Medieval America

(Inspired by the After The End mod for CK2)

Post-Apocalyptic settings are all the rage, but that shit's gay as fuck and is mostly just "yo I'm a survivalist eating beans out of cans."

ITT we talk about a truly apocalyptic setting where people have to literally rebuild their civilization -- worse than the collapse of the Roman Empire. It's been a few hundred years, some remnants of the Old World survived (like Mt. Rushmore) but they're seen as the remnants of Gods who came before. Myths of Old America have been passed down and warped over time. Castles, fortresses, and knightly battle cover eastern sea-board while competing hordes of "cowboys" and plainspeople roam the West.

In the old capitol, a cult has arisen, offering worship to a pantheon of Founders: Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton...

Other urls found in this thread: the End

Closest thing to this is the novel series Dies The Fire by S.M. Sterling. Aka The emberversve

>In the old capitol, a cult has arisen, offering worship to a pantheon of Founders: Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton...
The Republicult?

No, if it were them, the Founders would be Reagan, Reagan, Reagan, and SupplySideJesus

Reminds me of Bioshock Infinite, where like you said, the three founding fathers are seen almost like gods.

I suppose Franklin works instead of Hamilton.

Instead of Purity Seals like the Space Marines, knights of the "Old Republic" use wax to attach painstakingly preserved dollar bills to their armor.

>the three founding fathers
There are more than three user.

All of the other founders are lesser deities.

Well, except those devoted to Jefferson.

>All of the other founders are lesser deities.
>other founders are lesser

I know, I meant it as just mentioning those three cause you only see Washington, Jefferson, and Franklin in the vid. Can't recall too if Bioshock Infinite mentioned any other Founding Father.

Yeah. Founder Hancock is of equal importance to Founder Washington.


Washington is like Jupiter. Hancock is like... the Roman God of Signatures. If such a thing existed. Some minor god, anyway.

First for Minnesota Vikings being actual Vikings and the Scandinavians reverting to some mongrelized version of Norse Paganism. And actually wearing horned helmets.

Also no Somalians.

Well they didn't, but I thought Infinite was just the inspiration.

I get what you're saying, but with the whole "all men are created equal" I think it's a bit two faced to officially have that stance.

>Medieval America
Can there be a form of magic centered around patriotism?


And the ongoing battle between federalists and anti-federalists.

>all men are created equal
>blacks are only 3/5s of a citizen
>only white people of good character may become citizens

Also, the Roman Gods are all Gods, but some had more importance than others because they were part of more core facets of life. Mars, the God of War, was more important than the God of Fat Dicks you see all over Pompei.

I was thinking low fantasy - no magic. But they could THINK there is magic.

Also, in After the End, the "President" is the leader of the church, chosen by all of the "American" rulers voting, and the position is held for life.

Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian heresies of the "American" Cult -- constantly threatening schism while the President tries to maintain order.

Meanwhile, the Libertarians demand to know why the Presidency has so much authority and why so much importance is placed on the Founders instead of Lady Liberty, clearly their inspiration -- and with a giant, fuck-off statue in Gotham.

>And the ongoing battle between federalists and anti-federalists.
But of course.
>I was thinking low fantasy
That's cool, a high fantasy version would be fun to imagine but I'm alright with a low fantasy version too cause it could be more gritty.

Founder Washington - Allfather of the Old Republic.

Founder Jefferson - God of Agriculture

Founder Hamilton - God of Commerce

Founder BenFranklin - God of Scholarship

Founder Madison - God of Literature/Poetry

Later Additions because they have big statues from the Old Republic and so must have been important:

Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt.

I've always wanted to play a game of Northern Crown. Not medieval, but it seems to be the best example of a fantasy American setting.

>blacks are only 3/5s of a citizen
>only white men of good character may become citizens
Yeah, all men are created equal, you don't get extra privileges for existing.

I like the idea of some American Indian savages coming to the fore -- what with the apocalypse probably wiping out urban centers with lots of white/black people.

But sure many black people would be left, desu, given where they tend to cluster.

My man.

>I like the idea of some American Indian savages
I totally forgot the injuns.
Rangers should totally come back to deal with them.

Also are blacks orcs? Or just niggers?

Blacks could just be people with black skin.
Like in real life.

