What would be Veeky Forums's ideal monetary/currency system?

As much as I like to follow economic policies, the pros and cons of different monetary policies escape me, so I'm pretty open to this. What would be your ideal monetary/currency system? Keep the current central banking system? Change it on the margins? Reestablish the gold standard? Have the government recognize bitcoin/crypto as the sole legal currency? What should it be?

Privately owned Cryptocurrencies for your average daily life in a modern computerized society. Gold and Silver for you long term wealth storage. Banks sell them selves at depositories for both digital and physical wealth, rather than gatekeepers.

BTC but with LN, or other off-chain solution.
Must be 110% decentralized whatever it is, and non-inflationary (or not a lot)

money backed by lolis.

Oil and bullets
Two men enter one man leaves

Btc with LN, needs to be %100 decentralized.


>99 % of the money supply in the hands of the Winklevoss and crime syndicates
>wohoo we are decentralized now
How fucking stupid, from a scale of 0-50 in IQ are Buttcoiners?

Bitbean once they implement project wraith, of course.

gold standard is obviously the best system. but re implementing it now would have all sorts of difficult consequences.

people say you cant send gold online, but of course you can, its called the gold STANDARD which means you spend ordinary dollars but its backed by gold. you can go to the bank and request your gold, but of course this requires a government and central bank with the integrity not to debase their currency by creating dollars out of thin air without the gold reserves to back it up

>Federal Reserve Note
>99 % of the money supply in the hands of the banks, aka crime syndicates
>wohoo we are decentralized now
How fucking stupid, from a scale of 0-50 in IQ are Keynesians?

That's why bitcoin should be the reserve currency once it is fully adopted and stable. Every bitcoin can be tracked, so the government is basically audited by the ledger. Every countries balance will be public (unlike the gold the US government supposedly holds). This will prevent the government from deficit spending, because every lender will be able to see the us's total reserves.

>Here take this digital/paper note. Ill totally honor it when shit hits the fan and you want my, err, your gold back.

>paper is used very effectively for convenience
>but some morons keep their entire savings in paper designed only for convenience
well let retards be retards

Then you agree that the system you just mentioned dumb and pron to corruption. Why shill it then?

dual currency system - 1st currency is for spending, 2nd currency is for holding.
1st currency circulation defines the exchange rate between the 1st and second currency - the volume of value transferring through the 1st network is the key determinant for the rate. 1st currency has a limited supply that must change hands within a certain number of cycles before automatically changed to the second currency. The value of the first currency should be calculated as a function of global value of production, supply of money, and cost to maintain the network. The second currency should be inflationary, exchangeable and burnable. It will act as a liquid long term monetary store of value, but have no value outside of being exchangeable for the first currency - there will be little incentive to use this second currency. The relationship should be that the exchange rate deincentivises over spending as well as keeps spending regular. The inflationary aspect of the second currency should incetivize individuals to make their value move and to not hoard value.

Build a system which will simultaneously withdraw from boomers greed accounts and deposit to millenials.

Oh wait....

>Give a generation of brainwashed retard thats vote communism free money

Only if it comes with free helicopter rides when they make a withdraw.

You took my b8 and is a good fishie.
Hahahaha that salt

because its the best system there is


Its a feel good system. Makes people feel good about their monetary system but nothing else.

And its not even a gold standard. Its a faith standard, faith that the people that have been stealing your wealth for generations are going to protect your wealth in the form of gold, from here on out.

i suppose a blockchain would be good as security enforcer.

Energy as money or antimatter stored in a stable way is the ultimate ideal.