Why are our memes so bad Veeky Forums? everyone is laughing at us

Why are our memes so bad Veeky Forums? everyone is laughing at us.

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If our memes are keeping the other boards away I'd be pretty okay with that

Doesn't seem to work on /pol/.
Or /v/.
Or /a/.
Or /tv/.
Or /h/, /d/, /e/, /u/, /cm/ and possibly couple others.

Because this is by far the most autistic board on Veeky Forums.

/a/ may be about as autistic

Because Veeky Forums is filled with lefties and lefties can't meme

Because we are not a meme board fucktard.

Veeky Forums had no place to talk. Is is one of the most devolved boards on Veeky Forums.

Both you KYS and let this board slide. (I won't read any response your write) saged.

You've clearly never been to /x/

maybe cause we arent a meme board, we actually stay on topic and shit

Spee and /tv/ here. Best memes

This, memes have a strong foundation in batnz.

Yes you all take your childrens board games very seriously

OG /x/ was a treasure. Then there were the raids and now it's just /b/ wearing husk of the old beauty.

Besides, most autistic board of obviously /j/

We chased away all the content creators and we wonder why no one creates new content.

I mean, /r9k/ exists.

Because tabletop gaming is a rather niche hobby, and since this is a tabletop gaming board, most of our memes have references to said tabletop games.

Other people on this board might find some of these memes hilarious, but people from say, /a/, won't have a fucking clue what's going on.

Plus people here tend to stay on topic instead of letting things devolve into lunacy (at least moreso than on other boards).

The vast userbase of Veeky Forums is now the "I saw this on Know Your Meme/ED" generation, and so they only come here to get edgy meme fixes instead of actual discussion. When they see on-topic posting, they think something's wrong, since they only know what Veeky Forums looks like from reposted memes.

I know this because I am one of them.

Underage gtfo

I'm 22 and have been here since 8th grade

Newfag here (to Tg that is) what happened that scared off all the content creators

/s4s/, /b/ and /r9k/ hoover up the worst of that shit.


Lack of appreciation of fine memes

Nothing. It's desperate questfags who think that 'quests' (off-topic freeform forum games) were the life and soul of Veeky Forums (because they were the only threads questfags ever posted on) and that Veeky Forums is somehow a creative wasteland now that they've rightly been forced onto their own board where they won't shit this place up any more.


>our memes dont suck
>spew shitty uncreative and unfunny memes memes

Veeky Forums seems pretty baren now though, it might not be because we banned quests but there hasn't been any good OC in a while

Veeky Forums is just as shit now as it was before quests got banned.
This board doesn't need to be a blue board

Back to your ghetto, questfag. Nobody wants you here.

People are so salty about quests it's hilarious, the best part is that it's not even the quest-fags that usually get mad

Veeky Forums has never been especially into memes, though? We're more of a stories, screencaps, and filenames sort of board. Stuff with context and payoff.

Anyone have that 'I need a complex narrative...' panel from Oglaf?

Yeah. That's us.

Like, what are the biggest Veeky Forums memes of the past? Angry Marines and the like? That was content creation with a lot of words, art and time put into them by people, not spamming an image macro with some allcaps until other people started doing it too.

That's just not who we are as a board.

Be honest. What NSFW would you post on Veeky Forums that you can't just post on /d/? If it doesn't have to be here, why not put it on the board it already falls under?

>Veeky Forums isn't into memes.
>made some of the best fanfic for warhammer 40k

If only total warhammer were released a decade ago, it would have remained eternal.

Our memes suck because this thread is our meme. Shitposting is all that our memes encompass and no more.

Why do people still care enough about that board to perpetually raid it?

Before quests were even a thing, same exact shit was spouted about drawfags and writefags and they've only come back relatively recently

Because memes are a meme.

It's telling that when user mentions "content creators", the first thing everyone thinks about is quest threads.

>memes are a meme.
This is a meme, stop repeating it.

>it's telling that when people say "this man will make america great again", the first thing everyone thinks about is Trump
This is what you sound like.

user, content creators were universally banned during the nazimod era, and only barely regrew.
We still don't have the same amount as we once had.
It'd be a lie to say the quest thing didn't make the situation worse, though.

