Gencon Edition.

I bring Gifts.

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And that's it. Maybe more tomorrow. It's just all the good photos being posted from gencon.

Looks like the KS is going well.

Still a lot of shit to do yet but it seems they are working on multiple fronts at once, including the new expansions which are due to be the last wave.

Loli survivor!!!

These narrative sculpts from the gambler's box are awesome.

She's cool but are you kidding me? I'm going to use Old Survivor exclusively from now on.

They came out pretty much exactly as advertised.

This just came in.

wow, that is gorgeous...!

so glad i got refunded for this shit game

Everyone look at this absolute retard.

Holy shit I do hope that the dung beetle pinup is actually that large compared to survivors

>Implying Poot's Favorite would want a refund when he's going to be a guest developer.
>This early in the thread on the doppleganging.

Probably not. Most of those are enlarged development versions, not the final size.

>dat loli tummy

Is this the "official" KD aesthetic? Will we see a painted version for future releases apart from the usual plastic white pic?

Young Survivor Pinup when?

Well, she's presented at a size much like the DBK model, and is the only one there in that group presented on a monster-sized base.

>Young Survivor (Male) Pinup when?
asking the real questions

What about Anonymous Survivor (Male) Pinup?

Wet Nurse (Male) Pinup. Monster variant.

>has second belt
>nothing else on
>"what ailed you shall cure you"

>Not wanting a bigbooty prettyboy elf grinding on his spear for you.

Post pinups


Lookit this MOFO.

I regret not getting the new expansions and hope that either Poots opens up the pledge manager for additional stuff (which won't happen) or for something during black friday.

Spoted a retard that missed the KS.

holy SHIT that is gorgeous.

What I'm really looking forward to is when people get their upgrade kits/1.5 cores so we can get more Gold Smoke Knights painted by way better painters than me. He's one of my favorite minis from anything ever and I wanna see more takes (pic related not mine, just my fav paint job so far)


>Poots opens up the pledge manager for additional stuff (which won't happen)
Keep bugging him about it.

Someone at Gencon should ask him to be honest.

Holy shit it's huge.

If you didn't get abyssal woods you goofed it.

>implying I'm not gonna get ALL THE STUFF in KS for v2.0 expected 2030 A.D.


These look great. I'll still put together the multi-part miniatures, but these are the posed ones are all I'll use for characters. Love the cannibal.

This turned out better as a miniature than i expected. I have the buyer's remorse now over going with Gorm over this.

What is this? Was this revealed at gencon? Is she a tumor crafter?

The Last Bard, part of the latest store release.

This release in general was rather lackluster.

any of the old stuff there? baby sunstalker, king made of babies, etc?

Not feeling great about most of the new armor. It's too busy and most doesn't look made from the dead creature. What is this? Kill the lion god and become dick gargle woman and fat american tourist

More/all the pics. Lots of high res.

Shit! Was the forsaker back for sale?

He was a bit ago wasn't he?

Not that I've seen.

anybody find out how this all works?

Looks like a tiered experience system. Maybe more in depth version of how you develop your civilization.

Philosophies have rank, and Survivors each individually progress through them. When they get to a rank, they roll on the D10 chart and gain the prize. (Lets assume the stats are hard states and not simply tokens) Some Prizes on results are locked behind requirements, typically different settlement researches.

When someone causes it to advance,

Sorry, I had a stroke. Ignore that last sentence.

Yo, KDMG, what monster minis would work best as 40K Chaos units?

in b4 'all of them'

Butcher, Phoenix, and Watcher from the core game work, and the latter two had duplicates included in the 1.0 KS extras for free with expectation to be used for nonKD games.

From 1.5, Pariah and Gryphon are solid maybe's. Some mobs from Silver City could be spawns or tzeenchians. Mountain Man and Trapdoor Men could be used as a lord/price and spawn respectively.

I was thinking of Gorm being some kind of Nurgle/Slaanesh unit, too, and Frogdogs definitely being Nurglites. Screaming God would work for Tzeentch.

I kinda hope they have more basic monsters planned.

Those could work in the "gotta shoehorn these into 40k Chaos" sense but generally wouldn't advise it sense they generally don't match the aesthetics all that much; you'd have to be working with a very specific army theme to make them work decently.

gorm is nurgle. Acid and vomit + big smash attacks and eating stuff.
phoenix is tzeentch. all time manipulation and shit.
butcher is khorne. Hack City is literally a move of his.
Spider is slaanesh. Has a almost normal looking anus+vagina and has a lure with a naked girl on it. Very lust focused I'd say.
watcher works as a lord. cultivates a population to serve as munchies.
flower knight is probably nurgle with the whole garden deal.
lion knight is probably tzeentch with the sole focus being a masquerade.
dung beetle couple probably be nurgle too. He's a poop monster after all.
Sunstalker probably slaanesh cause the whole breeds with humans.