>Blacks could just be people with black skin.
>Like in real life.


Low fantasy. No orcs. Think Conan the Barbarian or (godforbid) Game of Thrones.

There might be some mutated monsters if we wanna crib a bit from Fallout, though.

I was saying that there'd be few blacks because in most apocalypses, urban centers are crushed (and I was imagining a nuclear apocalypse, 'cause I'm unoriginal). But I guess there's enough black people in the southern Black Belt that there could be some blacks.

In After the End, Dixie has been united into the Holy Columbian Confederacy, modeled after the HRE. Weirdly enough, it allows black rulers.

>Like in real life
There's a reason why fallout games have never been in new orleans. That reason is because the nukes would make it better.

>Low fantasy.
Ah, I see. So we're probably looking at some serious segregation which has a lot of opportunity for diverse negro communes.

The reason why the end happened in the first place is because when the vietnam war came and the US couldn't fund the war with gold-backed dollars, the US congress decided to replace their gold-backed currency with a uranium-backed one.

>immediately regress into tribal society before the apocalypse has even finished
>enslaved by Dixie YET AGAIN
>slaves turn out not to be such an economic shot in the foot during a medieval period

"Old Republic" Lincolnites constantly advocating holy wars with the kingdoms of the South. South rejects Americanism because "too much Lincoln" and too much "all created equal" and also because the South was already more religion -- remains Southern Baptist/Evangelical.

I heard a rumor that Lincoln would have deported the negros had he lived long enough, the most probable proposals I've heard were sending them to Liberia and hiring them to work on the Panama canal and then denying them return visas. Hilarious if true.


See you on the field, the cakes going to be delicious this year!

Also is the rust belt industrial again in this setting?

I've been toying with the idea that Conan the Barbarian was historically accurate, and that world-shattering cataclysms happen every 30,000 years or so. After the next one, the maps have changed as continents shift, fall, and rise. Most of the Eastern US is island chains, while the pacific ocean is now a vast desert continent hemmed in by the Rocky Mnts to the east, and the Hawaiian Mnts to the west.

A land where man is no longer unquestioned at the top of the food chain, and his grasp on civilization has loosened. A world of wonders and horrors undreamt, where a single man, a raver, a reaver, a barbarian, a pirate, a leader can strive against fate and ultimately grind the jeweled thrones of the world beneath his sandaled feet.

>After The End mod for CK2
where the fuck can I download that?

Like the Caesars/The Imperial Cult, or Tiber Septim and the Nine Divines kind of interpretation would be interesting.

In this setting, we're still at medieval tech. I say that "The Bombs" or "The Fire" or probably didn't focus on the Rust Belt too much because it's no longer strategically important.

As a result, you have the hulking monstrosities of some old factories still surviving and becoming centers of worship. To the Rust Cultists, Old America was not great because of The Founders, but because of this mighty temples to Iron and Steel.

The decaying artifacts of Old America become mega temples for this new pagan faith. the End

It's not perfect. They make some weird choices I'm totally not down with. For example, somehow Jamaican Rastafarians establish an Empire spanning the entire Caribbean (thankfully, it almost always falls apart in the early years -- largely as a result of the Founder-worshiping descendants of American Marines at Gitmo). Also, the Amish establish two major kingdoms spanning Pennsylvania and New York. And finally, New England is run by literal H.P. Lovecraft and Steven King worshiping "Occultists" who think the books are real. That's the most stupid.

>In After the End, Dixie has been united into the Holy Columbian Confederacy, modeled after the HRE. Weirdly enough, it allows black rulers.

Makes some kind of sense if you think of the Whites as Catholics and the Blacks as Protestants.

The Rust Belt will be known for its blacksmiths and metalworking. Minnesota Vikings come to Michigan looking for fabled swords.

just gotta have to purge the heretic, brother.
Gonna to see if I can get this to work

>rust belt
>romeme catholic
Lolno. The rust belt is baptist.

Surely, you mean Lutheran.

>Andrew Jackson, lesser God of Battle

And the number 20.

Knights of the Old Republic running into battle with 20s glued to their cuirasses

No, I actually don't mean Lutheran.

The rust belt will also likely be known for it's sailors.

I'll be damned.

Mormon Kingdom of Deseret in Utah.

