What secondary effect should a Fireball do when it rolls max damage that isn't just 'do more damage' or 'lite the enemy...

What secondary effect should a Fireball do when it rolls max damage that isn't just 'do more damage' or 'lite the enemy on fire'?

I already got Ice and Lightning figured out, but not sure about Fire.

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Either damage over time or damage to equipment?

temp stat reduction due to fire consuming all the oxygen around

Boil their potions.
Burn their scrolls.

Knock them flat on their ass? It's an explosion.

DEX penalty due to nerve damage.

Send them flying backwards

Burns away the target's pain receptors, so he doesn't know how much damage he's taken.

Happens in real life.

This or destroy object, emphasise the shockwave aspect of your fire spells

it fucks your whore mother

I was gonna bring that up, like they can't breath til they leave that square, or at least have to wait a few rounds for the oxygen to fill back in.

what's ice and lightning, OP?

Ice- When you deal 6 or more damage with an ice spell, the enemy's feet are frozen in place, meaning they cannot move until they break free.

Lightning- When you deal 6 or more damage with a lightning spell, the enemy is stunned for one round.

I wanted something that wasn't flat damage to keep with the theme of damage + crowd control, so destroyed equipment is pretty good for that, as suggested early. I'll probably keep that.

yeah, i would have suggested the enemy has to try to put the fires on him out but it's similar to stun in that it renders the victims inactive for a time. i'd probably stick with equipment too.

Causes the enemy to flinch. Either taking penalties on their next turn or missing out on actions.

Removes their eyebrows and any visible body hair along with d4 inches of regular hair.

fire should push the target back a square

it's not what you want, but I like the way Diablo 2 handled elemental magic
>fire does x-y random damage
>lightning does 1-z random damage, where z is a number significantly larger than y
>frost does 2(x-y)/3 damage but slows the target and can shatter their body, stopping other enemies from resurrecting them

Causes tanning

> Set things on fire
> Force-type damage and force exerted
> Fuel-air explosion uses up all the nearby oxygen
> Hearing loss for 1d4 rounds

Fear effect.

Watch any video on YouTube related to failures with fire. Usually, they try to put it out, can't, and panic. Imagine those poor bastards trying to deal with a sudden fireball in the area.

People get stupid about fire.

Square in front of the dude that got hit turns aflame, and you can't walk through the square withot burning?

Burning of the lining of the throat and lungs leading to severe and permanent breathing difficulties due to the inhalation of superheated air. The eyelids could be burnt off, leading to one constantly needing to apply eyedrops to keep the eyes hydrated. Sort of like a very bad case of this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photokeratitis

It should also hurt their feelings.

3d6 pounds of the enemy's body become coal

This. Save vs Fear or lose control of the character for 1d4 rounds.
Also, DoT because they're on fucking fire.
