If y'all are looking for pnd signalling groups i've yet to see the whale running this one be wrong:

If y'all are looking for pnd signalling groups i've yet to see the whale running this one be wrong: discord.gg/DpfASa4

made 2.5x my btc in a week chasing their signals.

Show proof or else your lying just like 90% of them

check their testimonials and their signal results.

I literally have yet to lose money. if you play it safe you can easily make 5-10% every signal, more if you're risky but that won't work long term.

Put 10% of portfolio in BURST on his call. Expect a VERGE like Spike in 2 days

Did you buy their VIP shit?

not yet, this was just off the free signals so far. once i've made a bit more I definitely will

fuck off with your scam groups, pajeet

how is it a scam they give out a free signal every day and they've come true every time so far. The worst that happens is they miss the very last sell target, but gains every time. You don't have to invest anything you can leech off the free signals if you want

I'm trying to help you dudes make money lmao

Yeah, man. Totally. It's not even said if it's long, mid or shortterm signal, just "buy it" and now SALT is barely @ 88ksat

forgot the pic. Post proof of your blockfolio, nigger.

they're all short term unless stated otherwise, but hey sure complain about free information. clearly i'm trying to steal your BTC by getting you to foolishy invest in signals that have always gained. enjoy holding my bags goyim

You said you've yet to see the signals be wrong yet I posted a screenshot of a wrong signal. You are literally caught lying now, nigger. What did you expect us to do? Praise you because you post a link to another channel with signals? There's a ton of them in Telegram, so if you want us to join this one and to "make monayzzzz" you better back up your invite with a screenshot of the gains you said you made. Otherwise, gtfo.

That signal was posted this morning at 81 and it's already risen to 88 you complete waste. There's no helping or reasoning with you. I'm not showing you my blockfolio. You're too dumb to communicate with. shouldn't have access to a keyboard. Reply to me again and I will literally have to find you and choke you out and beat your fucking teeth in you monkey brained fuck

>d-don’t make me angry buddy, I’m trying to scam p-people here pal
Fuck off retard

It hasn't even reached the first target, you cockmongler, what kind of short-term signal is that? Come on, face me you fucker. If you're too lazy to just take a fucking screenshot to make EVERYONE in this thread shut up and listen to you then I'm gonna whoop your fat ass any day, any way.

I am fucking huge I will squeeze the fucking life out of you frail little twinks

What's your height, mr. huge? Tell me your height and weight, cmon. Let's fucking see how tough you are, you piece of lard. Being 200 kg+ won't even let you get out of bed unless your mom is a forklift operator.

6'4 235 10% BF I'm built like a fucking refrigerator are you ready to die you little wimp

K, post proofs then, big guy. Pic related is me.

you bout to get some white boy and so's your girl

That's it. You're a clown.

i am going to SAVAGE your lily white ass. i bet you're soft. you look soft.

You have already embarassed yourself and there's no need to go further. Sage.

look at this cuck. can't compete, physically or mentally. what a little bitch. run away little bitch. I made what you make in a year yesterday.

You didn't have to mention niggers, and fucking wife or girlfriend in a Veeky Forums thread, user. It really shows you have some strange fetishes. And i'm for serious right now. You're either a open or a closet cuckold. Not trying to make fun of you or anything, but you show it so blatantly it's obvious to anyone.

keep talking tough and trying to psychoanalyze me pal but you're going to be scared when you see me coming at you like a freight train. What are you going to do?

Brainlet here, thanks a lot OP. I have so little bitcoin left I'd gladly take any advice. Hope it works for me ;_;

be careful and play it safe. always get out lower than you think the max will be. better to have 100% success rate with 10% gains than 10% success rate with 100% gains

see buddy, THIS
is how you should have responded to me. He will make money. you will not. You will never make it.

Any help appreciated
1+ shitcoin for you :)

Youre a fsggot


Will be exposing this group on other platforms now

bumping one last time to help poorfags get in on this. Great group. Good signals.

another child who hates free money

holy fucking shitballs. You come to the board and claim you made 2.5x bitcoins and encourage us to trust some random signals from some random guy gives on a random discord channel, and when you are asked to take literally 10 seconds to make a screenshot proving your statements for us to be more sure about going with these signals you spend half an hour ass-blasting and claiming that the fact that we don't want to trust random fag on the internet is the sign of stupidity. You are either new to this board or very young or literally retard enough to ignore the basics of communication. Saged.