Why is it a knightly tradition to cuck other knights and nobles?

Why is it a knightly tradition to cuck other knights and nobles?

Why was one of the aspects of courtly love "she's married to a guy of higher station than you"

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Because that's what Lancelot did, and he's the OG knight.

Because there's only so much you can do with your errant boys and man needs other outlets.

Yeah, but that was seen as one of his greatest sins/failures, not something to look up to


Because there really weren't any un-married/un-betrothed aristocratic women just hanging around riding the knightly cock carousel back in the Middle Ages.

If you're going to have an affair with a noblewoman, you're going to be cucking somebody. And what's the point of having an affair if not with a noblewoman? You wouldn't sully yourself with a peasant wench, would you? It's okay to rape them when on campaign, but you'll lose serious cred with the other knights if they think you have feelings for some lowly commoner.

I think Malory would disagree.

Sleeping with another man isn't as much fun if there's no risk of getting caught, and we don't tend to marry guys for their proficiency in bed; having a big wallet (or a big castle) is a much nicer catch. So naturally we have to turn elsewhere for a good dicking.

Sorry, but unless you feel like going gay, you'll just have to live with that truth. Why should we be exclusive to one man when we can sleep around and get taken care of, and desired, and attention from lots of men?

There are gay people on Veeky Forums?

well said, sister

And girls even. Who not only won't show you tits, and won't leave, but are just fine with not worrying about faithfulness to someone we just keep around as a wallet with legs.

But you are a Gaylord, Gaylord can't marry under the based church back in the golden age of civilization, the middle ages.

>implying your nobleman husband won't eventually get tired of your rampant cuckoldry and have you poisoned

>did not read Malory
There are HUGE chunks of the Morte d'Arthur dedicated entirely to how Lancelot's cucking his own king made him too unclean for the Grail, caused no end of purely earthly problems, led to the ruin of Camelot etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam.


Because of the dual expectations of idealized romantic love and of familial duty

Under familial duty, the woman marries whomever her father chooses, for the benefit of her family. the chivalric tradition also idealized Romantic 'courtly' love however, which was 'pure' love based on affection and admiration.

This competing dualism was understood for the self defeating dichotomy it was. This is why Chivalric Romances tended to be tragedies: either the lovers succumbed to their desire for each other and therefore disgraced themselves and their families and inevitably befell misfortune, OR, they remained pure and so never actually acted out on their feelings for one another. This platonic longing was seen as the ideal, the virtue of love unfettered by the vice of sex or the sin of adultery.

So the simple answer was: YOU DIDN'T KEK ANYONE. A TRUE NIGHT DID NOT NEED TO CONSUMMATE HIS LOVE FOR HIS LADY. That is why Don Quixote sang 'To Love, Pure and Chaste from Afar' in The Impossible Dream. Anyone who thinks it was all about sex is a basic bitch

Burned at the stake, actually. Poisoning is an outlaw and shameful act and why bother since you're well within your rights to torch the bitch?

This isn't one of those fancy-lad centuries where it's illegal to set fire to your own wife.

>tfw you thought it was about based sex
Fuck me I feel dumb now

Forbidden love is hot. Forbidden lust is also hot. It's not really forbidden if you're married, it's sort of forbidden but just feels kind of lazy if you're not married but there's nothing in your way, and it feels like kind of a dick move if you're cucking someone as/with somebody of higher station.

Hence, fucking your liege's wife/husband's vassal, hoping he doesn't find out, and generally bringing ruin and tragedy to everyone involved.

Beheading would be even more likely. Burning was for religious offenses, and a lord accusing his wife of heresy would reflect poorly on his own piety.

Poison is a woman's weapon.

