When you think about it, Space Marines are really the ONLY army you can't play with female models...

When you think about it, Space Marines are really the ONLY army you can't play with female models. Orks don't count because even though they're called boyz, they're sexually neutral.

Every other army can include women in some way.

We really need to make these threads reportable

Also false, there are no current sculpts of female IG besides a few one offs and unofficials.

Fuck off, this isn't a bait thread. Some people legitimately enjoy discussing female Space Marines. Hide it.

And I'm not saying there are official GW models, I'm saying you can have female IG lorewise.

>Fuck off, this isn't a bait thread. Some people legitimately enjoy discussing female Space Marines.

Why are you bumping a thread you don't like? You didn't even sage

Space marines are exclusively male, Sisters are exclusively female, everyone else is either mixed, sexless, or you can't tell.

Seems fair.

Ah I forgot sisters, I usually lump them in with the Imperium in general.

I think people would stop complaining about female Space Marines if the other armies received female characters/models. Even just a single commissar, or a Necron based on Cleopatra or some shit

>I think the SJWs would stop if we give them what they want

oh boy

Because Moot killed sage before he sold us to the gook

And because I hate you

shut up cuck

The idea that only sjws want female models is completely undermined by the amount of third party female models some sexual in nature, some not that are on the market.

Well thanks for keeping my thread at the top of the board?

>Sisters are exclusively female
I thought they had a number of "purified" (see eunuchs) filling various roles. Particular examples that come to mind are the Confessors and Missionaries in DoW2: Soulstorm


I fucking hate SJWs, and I would like to see female Commissars and female Necrons. A female SM would be fine, but only if they had basically 0 sex appeal and were huge meatheads.

>I thought they had a number of "purified" (see eunuchs) filling various roles. Particular examples that come to mind are the Confessors and Missionaries in DoW2: Soulstorm

What kind of weird fucking fetish headcanon is this

Those aren't Eunuchs they're members of the Ecclesiarchy

SoB exist because the Ecclesiarchy cannot have or command men at arms. This doesn't mean they cannot take part in war, they just can't lead. Even this gets skirted from time to time and it's the Sisters job to merc the Cardinal or w/e if he steps out of line and starts commanding/raising an army of his own. They're still quite often "advisors" and "Companions"

>we will never get huge muscle girls with pixie cuts and mohawks in Space Marine armor led by a lost female primarch vaguely based on some shitty ripoff amalgamation of Xena, Wonder Woman, and Boudicca

Why live

Far as I know they ain't eunichs. They're just members of the echliesiarchy. Sisters are the militant branch of the church, but the church in general is not purely female, which is why you get males who hold office in church positions that have dealings with the sisters.

I was responding to the idea that people would stop complaining about Space Marines if we added females elsewhere. I'm fine by representing females elsewhere, and I also know that SJWs aren't going to be happy with that, and you're fooling yourself if you think they will be.

My mistake, I'm only passingly familiar with lore and I vaguely recall reading that as hearsay rather than an official source.

I wasn't talking about SJWs in the first place. I think there's a sizable portion of the community, and I'm talking people who actually buy models, who would clamor for female sculpts.

You were talking about people who want female Space Marines. Most of these people believe in some degree of social justice, and if they're clamoring for it it means they're trying to impose their political views on something unrelated, which makes them a SJW.

>social justice
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

That's a pretty stupid way of looking at things. Thank goodness for anonymity.

Which word? Social or justice?

This is what female Space Marines would actually look like, just a bunch of screaming hairless, bit slimmer giants, perhabs higher voices and shit, totally bullshit because the Space Marines are based on monks, we allready have the sororitas, if you want to play them, all luck to you, don't get autistic over it. Have I forgotten something this time? I don't know how often I have said this anymore.

>would like to see female Commissars
Rare but why not
>female Necrons. A female SM
Fukin retard

When you think about it, Sisters of Battle are really the ONLY army you can't play with male models.

Every other army can include men in some way.

Sage still works the way it always did. It's just not visible in the post. It still allows you to post without bumping the thread, and the post still counts toward the bump limit.


Ministorum Priests.

>Implying there aren't shemale Sisters or castrated nubile young effeminate boys in the Adepta Sorroritas.

Go to hell.

>We really need to develop the ability to ignore threads we're not interested in
I fixed your post for accuracy.

>You were talking about people who want female Space Marines. Most of these people believe in some degree of social justice, and if they're clamoring for it it means they're trying to impose their political views on something unrelated, which makes them a SJW.
My favorite part was how you just sort of assumed that "most" people who want femarines aren't just horny neckbears.

People that make the most noise about femm-marines argue that the other factions don't matter, the the marines are the face of not just of 40k bit of GW as a whole.
The only reasonable response to that is. What this face?
The grim inhuman death mask of a Space Marine? What are they supposed to do slap some lipstick on it?
The funniest part of the whole debate is that if GW ever wanted to pander to that market they wouldn't have to change a single thing. All they'd need to do is put out a statement saying if you want to imagine a vagina under there somewhere then go for it and it would be job done.

This kind of bait would work better if one of the two named characters sisters get wasn't male.

You shouldn't. Kill yourself immediately.

Or even just sell some extra head sprues. That way they even make more money off it.

Priests aren't part of the Sisters of Battle, just like priests aren't part of the Imperial Guard.

They are part of both army lists. Crusaders, arco flagelants and penitent engines are also not actually part of the sororitas if you want to get that pedantic, but again, they are part of the army list.

Is captcha completely fucking broken or something?

>When you think about it, Space Marines are really the ONLY army you can't play with female models.
nobody cares

Why don`t you faggots stop making this threads about female space marines.
It didn`t happened, is not happening and it will never happen. Now fuck off.

>I think people would stop complaining about female Space Marines

Nobody is complaing, is just you and some other retards.

I say this every time: the effort in terms of design and manufacture that would be spent on female space marines would be more profitable and better received by the fanbase if spent on revitalizing Sisters of Battle.

Space marines are all male. This is said in the lore. The only way I'll accept em-marines is if they can only be scouts with a short shelf life.

user-kun. We are literally never going to get new sisters models.

Remember the old Dark Eldar, pal? Much people played them in, say, 4th ed, 5th ed? NO.
Because models were sucking balls big time, but then BOOM! another one appeared, with redesigned models and - what a surprise! - people started buying stuff.
Would work with Sisters all the same. The thing that GW is deaf about that option is an another proof of their incredible stupidity. Also GW sucks balls. Thank you for your attention.

I wonder if Necrons ever fuck.

>tarnishing the Sisters with shit tier fetishes, and not upholding superior timid apprentice clergymen amongst rutting sister order.

Begone heathen, I cast you out!

We'll get 'em next year!

Every year...