Is there any clear advantages to having voice chat as opposed to text only?

Is there any clear advantages to having voice chat as opposed to text only?

Both of your hands are free to do... whatever.

Voice can help convey meaning beyond the words spoken. For example look at how often people are unsure if they are encountering sarcasm or not in text only media.

Tone, although it's not as clear if your players aren't good actors. One objective advantage is speed. No matter what kind of crazy typist you have in your group, speaking is always gonna be faster to run sessions.


It's much faster and you can accomplish leagues more than with text only. Text only sessions tend to advance the story slowly because everyone has to type out their snowflake's edgy reaction to whatever's going on. What would take maybe thirty minutes to an hour in voice land is easily three hours in textopia.

Everything is at the speed of thought and voice instead of text. That means things can be more fast paced. And, it also means the DM can be more descriptive in the way they talk.
I like to do voices for my characters, narrating them. Mood and intention are easily conveyed through that.

My groups do text for IC and voice for OOC. It helps with combat and clarifying intent.

Socializing with other human beings.

You get the opportunity to listen to other guys masturbate as they play out their power-fantasies.

real laughter

Voice chat is much faster. I can have three or four encounters in a session in the game I'm running with voice chat, while the text-only game I'm playing in only has one. It also feels more like you're around an actual table. And people focus more on the game, because they're not looking at other sites while they wait for other players to type shit out.

Not having to wait 5 minutes for some fuck who can't spell to do the ol' hunt-and-peck.

This user knows what's up.

This. It's hard for me not to tab out and browse when all I have to focus on otherwise is "WellHung4U69 is typing..."

Sounds better to orgasm in-person instead of typing out "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuggggghhhh" like some kind of pervert

There's the possibility of interrupting narrative action or dialogue with meaningful consequences.

The advantages are speed, tone, more human reactions (laughter, groans, boos, cheers, etc.) and with video chat you get body language too.

Disadvantages are that people talk over each other, awkward silences, static and audio glitches if people have bad mics or connections and sometimes cacophonies of sound.

well with text you get everyone typing at once to deal with something, and a bunch of posts that can't happen at the same time

Am I the only one here who can type just as fast as they talk, if not faster?

Also the #1 disadvantage for fa/tg/uys: they can't pretend to be girls.

I'm sure you're not, but I'd say most people above a certain age probably can't because they didn't grow up glued to smartphones and computer screens.

>my technological incompetence is a virtue


Also, it helps with tedium frankly. GMs bitch sometimes about chat ruining "muh mood" and "muh tone", but the reality is that it gets really dull waiting 15 minutes in silence for the GM to finish writing out his description, or for him to handle some specific event that only involves one player.

Doesn't really matter that you type as fast as you speak because there's still the wasted time spent reading whatever you wrote, unlike with speaking where people take in the information as you say it.

My group speaks one language for IC and another for OOC.

I'd say people below a certain age can't, because smartphones.

Again, I read faster than people talk. I expect others do the same. I think you're just slow.

>people actually use text for campaigns
I know social interaction is difficult for Veeky Forums but come on even that's pushing it

You've never met one of those slow typers, have you?

I've got a good amount of patience, but there's been games where I seriously started watching youtube videos in the background to bridge the wait inbetween a single guys messages because he took so fucking long to type anything.

>Bragging about being faster at reading and typing like it's some sort of competition
Dude, what are you twelve years old or something?

>Posts /co/ shit
>Accusing other people of being 12 years old

I'm dyslexic... so voice chat means that I can participate in a timely fashion instead of having to puzzle over whether what I wrote is readable for several minutes.

like I did just now.

Aren't there voice-to-text programs available?

Without even getting into how fucking ungodly slow they can be, there's always at least that one guy who gets way too far up their own ass in text games and responds to everything with a half page long inner monologue. Like they're trying to write a shitty book rather than play a character or a game.

Yes but none of them are error free. The problem I have is transposing letters. Even when I spell a word right I tend to end up throwing it into google to get the definition so I can be certain. So if the voice to text doesn't pick up what I say but gets close enough. I will end up having to check it like I would if I had typed it myself.

>examples of this problem in this post
>I spelled both right, but on the screen they look confusing.

When reading I use context clues to figure out what's going on, but when I am writing everything is a mess.

I've played some slower play-by-post games where I could take the time to fight through it, but in a game that is closer to real time I would be slowing down the game.

for even greater context I spent almost 15 minutes writing this small block of text.

An order of magnitude faster, especially for detail/roleplaying heavy games.

Also, no *giggles* *tilts head* *smiles* or any iteration there of is a plus.


This is especially awful in MUSHes.

Like, bitch, did you ever hear of snappy dialogue? It doesn't have to take 15 minutes to post, this shit isn't Ivanhoe.

Voice. It's infinitely faster and more rich than text.

I used to have time for text sessions before I got a job. Now I see my free time differently, and I want to enjoy more content while having a more emotionally-rich roleplaying experience.

Unless you can actually type >150 wpm consistently, I doubt it.