I need suggestions for magically mutated wildlife to spice up my current setting

I need suggestions for magically mutated wildlife to spice up my current setting.

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I've seen a bald racoon. I think my life just got one step closer to being complete.

>mutated wildlife
I remember Dark Tower had big blind albino bees. And mostly mutated woodland life like deer, that they couldn't eat.

I have a bunch of those from /an/

>Large slimy frogs with extra legs sprouting from their bodies. Rather than jumping, they blink from place to place.
> Snakes imbued with necromantic energy so that their skins reanimate as soon as they are shed. The snakes use these decoys to escape when grabbed by a predator.
>Disembodied veins which sprout from the ground like plants. They move subtly when grabbed.
>Grossly over-sized tadpoles which never become frogs. They just keep getting bigger, and some say that whale-sized specimens exist in some forgotten lake.
>Freshwater mussels with shells that look like human faces. They make a sound like sighing as they filter food from the water.
>Crocodiles which swim through mud, soil, and sand as easily as water. The only indication before an attack is two golden eyes winking under the surface.
>Bald raccoons with human hands. They appear only under the cover of darkness to steal away valuables, slipping through cracks in doorways and windows as a gaseous form.
>The chupacabra, but as a giant flea.

A mutated parasitic plant that has lost it's ability to photosynthesize and instead uses ambient magic to facilitate the creation of glucose. Ingesting it's fruit causes the seeds to gestate inside you draining your magic as it grows. Upon reaching adulthood the host either vomit's up the plant or dies and it's body becomes the seedbed of the plant

>>Large slimy frogs with extra legs sprouting from their bodies. Rather than jumping, they blink from place to place.
Make sure that chemicals have also made the frogs gay


>Butterflies which dazzle with the flickering patterns on their wings. Many in a single place can cause visual hallucinations and disorientation.
>Small limbless beavers which gnaw their way through dead trees, becoming fatter and fatter in the process.
>An impossibly thin snake, stringlike in girth, but it just keeps going on and on into the distance...
>Squirrels with cheeks that function as a small pocket dimension. Able to store huge amounts of nuts and seeds, these are among the last animals to be affected by a famine.
>Black cats with large, yellow eyes. By simply staring at a creature, they are able to inflict a flurry of scratches on their foe without moving a muscle.
>House centipedes which move incredibly fast, like footage that has been artificially sped up. Although even more effective at pest control than the natural animal, they are creepier as well.
>Pillbugs as large as pigs, they turn their outer skin to stone when frightened. When the coast is clear, they return to flesh.
>Combative hummingbirds with swordlike beaks. They hunt prey such as lizards and mice in pairs.

>Giant featherless pelicans. Obligate carnivores, they devour small animals whole.
>Platypi which paralyze their prey with electric shocks generated from their bills. Entirely blind, they sense other living creatures through electroreception.
>Pale hagfish which freeze the water around them when threatened. Possessing a high internal temperature, they melt their way free and eat frozen bystanders at their leisure.
>Huge, elephant sized deer. Found in ancient old growth forests, their unearthly bellows often lead to superstitions of haunted forests and cursed woods.
>Fossils which tear themselves free of the ground and go about their business as if they never died. It takes a force reminiscent of the cause of their death to put them back in the ground (A dinosaur who drowned would need to be doused with water again).

>Capuchin monkeys that are perfect climbers. They can climb across walls and ceilings, and even slippery surfaces such as glass provide no obstacle.
>Stocky goats with long, curving, spiraled horns. They feed on metals, and are often used to sniff out particularly rich veins.
>Kangaroos which use magic to "double jump", changing their orientation in midair or gaining extra height with each jump.
>Large, silent mosquitoes which cannot be felt. Even as they drain blood and magical ability with their long proboscis, they cannot be detected by touch. They must be seen to be noticed.
>Large horseflies which lure their victims with a hypnotic "singing". The pitch of their wingbeats sounds just like a woman singing, and swarms of them can form choirs that lure in prey from miles around.
>Vultures which can magically sense when a creature is about to die, even those which appear healthy to all mundane senses. It is possible that the birds can sense the workings of fate itself.
>Camels with hundreds of perforations through their humps. Within these humps live colonies of symbiotic ants. When threatened or ornery, they loose hordes of stinging, biting soldiers to attack.
>Weasels with long, ribbon-like bodies. They hypnotize their prey with a swirling, weaving dance.
>Sickly looking snakes with dark green scales and tubular beaks. Rather than venom, they spit a powerful acid. They melt their prey and slurp up the slurry.

