Can humans in the Tau Empire marry tau?

Can humans in the Tau Empire marry tau?


Checked and /thread

Only if they're from the same caste


Humans are part of the Slav... Helper-Caste
Real Tau are of one of the 5 Castes no exceptions.

Only members of the same caste are allowed to interbreed

Alright, no marriage.
But are they allowed to do the bed sheet gymnastics with one another?

Maybe but depends on the sept and the leader of the sept.

Case Closed.
Application for Xeno-Waifu-Threads open on workdays between 7am and 2pm. If you wish to submit another Xeno-Waifu-Thread application, please turn to the Departemento Buerocratica. Furthermore, submit to your local commisar for reeducation on the subject of heretical xenophilia.
That will be all, citizen.

What I would do for a short stocky muscular red haired fire warrior gf...



Almost certainly not, but not because of a restriction on who the human can marry, but because of a restriction on who the tau of a given caste can marry. I don't know if the tau apply their caste-based eugenics program to humans; probably not because they likely don't care enough, but a tau is not allowed to marry anything other than a tau of the same caste, no exceptions.

Do Tau even have marriage?

I think the tau have assigned breeding partners as part of the caste-based eugenics program.

No, but you could fuck them.

Actually if my memorys right they only breed with in there own caste. On a side I remember gue'vesa being allowed to selected a caste they serve based on what there skill set is and being considered honorary members of the Caste. As well on the same note for the ones that become farmers they become fire warriors at times of war.

You'd have more luck in the Farsight enclave

>Tau Empire

>Actually if my memorys right they only breed with in there own caste.
Yeah... that's why I said "Caste-Based"...

Good point, I didn't notice that. Anyway you pretty much correct.

Become a Rogue Trader and enslave some.

No, the bonding ritual is the closest thing they have to marriage. In essence, the fire warriors in a squad are all married to each other, and one can assume they fuck to blow off steam and so new fire warriors can be born.

A human would likely have more luck with a Shas'O MILF, last of her squad and open to new ideas after a few decades on the battlefield.

All bets are out the window with farsight enclaves, however. You could probably be hotblooded enough to catch the attention of Farsight's curious great-grand-niece and spar her to get close.

Work for the Dark Eldar

Don't Tau only live for like 40 years?


My guess is it would be considered shameful, disgusting and heretical and even in the Tau government would mean you would be either killed or castrated.

No, but that probably doesn't stop them
>inb4 tau are ugly in canon. That didn't stop your parents.

What if the Tau in question were above average sizes for their species?
You could call them largetau, or bigtau or something like that.

They cannot, the Tau have a caste system, and alien "helpers" are in the lowest caste...

Without cybernetics yes

This is a good point, what about the Farsight Enclaves? Do they even have notable Gue'vesa populations?


they have at least one planet that is full of humans according to the last codex

Well there you go. There may be a chance for a non-Custodes human to bang a Tau lady. Possibly marry.


Humans that join the T'au Empire are castrated upon joining iirc. So no.

Why would an alien empire even have the concept of marriage? Our cultures were shaped by the conditions we arose from and our own biology, people on another planet would be in different situations and if they are aliens have different biology so there's zero reason to assume shit like marriage would exist.


The necrons are also a race of mindless robot zombies hell bent on destroying all life for their c'tan masters.

I get that reference.

>not open between 1350-1410, while requiring a tax stamp that's only valid for 6 hours from the Departmento Tributus, whom is only open between 1400-1430 and is also across the entire base camp
The Depaartmento Bueracratica needs to get it's shit back together

The real question is: Do t'au have vagooptas?

That was one Racist Fire Caste commander who said that they SHOULD be, not even that they are.

This is not true. This practice is only mentioned in Dawn of War: Dark Crusade, a game with a bunch of fluff inconsistencies.

There are lots of member races in the Tau Empire, because it is the only 40k empire without genocidal tendencies towards aliens. Why should the Tau suddenly start to castrate them?

Didn't the only castrate them because they tried to incite rebellion? Or is that the Tau Soulstorm victory I'm thinking of?

Not with that attitude

Tau are adorable, even with their fish-faces

>Why should the Tau suddenly start to castrate them?
Because muh grimdark

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Tangent: the water caste acts as ambassadors (sluts). If you want to fug a blueberry, go find a water caste.

Do you have any backing for the Tau empire killing or castrating allies based on value concerns?

No they are not, and this particular bit of bullshit gets parroted a whole lot (especially by people trying to paint the Imperium as the true good guys in comparison).

If tau from one cast can't marry outside of that cast, interspecies romance is also outside the realm of posibility I think. Reproduction in the empire is tightly controlled. Likely, you will be sterelised due to an overabundance of humans, or your waifu/husbando will be selected for the traits that the tau wish to breed into humanity (brawn, endurance, tractability i would think.)

Doesn't stop the Eldar from being asshole sexy humans with pointy ears.

Don't even think marriage is a thing in their society.

Honestly since humans and tau can't interbreed, as long as it didn't interfere with either's job or their ability to contribute to the Greater Good they wouldn't care.

