If a culture worshipped the earth and the sun as mother and father...

If a culture worshipped the earth and the sun as mother and father, what suggestions would you make for how they see the moon?

With their eyes, mostly at night.


This is going to be a cuck joke innit?


who watched us when mother sleeps and father goes away to hunt.


>something that follows and influences the mother
>while going through cycles of being open to and then withdrawn from the father
>a body that shines in the absense of the father, but grows dim in his presence
>but occasionally opts to flat-out block him out for one terrifying, wonderful moment before going back to business-as-usual
You tell me, OP.

Depends western culture or eastern? Lots of eastern cultures consider the moon a male personification. Whereas a female moon goddess is usually pigeonholed as a contemporary western thing.

Usually the Sun and Moon are a pair while the Earht is paired with the Heavens or Air...

So the Sun and Moon are that annoying neighbouring couple that has sex out in the open all the time.

Mistress. Brings bad days but bad nights.

The Moon is just the spirit of the sun while he sleeps. Duh.

The Moon is a stalker looking to fuck the Earth while the Sun is away.

Now only easterns.
Some Brazilian tribes had a male moon god on their legends.
Also the germanic moon deity (Mani) is also male. There are probably more, but those are the ones I remember

Upstart bitch little brother, trying to move in on their territory

Maori culture has this view of the earth and the sky - kind of close.

They see the moon quite complexly - sometimes as the "husband of all woman", although there is also a woman in the moon who was abducted after calling the moon a "boiled head". The woman - Rona is said to watch over people.

The eye of a blind space-inhabiting void-coloured dragon circling the solar system until hhe apocalypse. Thats when the dragon flys away.

This is pretty good. The moon is normally feminine though, due to the changes, yes?

Not always - Thoth is a moon god. In Shinto, Amaterasu is the sun goddess, and Tsukiyomi the moon god.
What seems to matter is that Sun and Moon are opposite sex. Sometimes lovers (Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi), sometimes siblings (Apollo and Artemis). As one user said, solar father and lunar daughter might work. It shines like the sun, but it's a solid object like earth. Perfect combo.

Wether the Sun and Moon are considered masculine or feminine have more to who with wether the nouns are masculine or feminine in the language than anything. As far as I know, there's no indication that ancient cultures were more inclined to think of the sun as masculine and the moon as feminine than vice versa, and in most European cultures the opposite seem to have been far more prevalent.

The mistress

The sun and moon are simply two aspects of the Sky Father.

>If a culture worshipped the earth and the sun as mother and father
Given their assumed perspective of the sun and the moon as discs in the sky, and the earth only from ground level with no knowledge of it being a planetary body to liken it to the sun or moon; why would they assume the similarity of the earth?

When the end times happen, the son will create a bridge to bring people from his mother to him and glow with a dim light to provide the people with just enough to eat before he finds a suitable wife while his mother and father fade into lifelessness.

Hot younger sister of the Sun who gets the Earth constantly jealous of her husband. The Moon is also sexy Christmas cake aunt for mortals.

"The daughter of the Sun Father and Earth Mother was known as Ancestor, for she was the mother of all Men. One day, when Ancestor was small, she cried, and Sun Father and Ancestor called for Sea and told him to make a toy for their daughter to relieve her of sorrow. Sea toiled, and eventually presented to Ancestor a ball made of the most beautiful sea shells and stones that hide at the ocean floors, and Ancestor was happy. She tossed the ball high up in the sky but was not was not able to catch it and so a piece of it broke off, but Ancestor was still happy and she threw the ball high up in the sky again, and still she wasn't able to catch it, and so another piece broke off. Eventually there was nothing left of the ball that Ancestor had loved so much, and she was sad once more, and so Sea made a new ball for her."


Doggy watches over mother whilst father goes away, it's why the wolves howl at it.

The dead sister of the earth maybe? the sun's light failed to make life flourish and that is why all manner of creatures like the moon and hate the sun.

Evil/unnatural creautes I mean.


Was once bright like father sun, but has dimmed in his old age. Now he watches over us while father sun is away hunting, while also imparting his wisdom onto us via the stars.

A sibling of the sun's or the earth's. probably feminine so, auntie moon?

Babby world. When you die your soul goes there waiting to be reborn when the Earthmother dies and the Moondaughter takes her place.

The sun as a life giver and the moon as a life taker, something something duality of man.

Oh, I like that

Sun and Earth had many children, but one wanted to become as big as Earth and as luminous as the Sun, so it ate its siblings and became larger and larger, but also slower and slower, until it could no longer catch any to eat. Now it just slowly waddles across the night sky, bitter and cold, shunned by its parents and other stars, who hide when the Greedy Star is out. It is believed that children born when the moon is out are at risk of becoming overly greedy and ambitious. In some villages new births are not acknowledged until the first moonless night in an attempt to avoid Greedy Star's influence. In contrast, nobles usually like to claim that their sons are born under the light of the full moon.

The moon is the pale man who stalks the sun. He's probably an asshole. Eclipses are when he catches up to the sun and they do battle.

The guy who owes Sun money. The Sun chases him all over the sky, but Moon is a quick smartass, so he always manages to stay on the opposite side of the world, thus giving birth to day and night cycle.

As a cuckbaby.


Uncle or Brother Moon, associated with spirits and shamen.

The moon is earth's dead sister. The sun killed her in a jealous rage.

The Moon is another land, like the Earth-mother, but pallid and haughty. Sometimes the Earth mother catches the Sun looking at her and she has Earthquakes.


I actually made this as a theology at one point for a world. It went Father Sky, Mother Earth, Sister Son and Brother moon. I did it as four seemed like a good number and the people of my world believed that earth was flat so that she and father sky (who is also flat) shared some qualities about flatness and persistence while the two siblings dared their qualities of movement and replacing each other.

Moon is completely unrelated. Has more to do with the ocean.