That one setting you love that's never going to be properly supported or revisited again

>that one setting you love that's never going to be properly supported or revisited again
What's her name Veeky Forums?

Kamigawa and Council of Wryms reporting in over here.


Sure, the planes themselves will be used and re-used again and again. But they are never going to delve back into the philosophical weirdness that made Planescape special.

The World of Greyhawk
>inb4 grognard, 3e etc etc
What they did to greyhawk after they forced Gary out is a fucking travesty. It was one of the original game worlds, and under Gary it was amazing

All three mentioned here already, and Ravenloft getting the treatment it deserves instead of being butchered and brutalized. More than that, it's sub-setting Masque of the Red Death will never again see the light of day.

You've played Council?

RIP in peace Masque, I'll miss being the most fabulous Gothic Horror detective.

A long time ago. Our group somehow ended up accidentally warping the game into Realpolitick: The Game but with more dragons.



Ghostwalk. It was one of the most novel and imaginative things to come out of 3e, and it was a complete flop.

I should convert it to Savage Worlds.

Warhammer Fantasy


Hadn't heard of this one. Share a tl;dr?

People discover that the afterlife has a specific gate through which all souls pass, and that gate is in a dwarf hold. A town forms above the gate as people bring their dead to ease them into the afterlife, and discover that near this gate, the ghosts of the dead can manifest so strongly that they gain a sort of physical presence. Thus, the city of Manifest (as it is now called) becomes a major destination, as people go to visit their love ones and some of the dead decide to stick around rather than pass on. Meanwhile, yuan-ti, demon cultists and necromancers want to mess with the gate for their own purposes.

this also the scarred lands.

Man, I thought no one else had that book besides me! Ghostwalk was great, and I still raid its pages for cool stuff in my own campaigns. I adored their section on wondrous items.

Where can I go to find info on Greyhawk? What's the best source book for the lore?

Also there's things to do beyond the gate, IIRC?
been ages since i've read it


It might not be a Veeky Forums setting, but I loved Basel

Man, I remember back in the day when I had that big Greyhawk map on my wall. I was always fascinated by the deep blue of the Nyr Dyv


Not this user, but Selesnya specifically. Also Golgari.

She'll live on in my homebrews at least

gotta be revisited by cubicle 7

... *gonna

Grimdark 40k

The Whispering Vault, Tribe 8, Mechanical Dream, SLA Industries, Artesia, a|state, Fates Worse Than Death, In Dark Alleys, Lesser Shades of Evil, Godsfall, Nephilim, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, Black Crusade, Broken Rooms, Cadwallon,

Might not exactly be Veeky Forums but the Tabula Rasa Sector as a setting didn't get enough love. I want my giant triangle skeleton birds and ancient space castle dwelling gatekeepers back.


As much as I love Kamigawa, I absolutely do not want the current creative team anywhere near it. They would not do it justice.