Magocracy is the perfect form of government. I was originally going to say "name one better form of government"...

Magocracy is the perfect form of government. I was originally going to say "name one better form of government", and then realized there flat-out isn't one.

Virtually all powerful spellcasters, and ALL of the MOST powerful spellcasters, have at least one extremely high mental stat, and with such a coming-together of the wisest, smartest, and most charismatic people, shit is going to get done and it's going to get done effectively. Handing over the reins of state to the spellcasters isn't just smart, it's the ultimate expression of meritocracy, the one true way to acknowledge that might really does make right and yet put that realization to work productively.

Why does your monarch rule? Because his father was king before him?

Why does your president rule? Because a mob of idiots were convinced she was better for their immediate selfish interests than her opponents?

I reject those answers. My wizardly brethren rule because they are geniuses (and if not they won't gain enough status to matter), who can solve problems through arcane might. Who cares about whether or not healthcare is free when the rain is enchanted to cure diseases? Does military spending really matter when the Archevoker and his apprentices can nuke enemy countries with an afternoon ritual?

>b-but muh sense of right or wrong...

Who's more likely to have the Wisdom to avert disaster, the seniormost Cleric around or the king's dumbfuck chief advisor who was appointed because of his relatives and because he won a battle once?

Find a flaw, or try to. There isn't one.

Technocracy is objectively better, nobody should be ruled by a superstitious fool who cannot accept the progress of Science. Please remove yourself from the internet, reality deviant.

Benevolent Divine Tyranny. Absolute rule by a perfect being

Consensual reality is stupid and makes no sense. Artificers are spellcasters anyway.

The people are dumb and superstitious. Instead of installing a magocracy to rule them fairly and to their greatest benefit, why not fool them with an illusion of monarchy, with all its flaws.

If the public gets angry enough to revolt, they'll go after the non-existent monarch and not the wizards making it happen.

The problem is, just because someone is smart or wise doesn't mean they will do what is in the best interest of the group. The powerful magicians would likely exploit the less powerful, without any sense of right or wrong.

You say that it's the one true way to acknowledge that might really does make right, but you fail to realize that that is the exact problem. Intelligence and Wisdom doesn't make someone resistant to corruption but rather amplifies the risk of it. It happens basically constantly in the real world.

Won't it be inconvenient if the king or his family ever start to think their power is real...oh. Oh wait.

We have enchantment spells for that. Carry on.

So this is why Thay is a utopia in Fâerun, and the Old Republic-era Sith Empire is the best place to live in Star Wars? Or the Empire of Galbatorix in Eragon?

>muh best interest of the group

What are you, a filthy socialist?

>exploit the less powerful, without any sense of right or wrong

Do politicians not already do this? At least spellcasters have the smarts to keep people happy enough to ensure the perpetuation of their own power and produce innovative solutions to keep the state running. Exploitation is a natural part of civilization.

>You say that it's the one true way to acknowledge that might really does make right, but you fail to realize that that is the exact problem. Intelligence and Wisdom doesn't make someone resistant to corruption but rather amplifies the risk of it

That's such bullshit that I don't even have a meme response for it. You're just flat-out wrong and spouting cute liberal soundbites to justify rule by retards.


Because the goddess of magic's own Chosen were at war with them for a long-ass time with the Simbul literally killing any Red Wizard with enough potential talent to upset their social order, ensuring both militancy and the perpetuation of the status quo. This led to the ascendancy of Szass Tam, who ensured that necromancy had primacy over all other forms of magic and greatly impacted Thayvian culture.

Also they only welcomed Wizards.

>The Sith

Because they're fanatical ideologues.


Because it was written by a child.

>Intelligence and Wisdom doesn't make someone resistant to corruption but rather amplifies the risk of it.

Ya but let's face it, once you can summon crumpets and live in a magical mansion accessible from every point in the universe, for free, you kind of stop caring about common Dick and Harry.

The common man has got about as much to do with you as an ant. There's no wonder why wizards have no sense of right and wrong, they're not a part of that whole communal system.