You literally picked the worst example here, son. Like user said there's any amoutn of handwringing about Lancelot's cucking activities, but Malory is full of other guys who are depicted as practically heroic for doing the same thing. Tristan fucks La Beale Isode about five hundred times "on screen" as it were, Lamorak has his way with Morgause of Orkney until her SONS (that's Gawain, Mordred and the others, but not Gareth who's a solid) get sick of it and murder him, and that's portrayed as a cowardly act that shames THEM. Various other knights carry on in much the same way, I seem to recall Marhaus jousting a knight who's kidnapped a lady, defeating her, and then kidnapping and fucking her himself, just for example. And let's not forget Uther stealth-cucking the Duke of Cornwall postmortem by disguising himself as him to beget Arthur.

It's not chaste and this guy is full of it, that's the product of later writers (most of them Victorian and uncomfortable with that shit).

It's almost like medieval people had a more nuanced and developed worldview than Enlightenment authors gave them credit for. Who could have ever known? That notion of putting aside temptation in favor of duty, accepting your feelings without letting them control you, is genuinely noble, in my opinion.

Maybe in real life, but in the Arthurian romances burning at the stake is the go-to for threatening Guinevere with.

I was under the impression that men were hung at gallows and women were drowned in pits?

That's because Guinevere wasn't being tried for adultery, she was being tried for witchcraft

Arthur wouldn't 'press charges' as it were for adultery, so THE FUCKING SCOTTS had her accused of witchcraft, with her seduction of Lanselot and Bewitchment of Arthur as evidence

Because most of what we consider to my knightly tradition comes from heavily fictionalized accounts of history like Arthurian legend and Renaissance-era fantasy novels like "Orlando Furioso."

An adulterous love affair is a great plot divice for to introducing conflict among the court nobility without any of the characters actually doing something truly reprehensible like committing treason or practicing black magic or whatever.

The headsman definitely got a few qt3.14s along the way.

This. It was purely a dramatic tool. Chivalric tales were borderline porn

It *was* about based sex. See

And none of them find the Graal.

>Orlando Furioso
This gets way too little mention around here, seeing as it's the origin of almost all of the tropes of classic medieval fantasy.

Well, Lancelot stumbles on it like a dumbass but refrains from entering into the room where it is. And before that he actually stumbles on it but gets robbed due to karma. And...

Okay Lancelot finds the Grail like four separate times. It just doesn't count.

But either way, the crucial thing is the Grail is only for the very most superb knights in all of Christendom and one of the guys who achieves it is literally designed to be divinely amazing and peerless and a walking allegory. And none of the three of them has a "platonic, pure and chaste" lady either. All of the actual courtly love that happens in Malory is fucking. It's courtly plowing.

Sounds like somebody's pimp handle

This is one of the only times I've ever heard the word "cuck" be used correctly.

Golden age of civilization. Maybe for the Arabs, you had such short lifespans that flys laughed

you aren't supposed to actually fuck them.
Courtly Love is about being a beta orbiter.

>implying it wasn't the golden age of Aztecs and American Indians too
It was right before the eurocucks raped them into Oblivion.

You must be at least this euphoric to actually believe that.

Arabs and the native Americans suffered because of the Europeans, if they had developed naturally they would have been fine

>being this blue-pilled

oy vey

>Arabs and the native Americans suffered because of the Europeans
This. Glad the arabs are taking revenge on Europe right now. It was about damn time to make them pay for ruining the golden age of arabs.

Go to sleep, Germanistani.

>ruining the golden age of arabs.
If that's what this was about they'd be invading Russia because it was Mongolia that put the middle east to the torch

Except Russia just straight up fucking shoots anyone that they feel threatened by and I can see Putin having armed guards gundown arab refugee's. Also Russia doesn't have welfare. So to Euro we go!

They we doing fine before all the diseases and crusades but whatever, it's not like Jerusalem was their holy city to but whatever.

>They we doing fine
You do blacked speech really good. I unironically laughed out loud.

>implying Putin doesn't love his based muslim citizens
He is a muslim supported, if anything, he could be behind the European invasion.

