EDH/Commander General /edhg/

"R&D Wasted Potential" Edition

Last Thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Veeky Forums EDH General Discord


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question:
How much does flavor weigh in to your deckbuilding decisions? Might be helpful to frame your answer with a mention about how competitive your meta is.

Other urls found in this thread:


It is varied. We have few people that combo on turn one and everyone else can go fuck himself and score of people enjoying durdlestuff

>How much does flavor weigh
Sometimes it does not like with my Jeleva with I try to build to be as competative as I can.

However with Karloff and his mafia I try to fit as much of the Orzhov stuff as I can. Even if some pieces aren't so great

Arcum Fagsson, the artifact tutor in the zone. Sac your Tax pieces on EoT and go into your turn with your toolbox and all your mana.

>How much does flavor weigh in to your deckbuilding decisions? Might be helpful to frame your answer with a mention about how competitive your meta is.
I do not like flavorful decks but i put treva's charm, treva's attendant and treva's ruin in my treva enchantress deck

Does anyone have any good wincons for Zur astral slide?

>How much does flavor weigh in to your deckbuilding decisions?
Moderately? Like I'll rarely if ever restrict myself to "Flavor hit cards ONLY!", but I'll often determine a secondary package based on what seems to work from a flavor perspective, either with the Commander or something else very important in the deck, or carry a flavor sub-theme through. Like, I'm working on Scarab God and I've got a desert package in my utility lands because why not? it injects a little more Amonkhet/Hour feel into the deck. And I included Urza's Guilt so I went for Planeshift versions of Sunken Hope and Warped Devotion to have some of that carry through. (even if I was going to include the cards anyway)

>How much does flavor weigh in to your deckbuilding decisions? Might be helpful to frame your answer with a mention about how competitive your meta is.
i put emphasis on flavor assuming it doesnt make the deck objectively worse to do so. the one exception is my gwafa deck which is essentially me role playing as the godfather, that deck is actually quite good and flavorful

Looks like someone is creaming himself over being able to make the OP this time.
Good job, OP!

I don't play bad cards just for flavor. Surrak runs Temur Ascendancy because it works. Jarad doesn't run Golgari Charm because it's not good. If I was building Hapatra I might use Golgari Charm.

If you're already running Zur, you can include some voltron enchantments.
Also consider Living Death if you're cycling a lot of creatures or even just blinking Gary with Astral Slide.

>Thread Question
My playgroup is semi-competitive with some infinite combos and mostly optimized decks.
I'll use flavor as a reason to build a deck in the first place and then include staples and goodstuff to actually make it work. For example, I'll build something Kozilek and try to include cards that are more cosmic horror/sci-fi, and luckily most of the good artifacts somewhat fit that theme.


Anyone have more Grimlock ideas? I don't know if I want to go Dinosaurs+Vehicles or Voltron/Artifacts Matters with him.

Also are there any other similar effects to Mirror Entity in RGW that do the "All creatures are every/this type"?

I've got an idea - don't use illegal cards.


What are some of the best equipments that give flying?

What's the best artifact toolbox controlish commander? Asking again since last thread just bit the dust.

Thanks user, looking into it. Seems comfy enough.

If it's printed by WOTC and your playgroup allows it, then what's the issue?

Arcum is good, but only 1 color, try Breya.

Daretti or Feldon for mono-red artifacts? I have Slobad too, but idk about him.

Would you honestly tell someone off for playing a Grimlock deck? At the most, I'd give the guy a rough time about needing to transform a toy with the ability.

I'd expect a supposed "casual" format to be less anal about what's legal and what's not.

I personally prefer Feldon because aside from flavor reasons you can pull off more fun things with him.

Daretti. Feldon is reanimator with an artifact subtheme while Daretti is artifacts with a reanimator subtheme.

>your playgroup allows it
thats the problem
>heh im going to use onix as my commander, this version was printed by wizards and my playgroup allows it

Fuck out of here Nick, we all know you jack off on your transformers.

>Would you honestly tell someone off for playing a Grimlock deck?
im not going to put up with some autist tinkering with actions figures while we are playing edh

>what if the child consents

>card uses normal MTG formatting and rules, but is from a promotional set
>somehow equivalent to using a card from a different game

>card uses normal MTG formatting and rules
you didnt read the card at all did you?