I try to forget.

Well, they were all banned back during the nazimod days because the mods listened to cancerous posters, then that mod got removed, then they never really recovered.

Quests were never content, and the days when quests shitted up Veeky Forums were the worst days in this boards history.

>It'd be a lie to say the quest thing didn't make the situation worse, though.
Well, part of the QMs either were drawfags or attracted drawfags, that all went up in flames.

No more lore, or 3.5 fun.
Only trannies, leftists and Pathfinder.

Also captcha.

Nah, the nazimod days were the worst in Veeky Forums history.
Also quests were on Veeky Forums for the vast majority of its history, so your statement is sort of intentionally stupid and argument starting.

He's not talking about quests you thick cunt

Calling bs. There just aren't enough lefties. CTH has some good memes.

>the guardians of Veeky Forums

Yeah. It didn't help that the anti-quest guys started shitposting in the rest of Veeky Forums, either.
Really, it doesn't seem like it was worth the drama.

>We're more of a stories, screencaps, and filenames sort of board. Stuff with context and payoff.
Veeky Forums only has a handful of great stories and screencaps, and most of the great ones are almost 10 years old now. Veeky Forums has never, ever, been good at filenames though.


Haha, too late loser, the board is already broken beyond repair.

>Nah, the nazimod days were the best in Veeky Forums history.

Speaking of stories, what are the good recent ones?

>Only trannies, leftists and Pathfinder.
lul blamming leftists for everything. You are fucking garbage, waste of air and water.

Morons who hate fun decided to chase out anyone who made content that they didn't like, while deleting threads that triggered them, and sending the remaining OC creators to a ghetto that ultimately benefits nobody but trolls, whose shit threads can more easily rise to the top as there's literally nothing else to discuss unless you're already interested in D&D, MtG, WH40K, or one of the generals.

So in the end, all the content creators left because fa/tg/uys were too stupid to properly use the filters and too stubborn to accept something on the board that they didn't like, so now there's nothing but bait and tribes.

>The first thing people think of is Trump

Ah, hello newfag.

Not all, a tiny fraction remained in their own dedicated generals.

As generals are the only places you can get anything done these days.

A lot of stuff is simply forgotten. Campaign chronicle by STORYTIEM (aka Sword&Board) was utterly amazing but no one remembers it now

Because the average fa/tg/guy is older than the rest of Veeky Forums and out of touch with good memes.

/d/ and Veeky Forums are basically intertwined.

>Muh lewdposting
>Muh we don't need the other boards

I've been on this board since 07.

These content creation generals are a relatively recent thing. In Nazimod days you simply got banned for drawing shit

How come new write and draw fags haven't shown up, that and how long until the old ones come back, mods don't seem to be banning them anymore so what gives?

>Veeky Forums has never, ever, been good at filenames though
I mostly use those as a vessel to share tastefully cropped hentai with fellow connoisseurs now.

>I conveniently forgot to mention I liked the nazimod at the time, but believe me, I was there, honest
Ah, newfags.

Which is all well and good if you're already a part of the generals but in regards to Veeky Forums as a whole, it's worse than nothing.

Of course, the same morons who created the barren wasteland that Veeky Forums is today also want generals to get gone too. Ain't that some shit?

The old ones haven't shown up again because they were spurned.
New ones aren't showing up because the culture has become too acidic to support them outside of generals.

>If I repeat "newfags" enough times, I'll successfully rewrite history

I did say it, dude. I laughed a whole bunch at the people who complained too.

It wasn't the quests, it was before that when lewds were banned. Oddly enough most of the people into that, also did most of the content creation. So Is right. Veeky Forums has been dying for a while. Only now is the rot obvious.

I meant in the modern day.
The only creatives we have left are in dedicated generals where they can be slightly away from the mass of Veeky Forums.

>I totally said it, it's just nobody ever saw it. You have to believe me you guys!

Where are writefags supposed to post? In a general?

All the good drawfags fucked off to patreon and/or left when their favorite threads got kicked off board (quests, wst, etc).