Native America wasn't making any progress, but Arabia had medicine and baths and nutrition. The heck you smoking, the only technological progress that was going on in the medivial ages was in Asia and Arabia

Well to be fair Russian values seem to line up pretty well with Muslim Values
>Fuck the west
>put gays in camp
>fuck the west

If Putin could get in on this being an Ayatollah thing, he'd probably convert in a snap.

Lancelot is literally a OC DONUT STEEL for Marie de France.
Chretien de Troyes couldn't even finish Knight of the Cart, he was so disgusted by it.
>he's way better at knighting than those dumb anglos, France a best
>everybody loves him
>including the king's wife, but I'm gonna character assassinate the king and make him a chuck so he won't do shit about it

Nah, that's Arthur's fault
Shouldn't fuck your sister m80

>All these fags not realizing Veeky Forums has femanons

desu if he had married and banged Morgause it would have 'sealed the breach' as it were.

Mordred had legitimacy claimancy being Morgause son and the child of Arthur, BETTER Claimancy than Arthur who was a bastard

>implying femanons exist
Trannies don't count

1. there are no girls on the internet
2. tits or gtfo
3. the posts were bait shit anyway who cares

I've never read any of the Arthurian tales and only know them from pop culture.

Someone wanna give me the tl;dr?

>captcha is ASSISTANCE Bueno

You're a huge faggot so there's at least one.

>implying Veeky Forums of all places would have femanons
Your gay

>3. the posts were bait shit anyway who cares
Makes a good point that its actually a good strategy to marry some old dude who can't really get it up anymore who is rich and powerful, bang him maybe once a month while getting railed a regular basis by any number of hot younger guys who can pump as much man-gravy into you as possible while old rich hubby is away on lord business or fucking even younger prostitutes.

Veeky Forums actually has a disproportionate amount of femanons, the other pages with large amounts are /soc/ and /x/

I miss old Veeky Forums, when our femanons didn't hide their gender and even posted cute 40k cosplays.

>the very first mention of Arthur is in what amounts to a story about one guy telling another to go buy him some elbow grease, blinker fluid and chemlight batteries
>Merlin is half-demon, was fully conscious and literate in infancy, helped Arthur's conception by disguising Uther as the mother's husband and was entirely unimpressed with romance and women while in Arthur's employ until some evil bitch makes him her beta orbiter and tricks him into killing himself like a punk
>Gawain is a bro whose 2 big stories are 1) & the green knight, the best of all Arthurian stories and edited by Tolkien himself, and 2) Wedding of dame Ragnelle, which was cribbed for the wife of bath's tale in Canterbury Tales
>Lancelot du Lac is a Mary Sue and has literally no flaws besides being a traitor on all fronts
>parzival is a shut-in neet who bumbled his way into knighthood
The more you know dananana

>Why should we be exclusive to one man when we can sleep around and get taken care of, and desired, and attention from lots of men?
Basically this

>doing anything about it
>not raising someone else's kids like the beta he is

I don't think you know much about cucks

>Lancelot du Lac is a Mary Sue and has literally no flaws besides being a traitor on all fronts

I thought he was also ugly (but somehow his ugliness made women wanna bang him more because they figured his dick must be HUGE if he was getting so much action)

You see user is the natural state
Manon is when you want to be a man
Femanon is when you want to be a woman

Most just default to user, because sometimes femanons want to wear sweatpants, drink wine, and shitpost about things in a dark room
>Magnus the red is my husbando

I miss old Veeky Forums, when people wouldn't baitpost cuckshit like this to try and get reeee out of autist

Because the man who's castle you live in might have your head cut off?

Lancelot did not, in fact, get any action. In his original story, he only had eyes for Guinevere, and passed on the perfect hot loving waifu for another go at that queen pussy.
When women threw themselves at Lancelot's feet, he stepped over them.

who are you

beta females get what they deserve

>who are you
Just an another user
And this is the last response you'll get from me

>Someone wanna give me the tl;dr?


