You know there are other alignment systems right? Palladium's Principled (Good), Scrupulous (Good)...

You know there are other alignment systems right? Palladium's Principled (Good), Scrupulous (Good), Unprincipled (Selfish), Anarchist (Selfish), Aberrant (Evil), Miscreant (Evil), and Diabolic (Evil). And old World of Darkness got really complicated. Doesn't make for cute little memes though.

Is there a Trump alignment chart? He's said so many things across the radar that you could pick out a quote for every possible alignment.

What the fuck is the "bottle hack"?

lawful evil here, i put it in a box afterwards so i guess i pretend to be lawful good


ive been chaotic neutral my entire life and i didnt know it.

Seconding this

Otherwise I'm neutral or chaotic evil most of the =time and my wife hates it.


>leaving the bag open
literally a deal breaker, I wouldnt be in a long term relationship with someone who did this

I'd end a relationship with someone who ate bagged bread

>Anarchist (selfish)
What? That is literally the opposite of what an anarchist is. Or is it more referring to the molotov cocktail "rules suck man" stereotype?

Chaotic Good

I'm not convinced that this works with a whole loaf of bread.

We've gotten to the point where we buy separate breads. It works out though bc she doesn't like wheat and I do.

I also do this with chip bags.

I like MtG's color pie

>an alignment chart that finally has me neutral evil
I dont see why it is though, its the most efficient way to open or close the bag in an effective way. Should be lawful neutral You could do it even easier with the news on trump between huffpo, cnn, bbc, and breibart

Palladium may have alignment but WoD does not. Only an entry level Masqueradefag would even think to compare Humanity to alignment, and of course, they have essentially no idea that Roads and Paths other than Humanity have no conventional moral hierarchy, let alone can they fathom the existence of WoD splats other than fucking basic bitch Nighty Nibblers.

Alignment systems suck. You can't just condense the entirety of ethics, philosophy, and human values and behaviors down to a handful of boxes. If you go simpler than D&D, it's even more forced and artificial. If you go more complex, it's more confusing without solving the problem. Your sooper speshul alignment system that's just D&D with some slight tweaks isn't any better, either.

So you're never going to improve on D&D's, and at least it's famous enought that most people who have any chance of playing a TTRPG have at least a vague understanding of it

>That is literally the opposite of what an anarchist is
You mean, that's literally the opposite of what anarchists think an anarchist is

Anarchism is by definition "I adhere to no rules", it has nothing to say on how selfish someone is

>cutting up bottles
Does your country not have recycling deposit, you barbarian?

My favorite part of this image is how you can switch out the name for any liberal politician and everything else will fit.

Actually, that's not true. My favorite part of this image is imagining how butthurt the creator was when he made it.

Fuckinf playez not stixkin to their alaiment RREEEEEEEEE

only some american states do, and even then it's only on carbonated or alcoholic beverages, excluding liquor/liqueur.

My favorite part of this comment is imagining how butthurt the creator was about Trump actually being the best president since jfk when he made it.

hm, you're right, lets go to the front page of the huffington post and see which liberal politican is being shat on today ...

>best president since jfk
>Not Reagan
Confirmed troll and not someone who actually believes it.

I have no doubt that the creator is a blind trump lover but doesnt make the image less true, now stop projecting

Not him but reagan was horrendous and incompetent from any non-"cuckservative" viewpoint

the huffington post is a liberal outfit you dumbass. Try fox news or the daily mail

Raygun allowed Kalif al Merkel to rise to power.

Wouldn't it be Kalifa?

The only thing Reagan did wrong was let the gay community spread AIDS to straight people instead of just exterminating them outright.

The huffpo is literally what the original image is parodying you retard

But user the point is that people I don't like do things I don't like
If you make me look at the people who agree with me doing the same thing I might have to have a modicum of self awareness for even a nanosecond

Chaotic evil here, fuck wasting the time on wrapping that up, I'm gonna eat that bread before it dries up anyways

Its not about it drying up its about the fucking roachesgoing in and pooping on it while they eat

I went to both Fox News and Daily Mail. There was no front page headline, or any headline, that shat on any liberal politican.