(cheeky Caesar's Legion in Arizona, amirite?)
Ynaut both?

The rust belt is catholic,with some Methodists, just look at the picture.

>Ynaut both?
That is why I said also.

I want to steal this so bad and run a campaign where the PCs are the pawns of a secret society of libertarians.

I don't think so, but I don't know you well enough to say.
Arizonians would either be fond of fortresses and gunsmiths(basically dwarves) or deadly ambushing nomads who make the viet cong look like amateurs. Since the rust belt is already established to be heavy into metalworking, I'd say the latter.

>Rustbelt, when we're talking about Dixie.
You're an idiot, and the mention of Catholic and Protestant was about HRE religious politics from 1517 on.

Fallout's Children of Atom centered on Los Alamos.

Texas is a land of many warring kingdoms, centered around college football teams. Fiefdoms within them are competitive with many rivalries... based on high school football teams. (Direct steal from After The End, where the Realm of the Longhorn fights the Kingdom of the Aggies).

Dakotas, Montana, etc. dominated by Injun and Whiteman steppe nomads.

California is... what? Does White Nationalist Cascadia ever come to pass?

California is a fucking desert dude. Once the Hoover dam goes everyone there pretty much starves to death if they don't die of thirst or violence first.

state of Jefferson?

Northern Cali isn't that fucked.

Should the Jefferson Pantheon and the Lincoln Parthenon still survive? The Washington Obelisk? Or just the foundations of these?

>California is... what?
The silicon valley has transformed into the silicon pit. A cabal of cyborg masters keep the slave populace of california stupid through strict control of chemical-laced water, chemtrails, heavy doses of propaganda, and really stupid sitcoms that have subliminal messages in them to fool you into thinking it's funny(BAZINGA). There are underground judge dredd-esque megacities where the majority of the people live, toiling forever for the gold, silicon, and oil to keep their machine god(really their enslavers) fed. The cyborgs control the people in the megacities through propaganda, and the farmers through holding their family hostage.
Speaking of big states, what happened to Alaska?

>but with the whole "all men are created equal"
Which was written in the Declaration of Independence. Not the Constitution, nor any other fucking document with legal power that could be appealed in any court of law. The "all men are created equal" statement, on context, means a denial of the elevated stance of the monarch and nobility of England. It means that the commoners of America adress the nobility of England as their equals, not their superiors, when telling them to fuck off. Not that they're suddenly a tolerant rainbow where everyone is the same.

One explanation for this discrepancy between a documant with zero legal power within America's internal legal order and the reaility at the time is that the Americans at the time really meant it in a different way and that only very recently the sentence's significance has been corrupted to fit a certain agenda. The other is that the Founding Fathers were fucking morons who wouldn't recognize hypocrisy if it punched them in the face for two days straight. Which is more likely? Because I'm fairly certain such morons couldn't write the Federalist Papers.

New england has been over run by bostonians and are at a constant state of war with the free city of neo new york

>the Founding Fathers were fucking morons who wouldn't recognize hypocrisy if it punched them in the face for two days straight

Half of them kept slaves when they declared themselves equal to the monarchy.

Not really... medieval.

Nigga did you just try to educate me on a subject in which I already hold a firm understanding in a tone of rightious indignation?

The silicon valley has always lauded as the "most advanced" part of the USA, hasn't it? I think it does fit the medieval theme, just replace the word witch with cyborg.

>free city of neo new york
You are implying they've been removed from the rest of the state, yes?

>The silicon valley has always lauded as the "most advanced" part of the USA, hasn't it?
Perhaps by liberal urbanites.

The jefferson/ madison cult would see the declaration of independence as what the gods would want
The hamilton/adams cult would see the constitution as the holy decree as how the government should rule
The cult of washington is the thing that keeps the whole religion from falling apart

You don't get to claim the righteous high ground and still apply double speak, user.
And your post proves why measuring the American legal system by it's founding documents without adjusting for the times and how they apply for the best good is a shit show.

Instead of "cult" the Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians should be competing camps within the Church of the Founders. Could develop into full-blown heresies later.

And none of them attempted to abolish slavery. Your point?

Your post gave the impression that you didn't. If you did then I'm sorry. The post above yours does show that the mythical nature that phrase has gotten over the centuries is particularly harsh though.

