What lurks in the shadows and preys on the fearful in your world? Why do such beings hunt down the innocent?

What lurks in the shadows and preys on the fearful in your world? Why do such beings hunt down the innocent?

the god of fuck haunts my world. It screams "I am the god of fuck! I'm gonna fuck your butt!" at it's target before it rapes them to death.

While not actually a god, the species received its name for it's unusually perfect form of forced coitus.

That would be the voidsent.

All teleportation magic, all portals, all instantaneous transportation spells and technology that don't cross the intervening space rely on the Void, the place between places, the space between the layers of reality.

There are gigantic rifts, huge empty valleys scattered across the land, with remnants of roads leading into them and dotted with monoliths and the remains of an ancient civilization surrounding them. The truth is that each of the major cities of this civilization had large-scale permanent teleportation circles that allowed them to spread far and wide. Unfortunately, overuse of these circles over the centuries caused them all to go haywire at the same time, plunging all these major cities into the Void.

That's why sometimes, when you deliberately travel into the Void, you can find islands of stable matter with ancient ruins on them. Sometimes these islands are empty, but other times they're inhabited by horrible monstrosities with impossible anatomies, that have been driven mad by extended exposure to the Void's strange aether and hunger for flesh and hate the living.

The local predators lack an ingrained fear of humans sense the combination of no natural light sources and a low tech level prevents the humans from killing enough animals to make them fear humans and therefore not prey on them

I don't know about you but bears are fucking terrifying.

I'd probably kinda steal that monster from Harry Potter that takes the shape of whatever the target fears the most.

As for why, maybe it feeds on fear? Or it was just some magical adaptation, since most things afflicted by terror either run or freeze.

Easy target. If you target someone important, other important people will get interested and put effort into stopping you. What would some peons do?

There is also another one: The suckorslopper. He comes at night when nobody else is awake. As the victim sits in the dark or by the fire doing whatever it is they do they hear a voice softly say "I want something sweet to eat but first I'm gonna beat my meat".

At first the victim takes this nonsense as hearing things, the stupid ones do at least. But the words turn into a chant, and the chant continues to grow louder.

"I want something sweet to eat but first I'm gonna beat my meat!"

The last thing the victim sees is an implike demon leaping toward it from the shadows, erection in full display and covered in spikes- heading directly for the eye.

- Because they can
- Because you'd be amazed at how docile Civilians like us are at this point

I'm running a SCP game so...


I will make sure that these fine posts echo through the boards of Veeky Forums



If you listen closely, you can hear their mournful calls of Cyкa Блять on lonely nights. A safe way to ensure they pass by your property without squatting is to leave an offering of vodka.

What's left of the vampire clans are hiding out in a bunch of shitty brownstones in Not-New England because they're all barely holding on to sanity and will go full feral if they don't stay blooded. There's a thing in the park that causes all the trees to turn brown. No one has ever seen it, but at the harvest moon is steals away any youths outside at night near the park. They find the bodies at spring when the snow melts, without any signs of what killed them. Because I ripped off a Blue Oyster Cult song for a quest. Occasionally people just get dragged away into the lower levels of the 11 (technically 13) tiered megacity, never to be seen again.

That town is kind of a dump.

People. People are fucking terrifying.

Honestly, there's nothing in the darkness that ain't there when the lights are on. As far as monsters are concerned, well...

Ossifix: A large insectoid with a vestigial probuscus that primarily eats plant material, an Ossifix must lay its eggs in a living target to ensure the Ossifix's incumbent offspring have the caloric intake needed to survive the transformation from grub to adult. To do this, the Ossifix can perform an imperfect petrification that slowly freezes the target over the course of a few hours, but leaves the victim's innards untouched.

Ralloquin Spiders: Immense carnivorous beasts, Ralloquin spiders are somewhat easy to kill due to how exoskeletons aren't exactly well suited for larger beings. However, Ralloquin Spiders have a natural affinity for doors of any type, and are capable, with a certain degree of error, of causing mental manipulations to outright sorcery.

Xyillope: Twisted abominations bearing antlers and covered in ritualistic tattoos, Xyillope are the end objective of most brujah; besides the magics of men and nature, Xyillope can invoke the bones of the dead to recall the deceased's ancient feats back into existence, or, in the worst cases, make the thoughts of what the deceased once dreamt a twisted reality; a Xyillope carrying the finger bones of a man who had retroactive amnesia can unmake most from existance.

The Devil Strahd. Because its not my world, its hjs.

>Deep in the night, the distant pump of hard bass causes the villagers to barricade themselves in their homes.
>Each leave out a small saucer of vodka, and a bag of semechki to appease the local demon lord, Gopnicka.
>Soon the pumping of hard bass swells in the streets, accompanied by the demonic screeches of RUSH B Cyкa Блять

Nothing lurks "in" the shadows. It's the shadows themselves.

Two swords. One of steel, one edged with silver. Some people make the mistake of thinking one is for men and one is for monsters.

They're both for monsters.

>Each full moon there can be heard in the woods the cry of a beast
>Many ignore the cry, for it brings no good
>Still, does who listen can hear it
>[[Aaaaah nuu cheeki breeki iv damke]]

Now I want to make a bandit gang that's just a bunch of gopniks.

think about it.
A beat eats you, more hunters will come.
A bear fucks you in the ass, no one else is going to believe you, and you're gunna think twice about coming back.

Robert Frost ladies and gentlemen.

The God of Marginals and the Crazy One. Because paranoia is a good way to convert someone into an insane outcast. No mortal knows that they exist, so just being aware of them already means you're different.

A completely unrelated menace are the three sisters, all called Baba Yaga. They made pacts with demons: the Huts themselves.

What happens if I only have mayonnaise?


Arent they already gopniks?

Then you must give them black bread as well