What would happen about the price if I put a lot of money in a coin?

Let's say I have 50 bitcoins, and I put this all in a currency like Nexus (NXS) at the current price (0.00025540), what would happen to the price?

The price would go immediately up and and then I could sell at a profit? Or would I have any loss?


yeah it's just that easy many if you pump the price up that's the new price and people will pay it i don't see a problem here



Really? So it's too easy get money when the person is a whale? lol

It would temporarily spike up and then fall down because lack of buy walls. Then when you go to sell you'll have to sell down.

yeah just put 650,000USD into some shitty coin and then sell it, what could go wrong it sounds like a great plan

Please tell us what your current portfolio is OP. I need to know what to sell.

u'll buy a few NXS then have a 49 btc wall at 25540 sats, slowly getting eaten then if ur lucky a slow way up again

but would I be able to sell having a profit of at least about 5% to 7%? I mean, would I have time to that?

Hang on, if I had 50 btc worth of some shitcoin nobody gave a fuck about, and try to sell it all at once, what would happen to the price?

You lock in at a certain price. Doesn't matter how much you buy. It'll increase the volume and make it attractive to more investors, but that's it. If you kept bidding up via higher and higher buy orders with incremental amounts you might be able to cook up something

There must be a buyer for every seller. Aka why bagholders exist

But if there must be a buyer for every seller then which came first? The buyer, or the seller?

it makes no difference? troll

There's an issuer initially, who solicits initial buyers. its all downhill from there

Ah, i see.

I thought you were trolling but i guess youre just a brainlet.

Look you dont buy all the coins at the current price. You buy all the coins that are for sale at that price, then when those are gone, you go up the sell book. A pump is not "oh theres interest in this coin, put the price higher!" its just people buying at that price (you in this case)

Once youre up there, you either have enough hype to bring in FOMO buyers and sell them at price or the current market will think youre retarded for buying that high and youre gonna get stuck bagholding. This aint fucking rocket science buddy just think for 1 second

Ok nevermind just got done reading the rest of this thread. You did well at the beginning but you went full troll at the end. I give 5/10

idk try it

Lol user, who knows, none of us actually buy cryptos, it's just a larp to trick newbies