>And your post proves why measuring the American legal system by it's founding documents without adjusting for the times and how they apply for the best good is a shit show.
I actually agree, which is why America should stop treating that phrase like something it is not, and instead simply refer ot the amendment that abolished slavery or some other actually egalitarian legal document. But that doesn't have the same authority of the constitution (which a lot of people think is the origin of that phrase), so why let facts get in the way of a good story?

>all men equal
>best good

Sounds like a good way to get your country overrun by shitpeople.

I know, that's why I like the irony of it being the most awful place to live in the entire US. Which it sort of is already, but I'm not here to start a politcal foodfight by butthurt democunts or republicraps.

>And your post proves why measuring the American legal system by it's founding documents without adjusting for the times and how they apply for the best good is a shit show.
I disagree.
However these documents were created to be amended under the very conditions you have described. Ultimately I find that in doing so people lose understanding with the meaning of these documents and the context under which they were created. If only the Framers could have explained it in more childish terms, but then again they couldn't agree on a lot of things. Which is exactly what they intended. Well they intended a lot of things which were changed to be "adjusted to the times" Whether to benefit or hindrance is up for debate.

>Your post gave the impression that you didn't. If you did then I'm sorry. The post above yours does show that the mythical nature that phrase has gotten over the centuries is particularly harsh though.
Apology accepted. However it is likely in setting that there will be just as much if not more debate over the same things.

The South is briefly united by the Kingdom of Dixie before devolving into infighting and wars. The South bands together as the "Confederacy of Southern States" in the face of outside invasion (most of the time) but generally is pre-occupied with infighting and various Princes and Dukes trying to claim the Royal Title of Dixie, as well as the prestige of owning certain cities like Richmond.

King of the Twin Carolinas

King of the Gulf (really just southern Alabama/Northern Florida)

Lord of the Old Dominion (Virginia)

Prince-Mayor of the Free City of Atlanta

Duke of Magnolia - Mississippi

Royale of Louisiana

Lord-Mayor of the Free City of New Orleans.

Any other regions need a king?

The new york got blown the fuck out by the nukes
Neo new york is a city founded by the survivers of new york is futher northof the actual state(may cross into maine) but the city itself has controls a large amount of land

>KKK paladins when

Wait, that picture doesn't make sense. Rome fell a long time before the US was a glint in Columbus' eyes.

>The new york got blown the fuck out by the nukes
What a wonderful fantasy.
>but the city itself has controls a large amount of land
Wait, how?

I think it has something to do with Catholics.

That's why Atlanta and New Orleans are "Free Cities" (i.e. run by blacks)

New Orleans is more a city of boathouses, though, with specially trained divers trying to recover some of the lost treasures hidden by layers and layers of sediment. Usually eaten by gators.

>New York
>Neo New York
>Nouveau Neo New York
>Rebuilt Nouveau Neo New York
>Improved Rebuilt Nouveau Neo New York
>Improved Rebuilt Nouveau Neo New York 2.0
How far can we take it, lads?

it's talking about catholic/papist influence in USA, amplified by catholic immigrants from Europe

Venicean style jewery


After The End has a new Pope in St. Louis as the new center of Catholicism after assuming the old pope in Rome (and Rome itself) disappeared with the apocalypse.

In the far future of the 40th century, there is only york.

The eternal jew.

Oh cool, Buffalo.

Gubernator of Kalyforniah

I was talking about the south. lol

Coastal California is briefly united by a Peace and Love hippy dippy realm... and immediately invaded and crushed by people beyond the Mountains.


We're still here. Everyone always forgets we exist. Makes it easy to ignore things like human rights, and fair treatment under the law. You know - the things everyone else in this country gets like freedom of religion, which for us has been illegal and punishable by federal imprisonment until fairly recently (1978).

Forgive me, I am not super familiar with the geography of the US and I did not read too carefully.

That picture has a fundamental misunderstanding of what mount rushmore is

In what way? the natives thought it was a holy mountain and you 'murricans made it into a focus for your leadercult.

The origin of the word holy is english. They did not think the mountain was holy.

The Lord helps those who help themselves up by their own bootstraps to lower taxes and rid themselves of onerous government regulation, amen.