Because these DnD casters have more important shit to do than manage a bunch of mortals.

Why would a mage waste his time corralling the mud-coated peasants? He could be studying, or becoming immortal.

Why would a Cleric rule? If their god willed it, they'd just pick some kind-hearted, good-headed shmuck to do it instead of tying up a valuable asset like a cleric.

>"Intelligence and Wisdom doesn't make someone resistant to corruption but rather amplifies the risk of it. It happens basically constantly in the real world."

Wizards Vs. Anti-Intellectuals

So basically what you want is a world where the powerful exploit the less powerful because they are powerful? You are clearly a fucking retard then, and should go and choke on a cock and die. Which is what you most assuredly would do in such a world, because you would be exploited by the more powerful to death. Remember, you are not special, you are not exceptionally skilled, and you only are able to enjoy life because there are rules and laws to avoid the powerful exploiting the weak.

The common man might produce a worthy apprentice to carry on your work. Or at least make for a useful clone-body for you to implant your consciousness into.

Magocracy isn't infallible. It's the same problem as monarchy, but exaggerated — a wise and benevolent leader will do wonders, but a hateful, evil, or inept leader could linger for centuries and lay waste to the state unassailably.

>So basically what you want is a world where the powerful exploit the less powerful because they are powerful?

That's what we've had continuously ever since Throgg the caveman exploited his invention of knapped flint blade tied to stick to become chief of his tribe. Take your ancom nonsense and fuck off.


This word is a sure sign of a 'tard posting. I'm going to explain this to you, SLOWLY.

Powerful people HAVE ALWAYS and WILL ALWAYS exploit less powerful people in EVERY system of government. The ability TO exploit less powerful people is what drives the talented and ambitious to BECOME powerful, to innovate, to compete, and to dream. It is always better for the society as a WHOLE to have smart, wise leaders. Deliberately wanting dumbfucks in charge is how you get things like the modern American Democrat party where they literally can't learn from mistakes and choose leaders based on who fits what minority slot. Take a moment and try to stop chewing paint to think it over.

Unless the other wizards seal him in a crypt on the moon.

You are clearly a fucking retard. Basically, what you are saying is that it's ok for the powerful to exploit the less powerful as long as it's done intelligently? This is fucking retarded.

Yes, I realize that the powerful have exploited the weak all throughout history. But that doesn't mean that is fine. We should try to minimize corruption and exploitation, and that's not by just making the most intelligent people in charge, because you have no indication that they will not just exploit everyone. Wisdom and Intelligence are not related at all to morality. Someone can be extremely wise and intelligent and yet be totally corrupt and ruthless. They will just exploit people more systematically.

Why the hell would the most intelligent and wise people waste their time ruling over commoners? The most powerful wizards would likely find this a boring distraction from their studies of breaking reality.

You're doing it wrong. Obviously - many powerful and important people will be magi, because they are able, driven and dedicated. But it is not their spell casting skill that makes then suited to rule - but rather said ability, drive and dedication.

>Find a flaw
You'd have to put your studies aside in order to deal with the mundane day to day affairs of administration.
No Wizard is willing to do that.

1) Wizards getting along in groups and working together for any coherent goal. Good luck.
2) Wizards tend to be arrogant, autistic, and petty. Imagine a nation ruled by the cast of the Big Bang Theory. Bazinga.
3) High level wizards live with such powers and perceptions they are entirely disconnected with the plight of the common man. Cue millions starving as the wizards pass laws banning the wearing of blue on Tuesdays as it disrupts the aetheric chords of the rising blood moon.
4) Taking time out of his studies to manage the mud folk is only going to ensure that a state wizard will lag behind his competition and get merc'd by Billy the Lich during his first year of office.

What is the interest of the group? What is the collective goal? Who is responsible for the group? You?