>Stumpy rabbits with short ears. Rather than leaping about, they trundle along on all four legs. When threatened by a predator, they put up a magical dome to defend themselves. Slower than normal rabbits.
>Hairy, grey-green spiders which build rather modest webs. Their magical ability centers gravity on the spider's web, pulling in small insects and other prey.
>Black, blue-eyed owls which can sense mental activity. This ability usually used to pinpoint prey and predators, but some falconers have trained captive specimens to determine whether a person is truly dead.
>Something in a green, speckled egg. Anyone who makes physical contact with it is intensely convinced that the creature within is their child and that the egg must be protected and cared for.
>Vampiric cats. Slinking through the night on snake-like bodies, they drink body fluids in the night and leave a dried out husk to be found come morning's light.


>bald racoons that steal valuables

The Rotfest tree
A tree of vile origins,its spawns spores that infect a unwary host,possessing the infected to seek out the tree and die at its roots
The tree proceeds to slowly consume the rotting corpses and the souls contained within the carcasses.
Such vile life must be burned immediately on sight.

>eagle-sized parrots that can mimic other animal sounds and call them to help when threatened


I need some mutated city wildlife for a 2edgy4me dystopian city. If any user has that sorta thing.

This one is pretty edgy.
How stupid of you to help people.



Poor little guy

Coyotes, but ten feet tall.

That's a horrifying thought.

I used a creature once you might like:

Size of a large, very fat dog, pink skin with no hair, but the mouth is on the stomach and surrounded by ropey tentacles (looks like intestines spilling out) all over that drag on the ground. Its spit is highly corrosive to organic matter, and so it drags around its tentacles eating anything it finds. If it encounters a human, it won't be initially aggressive, but if it hasn't eaten it will casually try to push humans over and eat them, it only fights if the human hurts it first, and will use claws on the forepaws to rip and tear. If the prey runs, it just drinks the blood on the ground and doesn't follow.

They are extremely enamored with the taste of gasoline, and will prefer to eat it over all other options, even ignoring humans or other prey (unless attacked of course). They will use their claws to tear into cars and drink out of the gas tank if they find one.

hyper-intelligent crows
Crows are already smart af, would only need a little bit of a nudge for them to start building little societies

the local wildlife changed because of a bbeg's regional effects affected their ecosystem making them adapt or just magically caused them to mutate into hybrid forms of X or (similar to that shitty korra avatar run) they became evil and tougher because of Y so fuck you

> rise of the planet of the crows
truly, no shiny thing is safe

captcha: the cock martha

Dirtcats: long cats that live mostly underground, building nests like trapdoor spiders. If you walk into the wrong woods, you had better hope your boots are thick, cuz you're gonna get catscratch fever otherwise. Or just straight up mauled until you collapse and they wriggle over you and eat you alive.

A fungus that has grown into a malignant cancer, choking the forest with its unatural growth.

thats kind of sad, i had a hedgehog when i was a kid and they're nice little twats (mine would bite me every now and then, just cause he could)



Except you know, needing hands and actual ability to lay claim to food sources.

Terror birds, the answer is always terror birds.

MAN, the greatest monster!
Just add a couple claws and tentacles, bit of insanity, hell why not just make them regenerators from RE4, that'll bring spooky memories to your not-shit taste players.

>magically mutated wildlife
Just take real world parasites and dieases and make them **magical**, like high-strung foxes which froth smoke from their mouths and act as if they have rabies. Or a mouse which forces you to eat it and then you start vomiting mice, growing thinner and more emaciated as your substance is turned into more mice.

A cancer which has outlived its host and turned into something like a fungus.


Imagine these, but they grow in the wild and touching the slime they secrete will cause cancer and once a victim dies, their cancer remains alive and spreads from their corpse as fungal growth.