What would happen if all of Veeky Forums gathered in a single place and talked and played games?

What would happen if all of Veeky Forums gathered in a single place and talked and played games?

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The place would probably smell like death, and look like a freak show.

People would find out My name isn't actually Wayne.

Kill yourself.

>Where sickness lies, bad things will follow

Nah, supposing this meet up were to actually happen, there'd probably be a line of people who'd do it for me. Who am I to deny them the opportunity?

You guys are great to talk to over the internet and have amazing and intricate ideas, but there's always some degree of awkwardness when you're face-to-face. Veeky Forums meetups in general have always been notoriously awkward and just a painful experience for everyone involved.

This hypothetical situation wouldn't be any different.

Shut the fuck up Wayne.

In the true spirit of Veeky Forums, there would be plenty of talking, a lot of great ideas, even more terrible ideas, and precisely 0 games played by the end of the day.

It would become apparent that half of the "player" base has never played games

wayne you nerd
something like this: youtube.com/watch?v=VK6_tjizu_g


I still blame you!

honestly at least half the people i meet at my FLGS browse Veeky Forums

I only one person there who browsed tg, he was nice

I... What? user, are you having a stroke? Do I need to call the police?

Somebody would confuse us with /pol/ and start a violent protest.

I always thought it would be interesting to see a Veeky Forums meetup, then I learned about the /k/ meetup with the brownies

You are you.
Don't let anyone take that away from you.
Now go be you, you.

We could write letter to GW.

Oh god the smell. I also imagine edition wars would turn into literal shit throwing by the end of the night.

I'd watch through a webcast or something, but fuck attending.

It would finally come to light that the whole anti-quest notion are just half a dozen stubborn and very vocal shitters.


Weaponized autism

>It would finally come to light that the whole anti-quest notion are just half a dozen stubborn and very vocal shitters.
Came in here to post this.

I find it's often better to be talking with someone over a shared Veeky Forums interest, and then later in the conversation find out both of you browse Veeky Forums. In my experience, we wind up talking more, and lean towards more Veeky Forums board related topics. I find it strips away the awkwardness because the both of you aren't already under the pretext that the reason you're in the same place is because you both browse Veeky Forums instead of the shared enjoyment of Veeky Forums related things.

>Most of the time would be spent arguing what game system is the best.
>A good 1/4th or 1/8th of the people there would be That Guy.
>The SJW's and /pol/lards would start fighting immediately once someone mentions anything political, even in a game.
>There would probably be some magical realm shit going on.

It'd be an interesting experience.

>The SJW's and /pol/lards would start fighting immediately once someone mentions anything political, even in a game.
They wouldn't actually make the effort to show up, though.

It's much easier to shitpost on Veeky Forums than to play a traditional game.

Nobody on /tg actually plays games or can have a conversation in person. So it would be pretty moot.

Don't worry. I'll always be here for you guys. Even after my original body dies.

No, 90% of the MTG players definitely do, and most of /5eg/, as well as half of /WoD/, and /anrg/ does its stuff through a web-based simulator.

What he said.

Also we are NOT Alpharius, but if we were we'd refer to ourselves as Weird Alpharius Yankovic, because that is an entertaining thought.

Run a Battletech game for the other guys. Introductory level, of course.
Plus, anons may offer some interesting scenario ideas for some cool one-shots.

Probably kinda fun, but you'd get the occasional whiff of horrific stenches, and sometimes a pathetic slapfight between people of opposing extremist views. You'd need some kind of security there, and pay them well to deal with our shit.

How are Veeky Forums meetups in the UK?


There was one in London 5 years ago, and it wasn't as awkward as you might think considering it was an /r9k/ meetup.

The premise was *all* of Veeky Forums, user.
Apparently, we were all teleported in by a cosmic being.

Marvel presents...
Secret pissfight

It might be death, chaos, or sex. I'm hoping for sex. Tons of it. Tons of consensual romantic lovemaking where every man, women and what have you can buddy up and have a good time.

3 dozen landwhale autists would argue and bitch at each other in incoherent rage about each of them is full of shit and no games would be played.

We would find out that no one actually plays the games they talk about.

only 3 dozen? I'd have figured it was at least 50.

We'd all likely segregate each into our own groups. The roleplayers on one end. The Rollplayers on the other. There would be a lot of people bitching about quests. Likely a few fist fights from the wargamer crowd. Expect rampant political bullshit. Also is it everyone who has visited Veeky Forums or just the people who are currently there.

If it was everyone that has visited we'll need a huge room and likely a way to dispose of corpses.

You're a good person and if you had tits I would not hesitate to fuck you.

So a gaming convention? We're talking about a really big gaming convention then yes?

Is more accurate than you might first think.

The smell would burn holes in the carpet.