If you want land, go get it. If someone takes your land, take it back or go find different land. If you want to learn magic, study it. If someone takes your magic texts, take them back. If you can not secure your texts, or take them back, then why do you have them. How this is done is up to you. Find a spell, brew a potion, crack a skull, hire a merc ect. Be creative

House Telvanni is not some kind of Ayn Rand ideal, because House Telvanni permits repercussion. Rather House Telvanni recognizes that we need to be responsible for ourselves. To that end, we need to learn and master as much magic as we can. Because this is very hard to do, we must band together to teach each other. Once we are well studied we go our own ways and learn from others.

If you don't understand it, then study until you do.

You can repeat it over and over again as much as you like, that's how human society works. You're LITERALLY arguing that stupid people should be in charge because they're more virtuous. Why is it bad that the strong exploit the weak, exactly? The way you use that word reeks of ideological, not rational, objection to it.

But spell casting ability is a better indicator than being related to the right dynasty, even if it isn't perfect.

The pansy nerd read some books and learned a few parlor tricks, now he thinks he can rule the world

Except that is not how human society works at all. We build governments to protect the weak from the strong. That is why we have laws and police and prisons. They prevent the powerful from abusing the weak. We also have representative forms of government that give the weak a voice in politics, which work well if you leave the US, which is barely a real democracy at all. Many governments very effectively prevent the powerful from abusing the poor, and usually everyone benefits from it.

You're stupid.

Get out of here with your fucking retarded anarco-capitalist garbage.

The obvious and definitive counterpoint to magocracy being even a theoretically good idea has arrived.

When you take a "might makes right" system of governance and make it so that might equates to powers that allow you to blight your enemies' landscapes and tear yawning holes in reality, everyone but the creamiest of the crop suffers for it.

Read a book nigga.

>We build governments to protect the weak from the strong. That is why we have laws and police and prisons.

Who do you think writes the laws? Runs the police? Builds and profits from the prisons?

> We also have representative forms of government that give the weak a voice in politics, which work well if you leave the US, which is barely a real democracy at all.

Pure representative democracy in the US would empower the party bosses in NYC, Chicago, and LA and NOBODY else. Not the people, the ones promising the most to those three cities.

Also, curb your salt over the election. Trump is worlds better than Jeb or Hillary. Are you saying Europe works better? Their societies are collapsing even without having to spend a dime on their own defense, they're practically failed states even if some artificial numbers regarding trade are still high.

Your whole series of posts is just...adorably naive. I recommend you check out a book called 'Leviathan' by a man named 'Thomas Hobbes'. Drop the Marx, drop the critical theory, that shit's all smoke and mirrors used by the cynical leaders of leftist movements to build a mob of disposables like you.

You, you I like.

European Social Democracy is fucking tyranny where speech is restricted, firearms are restricted, and the native population is basically treated like trash while millions of barbarians are let in the front door.

All the while throwing social benefits on the masses they can only afford due to America effectively subsidizing their militaries so Russia doesn't eat them [as they deserve].
You're full of shit too. The concept at work here is reciprocity. The strong and the weak can exist in a mutually beneficial relationship, without the strong being corrupted or the weak ground to powder.

>That is why we have laws and police and prisons. They prevent the powerful from abusing the weak.
Assuming "the powerful" aren't the police themselves.

>European Social Democracy is fucking tyranny where speech is restricted, firearms are restricted, and the native population is basically treated like trash while millions of barbarians are let in the front door.

How to tell when you're arguing with an american in one easy step

Because the American can express the truth freely without being jailed for having a mean opinion?

And that's an insult? I live in the strongest nation in human history, you presumably live in some backwater shithole where its illegal to own butterknives yet your government speaks out for mass murderers.

Dark Sun is fucking awesome though.

No, because the american is absolutely terrified of having their guns taken away & scary brown foreigners being allowed to have the same rights as them, and believes that any policies left of centre-right are a determined attempt to smother western civilization under the sweaty ballsack of the New Ottoman Empire.

It's cool, but a lot of the reasons it's cool are also reasons it's mostly an unpleasant world in which to live.

>The American doesn't want his private property seized

Yes, and?