It's kind of hilarious what a large percentage of our total content came from people who also did smut on the side.

Being a "content creator" always seemed like an excuse to make a name for yourself on an anonymous image board, so I don't miss them.

It may not be a popular opinion, but in nine years here I've found that as soon as a "writefag" or a "drawfag" gains any degree of notoriety they immediately spawn a shitty cult of personality, and something like that goes against the spirit of the board in the same way a tripcode does. I get that everyone misses the funny meme artists who would draw comics for the monthly funny meme character we'd all come up with, but artists and writers have always been the most attention whoring part of any board's "board culture." The only reason we miss ours so much is because we let them become such a central part of board culture before they got kicked out.

People will tell you all about how the nazimod ran out our precious artist, but they forget to mention where you can find those exact same people these days: tgchan. Tumblr. Furaffinity. Look at those places and decide for yourself if we need that back here.

Decide if you really want another "Veeky Forums Unified Setting" train wreck, another "Love Can Bloom," or more Sergals.

Hell, look at what the content creators that still float around here make: do we actually want more "Towergirls?" another "Disney Villains Victorious?" More fucking Cestree comics?

"Content creators" suck.

>warhammer 40k fans


TG's culture while bad seems tolerable, I would be willing to start creating OC if I could draw or write

This right here is a large portion of the reason Veeky Forums is so shit as it is right now.
The new generation who don't play tabletop games cringe at fucking everything.

OC creators are cultivated over the course of the board's life cycle as people post OC, which gains a fanbase, which leads OC creators to stay in a sorta symbiotic relationship where content is made and attention is given.

So when Nazimod fucks everything up and drives all the OC creators off the board, it's the same effect as burning all the crops in a field, you certainly can grow another field of crops but it'll take days, weeks, months, maybe even years of hard work generating a good relationship again and getting new crops from the ashes of the old is a rare occurrence that almost never happens.

Nowadays, OC isn't being created because of all the bullshit started when /qst/ became a thing. The old OC creators who heard of Nazimod left because they're afraid of being driven off to the /qst/ ghetto and the new blood left because now, it's harder to find an audience than ever unless you're inside a general where the posters have a lick of sense about them.

The End.

>Veeky Forums Unified Setting
Eh. I still think it had pretty dope elves, orcs, goblins and illithids

That's the thing.
You're willing, but you don't have the skills.
If you had the skills, you would use them somewhere less full of shitposters.

This isn't really true, and what's more important is that none of the smut creators actually wrote anything good, smut or otherwise. It was really a collection of the 2nd worst writers on Veeky Forums, just shy of the 40k fanfics.

It's possible to be a leftie and play 40k.

I want them here and i've been here from the very start of Veeky Forums. You newfags ruined this place.

What are you talking about? They by and large furnished character and situation drawings for years. Just also smut sometimes.

Nazimod was okay and you deserve worse. Mods aren't here to be your friends or to help you have fun, they're here to enforce the rules.
There is no rule that says "no fun allowed", but there is one that forbids off-topic threads, so sometimes off-topic threads get deleted, and you should expect that. It is not an error when a "bitches for Thulsa Doom" thread gets deleted.
You can't even come up with a response to this that isn't "muh fuuuuun" or name-calling.

Possible, but unlikely, I mean, affording the plastic crack ain't easy when you're on welfare.

I like how this instantly outs all the people who were not on Veeky Forums at the time.

>Enforce the rules

They made up their own rules and punished content that was fine and destroyed a culture that was years in the making.

judging from the friends i've made playing 40k yes

>drawing board-created characters

>elf slave wat do?
not off-topic

Veeky Forums meme magic is kinda lame.
I mean /pol/ memed trump into power
/tv/ crashed a plane with no survivors in les Bains
/a/ got the highest grossing anime film ever

Veeky Forums has been spamming HERESY for years and still got nothing out of it.

There are things about TG I like though, it's just that the board is currently drowning in shit, maybe I should actually learn how to write or something and start contributing?

They were going against the rules, user.
You would know this if you were there at the time.

Choke on a sergal dick.


Sorry newfriend, if you learned skills you would learn to not use them here quite rapidly.