One questionable source from one unreliable narrator involving one world and the unwilling POWs that were converted as a result of one campaign.

Air castes are sticc, water castes are semi thicc

They probably won't stop you from asking, but Tau have been purpose-bred Bene Gesserit-style for centuries. They may not have much of a sex drive, and if they do they'd still have to breed with whatever caste member the Ethereals decide on as soon as they're told to.

They need to look out for orks rather than humans

>no blueberry vagina nose gf


Do we know enough about the Tau anatomy to conclusively state that? I mean I'm sure you could manage some rudimentary foreplay, but actual fucking?

There's a difference between having your genitals mutilated and being sprayed with sterilizing pesticides.

If Tau are suppose to be pseudo-asians, would having the hots for them be having yellow fever or blue fever?

I recognize that xeno!

Soulstorm has a fluff blurb for one of Kaurava II's provinces that state the Tau castrated a bunch of humans after they rebelled for the Imperium. Which is literally the only time this has ever been mentioned and is meme'd to death.

>You will never grow up as a gue'vesa on a T'au world
>You will never have a female Tau childhood friend who you grow up close with
>You will never explain to to her the human custom of kissing
>She will never drag you off and give you a kiss as you two part ways in order to serve the greater good

Why live?

That Earth Caste illustration inspired me to do a lewd fiction once.

I never finished writing because midway I started fapping.

>All these people followed the T'au propaganda
>All these people swayed from the light of Aeldari perfection

What do you people see in these underdeveloped fishfaces?

>aeldari perfection
ahahahahahahahahaha, no
I don't want no bullshit psyker who might make my head explode when she orgasms due to a psychic spasm

Or be an ork. Orks loot all the best waifus


But you would never see a tau since you would be part of the cadet/slave/vassal castes under them

you would just hear them on the radio or some shit

No memory of there being a form of explicit marriage in Tau society, but iirc they do have a bonding rite that is sometimes for lack of a better word translated as marriage. (Looked it up: called Ta'lissera.) Maybe not what you're looking for, but probably as close as you're going to get.

Haven't heard of any cases of it being used solely between two individuals, but I see no reason why it wouldn't be. Also can see no reason why it wouldn't be okay between, say, fire-caste and honorary fire-caste members. Getting close enough to a tau to earn that companionship is probably a whole different hurdle, since gue'vesas work as separate groups, iirc.

Smexy times is probably going to be a big no-no, though, unless officials look through their fingers because it doesn't ruin the gene pool. As I recall, inter-caste breeding is banned less because of tradition and more to preserve the biological divide between castes. So under the logical assumption that humans and Tau can't produce offspring, you might have yourself a loophole.

Either way, your best odds of pulling this off is probs with the farsight enclaves.

Just help her redirect her psychic abilities to something more condusive
Like wraithbone bondage

>bony, uppity bitch
>thicc, down to earth blueberry

Tough choice

>thicc, down to earth caste blueberry

Touch the tau. Do it now.


>cute, kinky tsundere to the extreme

Blueberry > gem shitting space elf

>he doesn't want a woman that loves him so much it literally puts her in danger of getting cockvored to death by a god of chaos of she doesn't get it under control
>also can get pregnant
Granted though, neither would marry you

Tau don't have marriage, they have a ritual that joins a group of people together into a a family like unit but they don't fuck each other.

Why in the emperors name would you marry let alone fuck one of these things?

>you will never be a hot blooded mecha pilot fighting horrors on the edge of known space with your equally hot blooded blueberry waifu

Because she's part of the Farsight Conclave, which are Empra-pproved?

Monogamy is not a concept within the Tau Empire

"Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun,
Kiss the girls and make them One.
Boys at One with girls at peace;
Orgy-porgy gives release."

No because Tau don't marry. They mate when they're told to because the empire needs more Tau, and besides that they pretty much don't.

breeding is strictly within caste and strictly when Ethereals say you to

Orks are fungi. They lack sexual reproductive organs and a female gender all together. Orks can't have sexual desires if they are basically eunuchs.

This is not the Imperium here. They would likely separate them and make sure it stays that way.

Then explain Farsight and Shadowsun hooking up off mandatory time?

you cannot even socialize outside your caste, so no

Nope. Tau don't LIKE sex, because they're culturally conditioned to view it as a chore performed to perpetuate the Tau species.

Yet they still have the Best Tau. It just isn't fair, Imperium-bros! When will it be our turn?!

Sex in the T'au Empire is SOLELY for procreation.
They do not marry.
They do not date.
The concept of sex as an expresion of physical intimacy doesn't even occur to them thanks to political party propaganda by the Ethereal caste.

Tau are selected for breeding by their superiors based on merit and worth. They go to a camp, they have sex until a child is made. They never see each other again.

Tau who try interbreeding, or romance, or anything of the sort are literally sent to be reprogrammed like servitors.

A human who tries it would probably wind up dead, along with the Tau.

One day user. One Day soon. Just continue to be faithful. One day soon thats all you need to remember

4th ed codex.

>Why live?
Cause you'd be dead by the time a crusade gets there. No better status, than Exterminatus.

Well, get back to work.