>The American does not want foreign criminals invading his country or members of a group where a shocking percentage believe their religious laws should trump existing secular laws to migrate to his land en masse and has seen what they do elsewhere

Yes, and?

>The American does not want to be more Muslim and does not support socialist policies


Americans are based as fuck.

And they're not wrong.

Would you mind telling me what's wrong with a government having any socialist policies?

What rights, exactly? Free migration to America isn't a right and it never has been, especially when done illegally or with the intent to wage jihad on American soil. All American citizens REGARDLESS of race have the same rights. You're not just stupid, you're ignorant. So much for a European education!

>Trump is worlds better than Jeb or Hillary.
Major Delusion (-10)

1. They're economically inefficient.

2. They mean more power in the hands of the State.

3. They're unsustainable in the long run.

This is the reason your entire position is so retarded. Democracy is not the same thing as Liberty, in many ways they are exact opposites, because the dirty masses will vote themselves more and more benefits, regardless of whether the State can actually afford them, and in the process give more and more power to the ever-larger State.

Democracy leads to Socialism leads to Slavery.

Whatever gay system you're quoting in a cringey fashion has nothing to do with expunging globalists and members of dynastic cabals with ties to shady international bankers and warmongering tendencies from American government. Jeb Bush was a wet rag and every account of Hillary Clinton's handling of foreign policy displays the sheer, shocking inepitude and poor judgment that she was prone to. As much of a mafioso as she supposedly is, as dirty as she played, in terms of actually doing her JOB she has been consistently godawful and would have made a disastrously bad president...oh wait, I'm arguing with a Eurofag socialist, of course you don't understand political realities, lol.

A signed autograph of Richard Nixon would make a better President then Hillary Clinton. The mere fact that Trump is breathing, means he's doing better.

They destroy every nation they touch. As appealing to ignorant people as they sound and as good as Marx was at writing intellectual-sounding word salad, he never even visited a factory in his life and his ideas don't hold up under scrutiny, nor do the various successors who've tried to "refine" his work. Also Bernie Sanders is a venomous con artist.

By the way, I'm one of those brown people you think don't have equal rights. Please don't lump me in with filthy Muslims.

It's fascinating how so many americans are capable of doublethink.

It's fascinating how hard Europeans will mentally contort themselves to try and pretend they haven't willingly become our bitches.

You'll change your tune when something far more powerful than you shows up and all of that intelligence and wisdom avails you nothing.
Rule of thumb, fascist: the mage has no experience being powerless, but it is the natural state of the peasant. And the fittest always survive.

This honestly makes magocracy sound awesome if we can get back on topic and away from Sven the Salty Socialist for one minute.

it's fascinating how Americans forget they live in a dying economy

It's fascinating how Europeans don't notice we're hitting record numbers, going up, and create and own the economy anyway. I guess you're too busy making sure Rashid has condoms for when he drags your baby sister off to "do unto her as Mohammed did unto Aisha".

I like how this answer has nothing to do with the subject discussed. Typical American.

>Accuse someone of doublethink
>They point out that you're delusional
>You act smug

These are the descendants of the Romans folks. These are the people whose ancestors took over the civilized and uncivilized world on multiple occasions.

How the mighty have fallen.

Neither did Or Don't be so obvious when you samefag next time, Sven. Remember, your tax dollars pay for our military bases!

Maybe he's a Muslim?

No, no, see, it's always the same with you guys.
"Trump did X, that's bad/dumb".
The next post is invariably something about "SHILLARY BUTTERY MAIL CHEESE PIZZA". I've yet to see anyone defending Trump's policies at all, instead they just attack Hillary for some reason.

It's fascinating how Americans forget that any other entities than europeans or akbars exists. I guess your too busy gettting shot while your president takes gobnik cock harder than the towers took government employed mercenaries

You are a ignorant and don't know what are you talking about. The whole point of Leviathan is that Hobbes justifies the state as a means to protect the people. Acording to him, without the state people would fight against others and life wouls be miserable. It has nothing to do with "the strong must prey the weak", but with the opposite. The state must prevent chaos by imposing order.