Trump is the president so more articles will obviously be written about him.

I'm sure in the last week the Daily Mail has done a front page about Jeremy Corbyn and his ties to Venezuela or something

Man it's almost as if the party in power is the focus of the media

I use a clothes peg.

I mean if it's a shoebox you're still LE

Just keep it in the fridge.

bread goes stale faster if its cold

>eat almost exclusively rolls
What am i?

>Implying plastic and paper recycling aren't a massively inefficient scam that people like because it lets them FEEL like they're helping without changing their lifestyle in any way

A patrician, of course.

Somebody have any fun, totally-not-serious alignment charts or systems lying around? Looking for inspiration.

Siembieda meant it in a colloquial sense.

That's a colloquial use. Anarchism is a socio-political ideology first espoused by Pierre Proudhon (but with some historical precursor thinkers), the name of which means "no rulers."

>Palladium's Alignments


Trump hasn't been the president for even a year yet. Good OR bad, let's judge whether the man was "the best president since JFK" or "literally Hitler" AFTER his term's been completed (or DURING any attempt at a coup/overthrow of the electoral process that may occur on either side.)

Yes, user, the styrofoam factory in the outskirts of my city is a scam. It even produces fictional styrofoam sheets and false styrofoam containers!

What if I tie a knot but I feed the end of the bag back through the knothole so you can just tug on the end of the bag to undo the knot easily

So you are saying the main reason why there is such thing like cheap and disposable paper towels and toilet paper is in fact a scam and they are so cheap due to an evil conspiracy?

Or how producing recycled paper for cheap-ass book printing is a lie and the price is artificially dumped down?

That might also explain how recycling doesn't change people lifestyle by forcing them to separate their trash and throw paper, glass, metal and plastic separately. And how the iron works two towns away is totally overpaying by melting scrap metal. Or that bottle factory in the county - they just collect those bottle screws to confuse people!

What next? Water fluoridation is the tool of the communists to take over America?

>letting the bread get all stale and old after like one day
what the actual fuck is wrong with you?

My african american brethren

A Poptart is never, and will never be a sandwich.

Unless you are using two Poptarts to sandwich another, different kind of Poptart. Then I guess that counts.


Why do rolls taste better than bread? Butter.

No-alignment is a better system.

When you label a character as good or evil or lawful or chaotic, you pidgeonhole them and limit what they can be. It turns them into a flat character. Yes, they can change alignments and there is nothing actually stopping them from doing whatever, but thinking of them in such shallow terms is psychologically limiting.

For instance, if a character is in a situation being antagonized by a priest, to determine how he would react, you would ideally stop to think "does he have any history with priests? What was his childhood like? Was his town religious? Were his parents? Did he have any religious experiences? What are the church's beliefs? Are they compatible with his?" But with an alignment system you just think "he's chaotic so he hates authority figures" or "he's good and its a good-aligned god so he doesn't fight them". There's no complexity or nuance to your decisions anymore.

> Chaotic Neutral
I am okay with this.

> Structural Neutral, Ingredient Purist
I am surprised and feel as if I need to expand my horizons. Also, I'd like to try that ice cream waffle... thing now.

God damnit Veeky Forums.

>t. 14-year-old

Structural Rebel, Ingredient Purist/Neutral Master Race reporting in.

My wife tears off a little strip of the bag and uses that to bow-tie off the end. What alignment is she?

>My favorite part of this image is imagining how butthurt the creator was when he made it.
Your favorite part when people tell the truth is how mad they are at people lying? Interesting.


Star Munchkin RPG had the best alignments:
Brain-Sucking (mindless), Demented (chaotic random), Eeevil! (campy evil), Gun Bunny (murderhobo), Lantern Jawed (Zapp Brannigan), Mysterious Loner (player barely contributes), Smugly Omniscient (asshole metagamer), Stodgy (lawful stupid), Sycophantic, and Wiseacre (sarcastic asshole).


I eat the entire loaf in one sitting.

Veeky Forums in 2 posts

Within 1 step of Hardline Traditionalist reporting.

Chip Butty and Sub are both sandwiches, Hot Dog is not.