Look at that smough ass motherfucker.

Eh, Slaanesh's realm spits out things that would fit alongside Gorm... and Screaming God could work with the new Tzeentch-allied Beastmen, since lanky-ass creepy goatmen.

Sunstalker also favors beautiful maidens... and it's got tits and dick tendrils.

You could also make the case for making the Illuminated Lady with Slaanesh markings or daemonette coloring, but in the end, she's just a naked woman.

Are there any upcoming 'base' monsters in the vein of White Lion/Frogdog? I wanna see more of KDM's take on basic monsters, even if they'd just be DND ripoffs with added tits.

>the gelatinous cube has boobs

The cube is turned into one big gelly boob.

I disagree. Last bard is a nice 54mm monster. The saviours are classics and beautiful models and I'm glad they encore'd them.

The knight variant is the only one that feels lazy as fuck.

Lion Knight is all about excess in the pursuit of art, he's about as Slaanesh as it gets.
Gambler is pretty much literally Tzeentch.

Nothing new on the second day I guess?

Again, this is (mostly) tryhard shoehorning for the sake of it based on slim connections, rather than models actually being suitable for integrating into a tabletop army. And by the gods, a number of these are fairly incorrect.

Node 1 Monsters include White Lion in Core, Gorm from 1.0 expansion, and Frogdog and Honeycomb Weaver from 1.5 expansions.

Saviors may be classics, but their age shows even on this third/fourth production run. (no pun intended) They should have been offered as a bundle at discount, since most people don't want 80 and Super.

Last Bard's giant bladed waist shield looks stupid as fuck, and is part of the reason for the still-unwarranted price bloat. The model is quite smaller than the Necromancer Boss and certainly less quality detail sculpting than the Goblin Guard. The living instrument's design is quite uninteresting, neither looking much like anything nor being all that horrific or demonic. (It looks like it'd be a squig from older ork rulebooks.)

Paladin V is not one that people wanted, most are holding out for the release of the normal version.

Only two new models, and with three of the reprints being ones that have had several runs to the point of "why not plastic already" is lackluster. The only thing done right was the larger stock, but that doesn't help when its testrun is shit people don't want as much.

So is lackluster because (You) don't like the models.


Just picked mine up from the Post Office today (yay, customs charges). I completed my Savior set with this release, got the Encore of the Savior 20 and Super, already owned 1st editions of the 40 and 80.
To be honest, I quite liked the Last Bard, she was pricey, but she's quite detailed and I look forward to assembling her.

Has anyone played the game? If so how is it?

It's good.
Try it on TTS if you don't feel like spending money.

punishing, but very fun. my one complaint is only one of the current "people of" narratives has a real ending. The other 2 end abruptly with no real payoff.

The combat is great, as is building a civilization with friends. Just be prepared for the time investment.

God damn it KD has so many fucking nice miniatures.

I wish I wasn't a poorfag.

Flower Knight is 1000% Slaanesh. It has a card where you can wound its Ego, some other stuff, along with Ghostly Beauty and Narcissistic disorders that it comes with, it does have a sort of weird garden theme though, but its more a vain duellist

They are too big for 40k anyway.

How is that in any way relevant?

Because you are most certainly a 40kid that wants to use them for your edgy slaanesh/nurgle army.

No, I'm someone completely different who already owns the game because it looked cool and I like painting miniatures.
Maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Oh, cool then.

>backer number 20185

Satan bakcer 7800 here, git gud.

1854 here, only backer numbers under 2k can post in this thread

lol @ this no-Satan backer trying to act all important

It's the kind of shit one has to put up with when one is a starving student.

Not that guy, and actually Malifag - they wouldn't fit, I just like the models.

Love that file name, user.

Someone help me with my letter writing campaign to Poots to create Lonely Fruit Christmas Tree Ornaments.

Are they selling 1.5 at Gencon right now?


They were selling 1.0 with a promise for free 1.5 upgrade.

Showing off sprues, yes, selling, nope.
Backers would have come first, and you know that.

You can preorder.

Any gencon exclusive models this year?

Yes, police pinups, male and female.

>Backers would have come first, and you know that.

Wait, what? Oh crap.

For Adam that is, not KS in general.


>converting things are tryhard
>stop liking what i don't like

Prodos ran an AvP kickstarter. There were bad delays. Prodos ran into some financial woes. There may or may not have been a copyright clusterfuck. There may or may not have been some outright lies. Prodos started selling some of the stuff that was meant to go to backers to get liquidity. Backers turned out to be very understanding, no Prodos employees had their skulls harvested for trophies. Some backers eventually got their shit in the end.

The loooong story:

is this gonna be a trend? pipe down, oblivion mosquito is drawn to butthurt

I'd definitely be down for joining a TTS game if any of y'all are interested.

>the backstory says it used to be part of some eldritch vain Goddess's tit

>the tit also grew a penis