As for Marx, he was the one who said that the state is a tool of the powerful to control the underclasses. Just read the Manifesto or Critique of the Gotha Program.

In short, you are full of shit and haven't read neither of the authors you quoted.

Entity: a thing with distinct and independent existence.

There are about five Entities on earth. America, Russia, China, the Kikes, and America again. European countries are non-entities. Things with an indistinct, dependent existence.

Because if someone doesn't see how "America first", making the military effective rather than politically correct, killing ISIS fuckers, cutting illegals crossing the border in HALF, and trying to bring back jobs is a good thing then what good is there in arguing with them? At that point it's about utterly incompatible priorities.

The strong in Hobbes' state were the rulers. The strong exploiting the weak for their own good.

Awww, the irrelevant little foreigner believes conspiracy theories.

>buttery mail

What plebbit hellhole did you drag that phrase from? It's like when the feminazis there would call "free speech" "freeze peach" because they hate freedom.

>The strong in Hobbes' state were the rulers. The strong exploiting the weak for their own good.

No, they are not. The fact of the matter is that Hobbes opposed the law of the jungle, and you are twisting his thoughts to suit your own political opinions and defend them with an appeal to authority, a fallacy.

Don't try to decive us with your shitty sophistry, user.

Julian Assange says hi.

Have you ever read unseen academicals? Imagine that expect they have full control over a states facilities. Chances are any magocracy will be wiped out by a functioning nation within a month.

The nordic welfare only works when there is only native people living and benefitting from it.

For example: Finnish people are ok to keep the system up when the poor are other finnish people. But when hordes of niggers and arabs come and claim same rights and benefits the system shows it weaknes.

Nobody wants to feed random people who are not related in blood or culture.

This is why same system cant work in america or any other country where population is not 95% the same

>Read a book nigga.
Ironically that's exactly the argument of Hobbes: man is like a wolf to other men, therefore we need a government -no matter how tyrannical- to ensure the safety of the weak in the face of the strong (mostly because the strong are themselves never strong enough to be invulnerable too).

The only thing it does is justify a tyranny in the name of the greater good. Hell, just fucking LOOK at the cover: a king, made up of the bodies of the masses, that towers over a city and its church. The symbolism is obvious: whatever is right or wrong is what the monarch deems right or wrong, simply because it's preferable to the alternative. Rousseau takes the next step by assuming that Hobbes is right, but removing the king and grounding the authority within these masses themselves through republicanism, suffrage, referenda et cetera.

>Pure representative democracy in the US would empower the party bosses in NYC, Chicago, and LA and NOBODY else.
Yet political parties in the modern sense are incredibly recent as a thing. Sure, the GOP is old, but only recently has it gotten the kind of party whip that can whip everyone into a single political line. That's because these representatives gained their mandate from local elections: a certain region elected a representative they deemed best. In Europe the problem is this disctrict-based voting declined, utterly removing all ties between the politician and the voters (in England it still exists, but you can now run candidate in an entirely different part of the country than where you live because the party dictates you'll run for that district).

...From the embassy where he's hiding from European governments?

From both European and American government, which are mostly the same entity.

How does that functioning nation avoid being blown up by the Arcane Vector Cannon?

Obama's government was, yes, Obama was essentially a European in worldview and what he tried to do. Assange isn't American, by the way.


Trips don't lie. I, for one, welcome our wizard overlords.

If mages are so great how come Abel blown the fuck out of the yehudah empire?

But Magic IS technology we dont understand, silly billy

This seems to be an offshoot of Plato's republic where magical skill is a good measure of suitability for leadership.

>Why does your president rule? Because a mob of idiots were convinced she was better for their immediate selfish interests than her opponents?
Nice try Shillary.

