When fucking Playmates are giving crypto advice...

When fucking Playmates are giving crypto advice, it might be time to consider that this whole market is about to go to shit...

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wow this makes me feel ashamed of trading crypto

First off rest assured that that roastie has never once bought or sold a single crypto in her life. She’s just paid to tweet that shit by Verge’s marketing team.

Second; if anything that’s good if you’re in the game right now. More normies in the market = more $.


check her feed
unless every team is paying her, pretty sure this roastie is hodling hella coins

I could buy that if she was only shilling Verge, but she's not.

>One roastie whore discovered crypto and is tweeting about it
>It's all over u guyz

Lmfao at anyone that thinks this slut even knows how to buy Bitcoin.

Some beta cuck is probably trading on her behalf in the hopes she will give him a quickie in between her orgies with basketball teams.

Spoiler: she won't, but she'll say "awwww you're so sweet" and drop out little compliments in order to string him along.


Shes a med student. Not all thots are stupid.

She is med student also and likely smarter than OP xD

Carribean school... big difference senpai

She is literally a paid shill this time

Hoes got into the crypto game early, for reasons.

This is the internet. There are billions of people on it. You could find an example of anyone posting anything. When the majority of these whores are buying it then we should be worried.

When will you faggots understand that this isn't stocks, but technological adoption?

>having this much of a 2-dimensional view of the world
Pretty sure there are girls out there with 115 IQ who are perfectly capable of trading crypto.



Every female on earth is a subhuman mongrel that should be eradicated and replaced with sex bots and artificial wombs asap

She is really trading crypto. Why so salty?


I heard a hooker talked about the US dollar
Sell the US dollar anons!!!!

Normies are so fucking obsessed with Verge it's unreal.

>op discovers whores are attracted to money
literal underage b&

Not too hard to believe, there's an obvious gambling aspect to all this. She's probably not making the transactions herself, she calls some nerd and the nerd buys her DOGE.

>she sells her body for sex therefore she must he dumb!

Meanwhile, on biz
>If I were an attractive female I could make so much money selling my body

>hurr im so smart for figuring out how to buy bitcoins on coinbase or at a BTC ATM lmaooooo roasties cud never figure this out

You're fucking delusional dude. If somebody can figure out how to make a Twitter account then they can figure out how to buy Bitcoin.