>no reading version

You can't cuck the King if she never actually slept with her Queen


What the fuck was his problem?

You can cuck the king out of a banquet though

But Arturia DID consumate

Merlin gave her a dick and she fucked Gwynhavier

I'm serious. That is Nasu canon.

He was the more rightful claimant

Veeky Forums stand for /totally gay/

>Merlin gave her a dick and she fucked Gwynhavier

The fuck... Did he also make her look like a man or was it straight Futa?

You forgot Sir Tristram unhorsing Sir Palomides about 700 times.

Straight Futa, all the way down.

This is also how Mordred was born. Morganna got her hands on the royal jizza, somehow

>Friend, we've been at this for hours, surely you must admit-

We're talking about a period of time where knights regularly claimed to be Catholic (do not kill, especially other Christians) and then did exactly that, I don't think sinning was something they gave a shit about. Tell your confessor, if he has the balls to refuse to pardon you find one who will.

Plus Courtly Love was an anachronism anyway and found mostly in stories wrote a few centuries after when fiction about them became popular.

I know this is a joke, but we spent a fair amount of time on middle age stuff in my highschool, mostly cause it was a private one that stressed that sort of thing, and short answer is courtly love is all fucked up. Church basically made it so that it was bad to have legitimate passion in your marriage, and so you get the whole star crossed lovers who can never actually meet thing. Apparently infidelity was actually part of it.

Gawain did nothing wrong

>liked colorful tabards and decorations
>perform drive-ride bys
>rolled deep with the squad
>fucked married bitches all day every day
>on an eternal quest for the perfect lean cup

Knights were basically Anglo-Saxon hood rats weren't they tho


Yeah, basically. There aren't that many differences between South Central LA and Feudal Europe if you get down to it.

>he thinks knights read the bable
lmaoing at your knowledge, m8.

They just went to church every sunday, and listened to whatever crap the priest told them. No one could confirm the priest even read the bible too.

those fucking kneepads kek

You'd think at some point one of the dress wearing fucks would mention the ten commandments, wouldn't you?


>No one could confirm the priest even read the bible too.

Well, not no one. The Pope has specific agents whose sole jobs were to travel around Europe and confirm that people claiming to be priests could actually read Latin.

I forget their name, but they were basically that one monty python sketch of the Latin graffiti

>its one of the ten commandments to not kill Christians
Prove it, nerd.

It's worth noting that the historical knights of the round table were barely Christian if they were Christian at all, and Britain in general wasn't even a little bit Christian. I mean, these guys were Roman remnant forces left behind by the collapsing empire in the 400s.

Arthurian legend is an early Renaissance retelling of events that took place in an earlier time among people with much different moral values. The core events were already set (who killed who, who fucked who, etc.), so it can be rather difficult to rationalize the actions of a bunch of stranded Roman cavalrymen warring across a heathen land in terms of the Christian values of the audience the stories were written for.

he kissed another dudes wife tho

Hey remember that time a Grail Knight almost fucked THE DEVIL, because apparently the Devil really likes to fuck dudes while disguised as a pretty girl? And he only stopped at the last second cause he thought about jesus or something and the devil got PISSED cause he was cockblocked again so he flipped upsidedown and vanished in a puff of smoke?

>Matthew 19:18

Damn, guess I got told.

>do not kill, especially other Christians
Do I actually have to explain to you how one of those is a quote and one is something Priests just tacked on a lot?

Like, really?

I'm having a hard time believing someone this retarded could have access to the internet.

>these guys were Roman remnant forces left behind by the collapsing empire in the 400s.
I was more talking about the 900-1200 range.

Even still:
>Arthurian legend is an early Renaissance retelling of events that took place in an earlier time among people with much different moral values.

Is a really good explanation and something I'd not really thought about


It's not murder if it's during a war

Come along peasant, we're going to go sack Constantinople

>he thinks real christians ever took the commandments seriously

It's about as relevant and binding as the list of values on the poster in your company's break room.