I'm European and that murrican is spot on in regards to most of Europe. I wish we had murrican gunlaws and actual free speech, but unfortunately the eurocrats that rule us despise the very notion of European peoples having sovereignty and are busily importing foreigners en mass to our nations in order to destroy what remains of our identities.
EU is cancer and I hate it from the bottom of my heart.
I have no loyalty to EU or its leaders. They are not my kin and they have no right to goverm me or my people. My people must be masters of our own destiny, not just replaceable peasants to foreign masters, that EU sees us as. We have 800 years of experience in that business and it was torment.

Finland belongs to Finns.

I have zero interest in supporting the lives of non-Finns with my tax money. They are not my kin, not part of my people, and they can never become part of my people, for they do not dscend from my people. Thus, they are competitors and enemies to me and my kin and the fact that we are forced to support these scum with our taxes disgusts me. I want them out of my people's land, by any means necessary.

It's hilarious. Everyone and their mothers has plate armour (even the hordes of mind controlled barbarians), even farmers like Eragon have a house with various rooms and can eat meat every day, etc.
On the forth book we discover that Galbatorix biggest enemy is not Eragon or the Varden, but some guy on his mother's basement making couterfeit money (whom Galbatorix wastes evey walking hour oposing with creating more and more sophisticated spells to make money impossible to falsify).
Aside from feeding his subjects to evil bugmen and letting his mindcontrolled orc armies pillage small villages to keep morale high he isn't that bad a king you know

Mages would probably form the Warrior aristocracy

The worst person to have the power are the people.

So the powerful exploiting the lower class benefits the ones doing the exploiting and society at large. Like Steve jobs using slaves to make cheap iPhones

That was pretty much my opinion too, especially since the Varden seem to be retarded enough to kill or almost kill their own soldiers for winning battles. Hell, they go with the whole "arrows on fire, shoot into melee" thing and then attempt to distract the enemy from a place by attacking that place. Their plans don't really hold up under even basic examination.

Also the mages have plainly never read an anatomy book, because otherwise those "nine words of death" that instakill people with some subtle biological tweaking would be common knowledge rather than some obscure and precious secret. Brute force is not how you go about maging things, people! If "Heal" can be used as basically the Pax from Firefly, I dread to think what some of the other words of power could do if you stretched the meanings a little.

Also the elves acting all superior when the humans seem to actually be developing their knowledge base, beginning to industrialize things and Galbatorix is actively trying to keep their economy together is hilarious.

Well, here's your issue right there.

Thematically speaking, in most fiction the most powerful magics are also the most corruptive. Assuming that the merit of a mage is their skill in the arcane arts, then the most powerful mages will pursue dark magics generally to one up their opponents. This is a meritocracy after all- rule by the most merit.

>Inb4 there will be guards against this to make sure mages don't pursue this sort of power

Of course there would be a system to check against corrupting magics, which would work in theory, but what about the most powerful mages? Who watches the watchers?

And assuming there is a head mage, a 'mage king,' who's going to stop him from using the most corruptive, soul-corroding magic to make himself unstoppable and then remake his nation in his image? The other mages? If you already have enough magic skill to achieve the rank of mage king, chances are you have ways of cloaking your pursuits from your colleagues, and once you achieve your mystical apotheosis, there is (theoretically) nothing that can stop you anyway.

Congrats, your magocracy just became a mage tyranny, with a single ruler. And then the status of other magic-users is up to the whims of that magictator. You had better hope they want to foster magical knowledge and not hoard it for themselves. Or worse, try to remove any "threats" to their power by removing other magic users.

Fucking elves. Go fall asleep drunkenly in a snow drift.

Who says anything about power? I speak of survival, and it will never be yours.

Oh, and you think that an unruly mob is going to stand a better chance at survival?

With nobody to lead, the people will simply rot in their own waste until death claims them.

Yeah it's the perfect government
>If you are a hooked nosed ((mage))

>frogposters try to start wizard shitposting
Why am I not surprised?

God, I can't think of a single race that is more scum than the finns.

You seem to be taking this very personally, did one of those mean old wizards diddle you pickle as a child.

I agree it is an amazing setting, but not a place I would like to visit.

No one wants to be ruled by a class of virgins user.