space efficiency should be premium. The brig should be on the same deck as a shuttlebay, in case they need to take on or offload prisoners by shuttle. You don't want to parade them halfway around the ship where they could cause trouble. Since you're putting a shuttlebay on that deck, you should also have cargo bays and machinery areas, again for efficient loading and offloading of cargo by shuttle. There should also be cargo transporters for the same reason, and a personal transporter or two. Remember that just because multiple things are on the same deck doesn't mean they can't be separated. The brig and security offices can be behind a double set of security doors that are restricted to high security clearance and are set to automatically seal in the event of a power loss.

There's a thought - a lot of things are 2 decks tall. Or possibly higher. Shuttle and cargo bays in particular, but transporters have a lot of systems under the pads that take up space. A cargo bay with cargo transporters might well with all it's systems take up space across 3 or 4 decks.

Hey, I kinda liked Mudd's Women, The Alternative Factor and Wolf in The Fold...

To each their own, I guess. The list are, after all, subjective.



I too have a fetish for Roman senatorial politics! Nice to know I'm not the only one.

By doing this you could also do something like put the brig right around the cargo bays and shuttle bays, but it's on the upper of the two decks so a potential escapee can't get into them without falling.

But in general a brig isn't supposed to be that big a deal. It's only there to handle any major disciplinary issues among the crew; even a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in real life has a brig capacity of 17 (of which only 2 are isolated cells, the other 15 are a barrack) and that's for a crew of over 6,000. If a starship is going into a mission where they know they're likely to take hostile prisoners of some kind, it's much more likely they'd convert a cargo bay to be a makeshift holding area (another plus to having the brig on the same level as the cargo bays) or be accompanied by a ship specifically intended to be a prisoner transport ship (which is where the word brig comes from in the first place).

Is this porn?

Whatever it is, it's pretty incredible.

>Even in the TOS era
Is that ever actually confirmed in canon? I know there were female officers wearing the pants version both in the Pike era and in the TOS movie era, but the miniskirt version seemed universal for female officers in the 2260s.

It was at the discretion of the station or vessel's commander to make the skirts optional or not. So if the local CO wants miniskirts only, that's all you get.

And given who was in command of the Enterprise at the time, I think the reason we only see miniskirts is pretty obvious.

>Michael Eddington: [to Sisko] I know you. I was like you once. But then I opened my eyes. Open your eyes, Captain. Why is the Federation so obsessed with the Maquis? We've never harmed you. And yet we're constantly arrested and charged with terrorism. Starships chase us through the Badlands, and our supporters are harassed and ridiculed. Why? Because we've left the Federation, and that's the one thing you can't accept. Nobody leaves Paradise, everyone should want to be in the Federation! Hell, you even want the Cardassians to join. You're only sending them replicators because one day, they can take their rightful place on the Federation Council. You know, in some ways, you're even worse than the Borg. At least they tell you about their plans for assimilation. You're more insidious, you assimilate people - and they don't even know it.

How do you counter his point?

>Listen here you little shit, I've had it with your short sighted myopia and greed about these dumb fucking colonists. This inability or unwillingness to take the strategic view is exactly why you never had a hope of making command track. In case you haven't noticed we're staring down the barrel of war with the Dominion, the Borg could return at any moment with the Defiant five thousand light years out of position to defend Earth, the Romulans have been acting up along the Neutral Zone, and there's something in the Badlands that can make an Intrepid class starship vanish without a trace. Excuse me for not wanting a war on FIVE FRONTS if we can keep the Cardassians happy for the price of a small border adjustment and an exchange of colonists.
>But really, none of that matters. The Cardassians have launched biosphere purging long range torpedoes at each of the disputed worlds, and you're not putting me in the mood to ask Gul Dukat to stop them.

>can't fly the alien sphere ship
>forgot but he definitely fucks up
>lets camp on this unknown planet
>gets date raped
Barely into Enterprise, do the writers hate Trip or something?

I actually came up response to that when I was playing STO and someone tried similar speech to me.

It's basically about choice, the Borg will not give you choice if they want your shit they will take it and you, not matter what you want.

Federation allways gives the people they want to join them a choice and if they say fuck off and never come back Federation will do so and stay away unless the people in question have chance of heart and ask Federation back.

So basically Edddington was full of shit.

YOU DENSE MOTHER FUCKER! The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few plebs who want to play pioneers IN SPAAAACE! This Eddington, this is why the theory of infinite multi-verse is lacking. In one of those you would have been deemed suitable for a command post and infinity just isn't big enough to accommodate this.

Yes is sucks that people were forced off of their dirt farms they had been living on for a few years and had to come back to the opulence of the core worlds where their every need is catered for. Yes it sends the wrong message to the spoonheads that they can waltz in and fight a hard and costly war for a few long range outpost worlds that probably will lead them to be emboldened later and result in more of their soldiers committing suicide by Star Fleet. But you know what else sucks? The Fleet getting smashed at Wolf 359 and the looming sword of unexpected round 2, constant threat of Dominion invasion and the need to not show weakness in front of a whole bunch of neighbouring empires. That means that we need to not get involved in shitty little wars started by space Jews settling the Gaza DMZ.

That being said I still think that Star Fleet should have carried on pushing into Cardassian space during the 1st war when they were in a position of relative strength rather than loosing their bottle and doing a half job.