>Tan Clothes

A Poptart is, and forever will be a sandwich

It's two surfaces of bread-product encircling a jamlike filling. That the outer pieces of bread are fused is of little consequence in the sandwich-ness of the end result.

I'm an either/or purist. The left column and top row are both acceptable.

Why bother, they shoot themselves in the foot so much they arent a threat anymore

Millennials are the new enemy

That's like saying a crunchwrap supreme or a hotpocket is a sandwich

It's just a little trick for keeping your bread fresh, just like how you can use zip ties to keep your wires from tangling up or those DIYers who use duct tape and cardboard for literally everything

... no comment.

Are they not?

So an Oreo is a sandwich to you then?

I hate this image so much.

>Hot dogs are a meat product, vegetables and condiments on a bun. There is nothing "ingredient neutral about this"
>"Sub" is short for "submarine sandwich" which is a sandwich.
>An ice cream sandwich is also a sandwich because it's in the fucking name.
>Tacos are not sandwiches, they are tacos.
>Wraps are not sandwiches, they are wraps.

A sandwich is made when food is sandwiched together. That's the act of pressing the food together. Tacos are filled, wraps are wrapped, poptarts are injected. To be a sandwich you have to sandwich the food together. Ice cream sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers, smores, etc. If the food isn't pressed, it's not a sandwich.

>Hurr durr you fink Oreo sandwich cookies are sandwiches yer fooking wetarded.

God dammit people, half of these things are in the full name of the product.

Not him, but they are called "chocolate sandwich cookies" on the label

>bread box lawful good
Congratulations. You got conned into buying some bulky piece of kitchenware that actually doesn't keep the bread fresh because of how much extra air is trapped inside it. "Lawful stupid" maybe, but not Good.


An oreo is a fucking sandwich cookie you mong. It's a small version of an Ice Cream Sandwich, a classic child's treat.

Yeah, fuck you too buddy. I get it, but that doesn't mean it can't still get me.

Your beliefs will lead us all to ruin.

you should have been a philosophy major

Listen to this man, Veeky Forums, he's wise and will save you money, space and bread freshness.

Why does Kevin Siembieda look like a day laborer?

I think what they are saying is that it is a misappropriation of resources. I guess that is up for debate.

From an energy perspective, it requires quite a bit of it to recycle things. If you are burning a half ton of coal for every ton of styrofoam, its kind of hard to justify that expense.

No, what we are saying is that if recycling worked, it would turn a profit and wouldn't require subsidies.

Oh user, water floridation is not a scam by evil communists, its a scam by evil capitalists! Everybody knows they dump the toxic waste from producing potassium nitrate fertilizer into the water system to avoid disposal fees, thats like day one conspiracy theory stuff they teach you at conspiracy school.

The tuck and fold irritates the fuck out of me. my mom does that. I use the bag clip like a normal person, and I get upset when people lose it.

I'm a stucture neutral and ingrediant purist on this subject and think anybody who disagrees with me is clinically insane, except for absolute purists, who are simply eccentric.

So I'm alternately Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral and Lawful Evil?

how about a shit sandwich?

are those gubment farms wots buying your stinkdirt? no dey is not.

>What if I tie a knot but I feed the end of the bag back through the knothole so you can just tug on the end of the bag to undo the knot easily
Then you're evil done right, not as some mustache-twirling idiot who cackles about spreading darkness across the land, but as a man who will do what needs to be done to get done the stuff that needs to be done.

user, user, it doesn't matter whether its corrupt government water officials looking for kickbacks or corporate entities looking to avoid paying disposal fees, your both EQUALLY corrupt!

No why don't you two self flaggelate, have a whiskey sour and have a nightcap while your trophy wives take pictures.

You are literally worse than Hitler.

The question isn't what you are but what you can become.

Nah nah, you're getting caught up in the appearance of a sandwich, not thinking of the function. A common Purist mistake.
A Sandwich is what happens when you stack two edible things together to hold a third edible thing that you couldn't eat with your hands without making a mess.

The hard frosting bit is the top piece of bread. The flaky bottom is the bottom. The stuff jam in the middle is jam. Thus, in function a Pop Tart is a sandwich.