>haha it's just casual user, here's Shahzarad and Hive Mind don't be so anal

I don't see how that's any worse than a waifu-tribal Kaalia player using MLP sleeves.

Anyone got some spicy tech for this guy? I'm considering getting a blue hat, what do you guys think?

Transforming a toy isn't that big of a deal as you're pretending like it is. Nobody's using it in a tournament where you'll get a judge call or some shit for properly transforming it. The rest of the card is perfectly normal and understandable.

Because the Kaalia player cries when you Putrefy her.

You act as if someone playing him would actually bring a regular sized transformer and not one of the ones that fit in your pocket and transform in like three steps

This is some strong autism

Honestly, I'd just ignore that bit all together and let them pay 2 and transform.

is that considered a dexterity card?

>A shitty anthem effect is the same as making the game unplayable

>You act as if someone playing him would actually bring a regular sized transformer
You act like the entire point of playing him as a commander is anything BUT an excuse to sperg out

No, but Silver Border cards aren't Vintage Legal which means they aren't EDH Legal either.

That's like fucking world championship class inappropriate analogy, well fucking done.

So let him sperg out. If he's being obnoxious and holding up the game only playing legal cards won't stop that.

>they ruin my SUPER SERIAL EDH game with their fun!

Sounds like you're the autist here.

Be honest with yourself user, you know all the people who are currently trying to get the "ok" to play grimlock are sitting in ebay right now, buying up devastators and unicrons.

It's effectively an Unglued card, as in they don't even bother banning them because they're not legal anywhere to begin with.

>So let him sperg out
no thanks id rather not encourage that kind of behavior
>pff can you believe these tryhards who want to sit down and play a game of magic without constant disruption, heh what an autist

Can't wait to play this

>starting at 5 life

That's not even bad, the subgame is going to end in like two turns.

Shahrazad is a the real nigger because the subgame starts at default life total.

>he doesn't play EDH exclusively with friends while having a few drinks

Meanwhile I'm sitting here excited for Nerf Wars.


Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to play edh and be socially competent.

I dig giant robots.

I see a dude who's a giant robot (and also a T-Rex but that's not the important part here) get a card and I want to run that dude in a Commander deck. Sure I could run Bosh or Karn but those are just big metal dudes, not actual robots. Sure I could learn how to play Cardfight Vanguard and play Yuushas but Vanguard is ass and I don't want to spend money on two TCGs at once.

If someone at the table says I can't run Grimlock then I'll just sleeve him out for Gishark or something else Naya, it's not a big deal. I just want to run a big stompy deck of robots and dinosaurs.

I tell ya im getting damn near close to just never going to LGSs anymore
randos really are cancer
>tfw my playgroup got hit hard by an arms race and now 2/4 of them dont want to play till the new commander set is released


I bet you tryhard fuckers thought using Leovold as your commander was okay just because he was "legal".

>robots and dinosaurs.
well I hate to break it to you but there are no legal dinosaurs printed
no legal transformers
only vehicles, could just wait for ixalan to get an actual naya dino commander

>I cant have fun unless I'm being a total sperg and or the center of attention

Hate to break it to you user, but you're the one who's arguing for house rules and therefore the need for a by table ban of Leo.

It's not gonna end fast it just means people can't abuse Necropotence or sylvan library or fetch-shock

>It's not gonna end fast
>uh, attack with landofwar elves
>no blocks
>boros charm you
hehe time to double demonic tutor

Is sandwurm convergence good for Kruphix?

but its fun

FYI, rosewater clarified that transformers meant any card with transform.

A seven mana enchantment better be sucking my dick. Stopping flyers and 5/5s doesn't cut it.

Yes, and? There's no contradiction there. Illegal things that are fun should always be allowed, legal things that are not fun should always be disallowed. That is the spirit of EDH according to its creators.

>No legal dinoaurs
Ixilan is coming, and older cards are getting Oracle'd back into Dinos. Plus I already mentioned Gishark. Vehicles are kinda shit yes. That's why that decklist I posted is basically one part Depala-lite, one part robot/dino looking dudes, and one part Naya staples.