>everyone meeting in one place
>all these shitty opinions meeting in person
>people hiding in corners while others yell at each other
>a small group actually tries to play but trolls and autists keep ruining it
I can't imagine a hell worse than this.

Happily, user. Assuming you smell nice.

manages several meet ups annually, they only occasionally fail completely, and always end up with hilarious stories
>Veeky Forums, the board associated with social games played with physical mediums, is terrified of actually meeting each other.
These feels.

I would probably wind up giving out a lot of blowjobs.

While wearing White Mage getup?

Sure user, but if you want me to dress up then I get to watch.

But of course!

>>a small group actually tries to play

This is the most striking one for me

A lame knockoff of Gencon.

well someone's going to have to go for a pizza run.

Someone would make cheesecake.

That someone is me.

Y'all fags don't even fucking know about my cheesecake.

Just give me an excuse to make some.

Also this.

Kill yourself tripfag. You know she'd want you to

I'd volunteer to do security. I'm a monster, I've worked crazy-ass pill fueled canadian electronic music festivals, the Veeky Forums meet-up would be a joke.

>and as user reved up the most pathetic punch his smelly neck-bearded arm could muster, six foot nine inches of pure pain descended upon him
>before anything else could happen, said neckbeard immediately shit his pants and was then escorted out, brown-stained trackpants an eternal reminder of the bravado of the wretched and dejected

Well, I would try to bang every butt I could get my hands on, but that's just me.

is six foot nine inches one measurement
or is it two? ;)

Could you please stop sucking your own dick for one thread?

Questfags everyone! They can't stop whining about their bullshit and have to inject it constantly in unrelated threads. They really are just like furfags.

Shut the fuck up.

I smell ok, but i'm still thinking we should force everyone to take a shower just before getting in. Almost like they do at the pool? I'm pretty sure most of us are virgins so its not like we have to worry about stds or anything.

So, the general consensus is as follows:
1. We segregate into groups based on interest
2. We kill wayne.
3. We argue about the rules a bunch, to the point of REEEEEE
4. Either the quest folks will riot, or the anti quest ones will. Regardless, it'll be hard to tell them apart.
5. There will either be an orgy, or the "do not disturb" sign will be heavily used on our hotel room doors. Either way, people be banging.
6. will make an amazing cheesecake.
7. We'll need security. has volunteered.

Did I miss anything?

You fucking retard its name fag not trip fag. Fucking new fag.

I'll bake some cookies and brownies, I've been told I do it pretty well. no peanuts or semen this time, I swear.

We should talk about food and catering. I've never been to one of these meetup things, would we need to get a caterer in, or like, have everyone bring their own food? Or would everyone just have to go out and grab something when they were hungry?

>people calling each other fag over and over
>Actual fags sucking dick under the tables
>Some pretty cool guys will show up to play, see all the retarded autists there, then keep to themselves and generally have a good time playing by themselves on the far corner of the building
>All the 40 year old hardcore turbo spaz nerds would talk shit to anyone who couldn't name the 8th creature in the manual for the second edition of D&D or some other pure autism thing to know
>the Magic players would all fight over either playing standard for a tournament or trying to play fucking Commander for 8 days straight for a tournament
>The people who play regular old board games would be alright, until one guy has a clear advantage over the other players. Once he does, they will call him a cheater and try and kick him from the board or try and team up against him
>The two people playing the Resident Evil card game or the Final Fantasy card game would claim superiority over everyone else, but they wouldn't actually know how to play their own game correctly, since they are the only people who play it
>There will be one guy playing CS:GO on his laptop to himself, thinking that /v/ is the same as Veeky Forums. Everyone will glare and judge him.
>No women will be there, but a couple who dress like women will show up, so half of the building will be too preoccupied talking to fags in skirts to continue playing.
That is the most likely thing to happen.

We're going to need to bake more pretzels so we can find a use for all the salt your bringing to this meet up.

Yeah, seems like most people on Veeky Forums are cool with having quest threads on Veeky Forums.

All 20d6 of us?

I would honestly be paying a lot of attention. The human mind is the most amazing and baffling thing I know. It would likely be very entertaining. Not passive observation, I would tell some personal antics to break the ice even if my english speaking is kinda rusty.

Plus, I would find out how many actually fit the stereotype.

Or have any intention of doing so.

People will still cling to a 14-plus-year-old disaster that poisoned the well for tabletop games.

if /tg were to have a meetup it would have to be to play, there are too many things here though, it wouldn't be that easy to find someone at the meetup looking to play your same game.(unless it's one of the most popular of course)


There would be so many god damn pizzas being ordered it would be insane.
I vote for BBQ sauce and chicken.

It would be exactly like your flgs but maybe a little more awkward and with edgier jokes

whatever happens, I am not putting melted butter on my fat gut and rubbing against other buttery bears again.
