Do we have any news on the release date of The Lord Inquisitor, or at least when more of the film will be released...

Do we have any news on the release date of The Lord Inquisitor, or at least when more of the film will be released? Also, will the movie be free to view, or will it be a paid film?

1. Not that I'm aware of. Website says sometime this year, but that kinda seems unlikely.
2.Free. GW Legal wouldn't be allowing it to go forward if it wasn't.

Awesome! I'm so fucking psyched

Every character in this should be wearing a mask that covers atleast their mouth. The lip movements were terrible in the intro video that was released. It's not like gasmasks etc aren't common in 40k.

I would totally agree

Nah. It's a fan project. I can forgive a little bit of weird lips.



Yeah, the intro and some trailers did have notable errors such as floating imperial banners with no one holding them, and a few other things, but people are just happy to get something over the Ultramarines movie as a paragon standard of a good 40k production

Nuthin personnel, noble.


>Al Dente da heretic killa

Looks like a gmod screenshot

Clean, empty sky kills it.


Why isn't he using a bolt pistol instead of a stub revolver?

I don't understand why everyone complains about the mouth movements -- they never jumped out at me at all -- but the traitor's entire performance was *TERRIBLE*.

-- That being said, as long as nothing in the final product is quite as bad as him, it'll be spectacular when it finally arrives.

Which unfortunately probably won't be this year, since the creator has hinted that his real life went through some major upheaval this spring/summer.

you should forgive the bad lip movement, this films native language is German.

Cuz either one is enough to kill someone.

>I don't understand why everyone complains about the mouth movements

Not everyone. Just people who want to show off how smart they are by nitpicking a tiny detail and saying that the whole thing is garbage because of it.

Oh shit, I'd rather watch it in German.
It called GOTHIC after all.

I have no probs with the mouth movements but they really need to fix that edgelord character. The dialogue felt like a 14 year old had written it.

Implying 40K litterature wasn't written by people whom's emotional maturity does not overpass 14.

Only a genius could have invented wolf space chariot things.

who said it's not a bolt revolver?

I'm hoping he turns out to be a heretic or something.

Bolt pistols are heavy and big. Stub revolvers are great for walking around a city and shooting an unarmored target.

Bolt weapons are big and bulky. That was at best a large caliber stub revolver. Even a person sized bolt weapon is big.

Wait is he the inquisitor? I thought he was just part of the retinue or some shit.

Bolt pistols requires a -30 Influence test, you ignoramus

Bolts are expensive, and the regular bullets were killing him just fine.

he is part of the retinue
have you seen the opening scene?

according to IMDB it's supposed to release on 31st of December this year

End of the [CURRENT YEAR] is what IMDB always does for movies you don't know the release date of.

well, there you go

I haven't seen any news on the project in so long I began to worry it got canned, but others I know keep saying not to worry so who knows at this point

He ain't worth the 16 thrones

its a german film in the unreal engine.