The Transformers portion is easily negligible. I mean I already have Mirror Entity in the deck to make everything a Transformer, but it also makes them a Dinosaur so does it really matter. I was already planning to just run the various Gearhulks/Colossi/Constructs out there as for the robots theme anyways.

Excuse me that me wanting to make a robots and dinosaurs deck got you this upset.

And as plenty of people are telling you, watching you play with your transformers isn't fun.

Nice fantasy scenario you got there

Isn't it 8 mana?

Yeah and I'm not playing a perfectly legal Food Chain combo deck with my friends because we play the game to have fun while being semi-competitive. Grimlock does nothing gamebreaking and is a perfectly fair card.

I don't see how that changes the point of my post.

Then just tell them to ignore the transforming part and just pay (2) so that they don't disrupt the game. It's not that hard.

8 mana enchantments need to let you do anal

There are Transformers that transform at the press of a button/pulling back a switch. That's faster than waiting for someone to search his deck for a card, shuffling your deck, or taking a card out of its sleeve to flip it to its transformed side.

>it's a "people not capable of holding two contradicting thoughts in their minds derail the thread" episode

>it's a "namefag thinks he's better" episode
Fuck off.

Anyone listen to the podcast about C17 Vampire deck?

>tripfag thinks anyone cares about his opinion

Not sure why I didn't have you filtered

>selfrighteous namefag can't just partake in the shitposting argument of the day.
It's like you hate fun.

>Ixilan is coming
yeah and with it a legal naya dino commander

point is its not hard to do 5 damage

yeah but is it a Naya robot? You seem to think I care more for the dinosaur aspect and less the robot/artifact shenanigans aspect of the card.

>wanting people to be capable of holding two contradicting thoughts
satanist detected

build the deck any way you want
just use legal cards

Have you ever had a person in your group sperg out to a great extent?
>group is 4 regulars, including myself. On occasions we have 6
>one guy in particular is extremely tryhard and even makes bogus claims such as he invented X combo that has existed for 4+ years prior and was utilised then
>previous session the tryhard gets angry for not winning a single game and accuses us all of targetting him over other threats should mention the only deck he was playing was a copy paste of the top brago deck on tappedout that he claimed he built by himself
>everyone but him laughs it off because he's angry over tiny shit before
>later on he sends everyone emails saying that we all suck ass at deckbuilding and that we need to get good
>he goes into more detail with the other 2, saying things that make him sound like a complete ass
>sends me texts saying that the other 2 refuse to play with him because of the things he said but they should still play with him anyways then calls me an asshole
I don't want to pull a bryan but I feel like he needs to get the message that he can't throw a fit and be allowed back just because he's a "regular"

Ok the 99 are all legal cards but I wish to use Grimlock at the head of the deck to fit the deck thematically. If someone objects to him I'll swap out for Gishark or Uril. What then?

>plenty of people

You're the only one who's sperging out about it. Everybody else agrees that the commander is totally fine and balanced.

You can't just say shit like this and not post screenshots.

Honestly anyone who objects is being a faggot. Go find people who aren't total fucking spergs to play with

>matches that start at 5 life do not end faster than matches that start at 40

Are you actually stupid? 5 life means that literally any creature with a power above 0 is a mortal threat that has to be dealt with immediately.

>all the cards are legal

>Everybody else agrees that the commander is totally fine and balanced.

Go be a crybaby somewhere else.

projecting much?

You're literally the only person complaining about it. And even you don't have any point other than your fantasy scenario where transforming a plastic robot takes like 20 minutes and everybody is forced at gunpoint to watch instead of going on with the turn.

>Go find people who aren't total fucking spergs to play with

But I do play with people like that already. We all have a variety of different power-level decks and there's enough of us that we can manage to rotate players after each game for different pairings. There's no big arms race since we're all focused on just building a bunch of different decks instead of pooling resources into one huge deck. It's a good bunch of people both new and familiar with the game.

Thank you for ignoring the part where I said the 99 was legal.

>27 posters
>only one person disagrees with me

>ignoring the part where I said all the cards were legal but...
>as in except
>as in there are cards that aren't legal

*a card not cards
point still stands

There aren't any cards that are illegal in the 99. That is the point that I am making.

Quit being pedantic about a cardgame