Should Toad-people and Frog-people be enemies or friends?

Should Toad-people and Frog-people be enemies or friends?

What racial traits would fit?

Frogs are the enemy and must be killed ON SIGHT!

They should be sworn enemies who go on huge, in depth rants about how the other is subamphibian garbage, inferior yet also conspiring to oppress the true master amphibian race, and so on and so forth

The same goes for snails and slugs

There's no taxonomical difference between frogs and toads.

Same with aligators and crocodiles

they don't compete for territory so it's unlikely that they would see eachother as enemies.

Both are almost blind and really only see trough movement, so it don't matter.


depends on the presence of a more different enemy

no traits, just culture and look

Friends to all Medium-sized creatures, except dwarves. Enemy to all gnomes, halflings, and other Small-sized creatures, who are their natural prey.

Anything that fits in a frog's mouth can fit in a frog's gullet. Anything that fits in a frog's gullet is food.

End of line.

Line ends there.

All toads are frogs.


They wouldn't even interact, would they?

Why not bitter frienemies?

except they are nearly blind and can't tell each other apart.

"We must destroy them, they are disgusting, they are the enemy, they are all that is wrong with the world! They are subtoad monstrosities!"
"sub...toad? Shit wait are you guys toads?"
"N-no,I-I'm a frog too"
" too"
"yeah m8 me too"
*speech-giver begins to sweat profusely*

If they look like this than friends.
*Increased swim speed
+2 Acro
+2 Swim
-2 Perception
-2 Charm


If they look like that I'd probably just leave the table.

Friends, obviously.

So they're beholders

>-2 charm
I want froppy to hippity hoppity on my flippity floppity


Came here to post this

I want you to hippity hoppity the fuck off my property

If they look like that then they wouldn't necessarily be any better at swimming or jumping than a human. Frogs need those legs and flippers. A round face and all those ridges would cause drag in the water.

One gross ass looking arm

You do realize she can change her bodyshape slightly to become more froggy correct? Her feet and legs can become more frog like to allow her to jump and swim for example and she can even open her mouth wider and push out her guts even.

Their only difference should be how they call chocolatine.


my fucking keks just went ribs